
Tourette Syndrome Essay Research Paper Tourette KidsSometimes (стр. 2 из 2)

Researching this paper has had a profound impact on me. I really feel for the sufferers of this senseless disease. Sometimes we take things for granted, like the simple act of walking undisturbed, and unnoticed down the street. People with TS are constantly gawked at. They are very misunderstood. People who do not know about the disease can be down right cruel. The next time I see someone walking and ticcing, I will not stare. Instead, I will know what is wrong with that person and I know that they cannot control their disease and did not ask for it.

In conclusion, I end with the words of Jason Valencia, a Tourette sufferer.


Who are you to judge

Because I?m not the same as you

Some actions and some words I say,

I do not voluntarily do.

Who are you to make me cry?

Because you think odd of what you see?

Have you never given a second thought

To take a deeper look at me?

If you look beyond my physical traits

And see the person inside,

You?ll see how tough my struggle is

Fighting something I am not able to hide.

Maybe I spit. Maybe I swear,

Or constantly tap my hand.

How do I explain these things to you,

When I myself don?t understand?

Yes, it hurts me deep inside

When I hear the taunting words you say.

And you, my friend, may need me near

When you get judged one day.

Understand that I?m not crazy

I?m not trying to make you mad.

Understand I have unique problems

That I?ll probably always have.

I don?t expect you to treat me

Differently, nor cut me lots of slack,

The only thing I ask of you is

Please? Don?t turn your back.

1993, age 17


American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV Washington D.C., 1994

American Journal of Psychology, ?Premonitory Urges in TS?, 150:1, Jan. 93

Dreher, Nancy. ?What is Tourette?? Current Health, Oct. 1996, V.23, p.21

Shimberg, Elaine Fantle. Living with Tourette, NY, NY. 1995, Fireside.

The New Yorker, ? Moma when its jerking? , April 1995,V.71 p.34-36


American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV Washington D.C., 1994

American Journal of Psychology, ?Premonitory Urges in TS?, 150:1, Jan. 93

Dreher, Nancy. ?What is Tourette?? Current Health, Oct. 1996, V.23, p.21

Shimberg, Elaine Fantle. Living with Tourette, NY, NY. 1995, Fireside.

The New Yorker, ? Moma when its jerking? , April 1995,V.71 p.34-36