
Welcome To Hell Essay Research Paper Welcome (стр. 2 из 2)

buying junk. You don’t need to waste time at a job you hate earning money if you don’t

spend it on anything. Instead, you can waste your time at a job you hate earning

money undoing the whole mess. Not a very attractive option, but, hey, that’s why I

call it slavery.

Those who would not know what to do with more leisure than they now enjoy, I might

advise to work twice as hard as they do–work till they pay for themselves, and get

their free papers.

Henry David Thoreau

What options are available when the world’s values are either strictly American, or

nothing more than a bad replica of American? Is there any better society? I don’t know;

I’m too busy working to study up on it. What are the social economic options? I don’t

know; I’m too busy working to study up on it. Marxism, capitalism, socialism,

communism, feudalism. I know all about what I’ve been told is the wrong way to live,

but you’ve seen how I feel about what I’ve been told. I wish I could spend time learning

these things for myself, getting all the perspectives, and making my own decision

instead of letting society do my thinking for me. But I can’t. I’m too busy working to

study up on it. Gee, too busy doing their crap to think for myself. Coincidence? I think


Lucky for us, they have a convenient little system set up so that we don’t have to

think for ourselves. They give us a fake dualism between liberal and conservative,

Democrat and Republican, so as to not overwhelm us with options. Two choices, which

are so similar as to be only one option, but different enough to make us think we

actually have a choice. Each camp has their platform and their suggested votes

because they know we’re too busy oiling their Machine to actually study it in-depth.

And in case anyone is actually dedicated enough to study it that well, they expend the

rest of their effort snowing us with corporate-owned media that entertains more than it


With money comes time, and with time comes freedom. I know this is a catch-22. In

order to get money, you need to have money. In order to get freedom, you have to

work and sacrifice. All of this used to scare me because I’m still stuck doing the same

thing. I’m deferring my happiness until the day when I will no longer have to defer my

happiness, which is absurd if you think about it, but I realized that given my confined

situation I might as well give myself hope that someday I will actually be free from it.

Hey, I’m not the one who made the society; I’m the one fighting it.

Call me paranoid. Call me pessimistic. Call me a rebel. But you’re enslaved nevertheless.

I may be paranoid, but you’re miserable. I no longer see the value in keeping people

from prejudgeing me. People who are quick to prejudge won’t hear my message

anyway, and those that are open-minded enough to hear it will hear it loudest.