
Software Developing Techniques Essay Research Paper Computer (стр. 2 из 2)

Some work has been carried out to establish design quality metrics to establish whether or not a design is a good design. These have mostly been developed in conjunction with structured design methods.

Quality characteristics are equally applicable to object-oriented and function-oriented design. Because of the inherent nature of object-oriented designs, it is usually easier to achieve maintainable designs because information is concealed within objects. However, inheritance in object-oriented systems can compromise design quality.


The cohesion of a component is a measure of how well it fits together. A component should implement a single logical function or should implement a single logical entity. All of the parts of the component should contribute to this implementation. If the component includes parts which are not directly related to its logical function (for example, if it is a grouping of unrelated operations which are executed at the same time) it has a low degree of cohesion.

There are seven levels of cohesion, which, in order of increasing strength of cohesion are given below:

- Coincidental cohesion: The parts of a component are not


related but simply bundled into a single component.

- Logical association: Components which perform similar

functions such as input, error handling, etc. are put

together in a single component.

- Temporal cohesion: All of the components which are

activated at a single time, such as start up or shut

down, are brought together.

- Procedural cohesion: The elements in a component make

up a single control sequence.

- Communicational cohesion: All of the elements of a

component operate on the same input data or produce

the same output data.

- Sequential cohesion: The output from one element in the

component serves as input for some other element.

- Functional cohesion: Each part of the component is

necessary for the execution of a singfle function.

These cohesion classes are not strictly defined and

Constantine and Yourdon illustrate each by example. It is not

always easy to decide under what cohesion category a unit

should be classed.

It is not always easy to decide under what cohesion category a unit should be classed. It is obvious that the most cohesive from of unit is the function. However, a high degree of cohesion is also a

feature of object-oriented systems. Indeed, one of the

principal advantages of this approach to design is that the

objects making up the system are naturally cohesive.


A cohesive object is one where a single entity is

represented and all of the operations on that entity are

included with the object. For example, an object

representing a complier symbol table is cohesive if all of

the functions such as ‘Add a symbol’, ‘Search table’, and so

on, are included with the symbol table object.

Thus, a further class of cohesion might be defined as


- Object cohesion: Each operation provides functionality

which allows the attributes of the object to be

modified, inspected or used as a basis for service


Cohesion is a desirable characteristic because it means that

a unit represents a single part of the problem solution. Of

It becomes necessary to change the system, that part exists

in a single place and everything to do with it is

encapsulated in a single unit. There is no need to modify

many components if a change has to be made.

If functionality is provided in an object-oriented system

using inheritance from super-classes, the cohesion of the

object which inherits attributes and operations is reduced.

It is no longer possible to consider that object as a

separate unit. All super-classes also have to be inspected if

the object’s functionality is to be understood completely.

System browsers which display object classes and their super-

classes asist with this process but understanding a component

which inherits attributes from a number of super-classes can

be particularly complex.



Coupling is related to cohesion. It is an indication of the

strength of interconnections between program units. Highly

coupled systems have strong interconnections, with program

units dependent on each other. Loosely coupled systems are

made up of units which are independent or almost independent.

As a general rule, modules are tightly coupled if they

make use of shared variables or if they interchange control

information. This is known as common coupling and control

coupling. Loose coupling is achieved by ensuring that, wherever

possible, representation information is held within a component and that

its data interface with other units is via its parameter list.

Other coupling problem arise when names are bound to

values at an early stage in the developent of the design. For

example, if a program is concerned with tax computations and

a tax rate of 30% is encoded as a number in the program, that

program is coupled with the tax rate. Changes to the tax rate

require changes to the program. If the program reads in the

tax rate at run-time, it is easy to accommodate rate changes.

Perhaps the principal advantage of object-oriented design

is that the nature of objects leads to the creation of

loosely coupled system. It is fundamental to object-oriented

design that the representation of an object is concealed

within that object and is not visible to external components.

The system does not have a shared state and any object can be


replaced by another object with the same interface.

Inheritance in object-oriented systems, however, leads to

a different from of coupling. Objects which inherit

attributes and operations are coupled to their super-classes.

Changes to the super-class must be made carefully as these

changes propagate to all of the classes which inherit their



Changing a design component implies that the person

responsible for making the change understands the operation

of the component. This understandability is related to a

number of component characteristics:

(1) Cohesion Can the component be understood without

reference to other components?

(2) Naming Are the names used in the component meaningful?

Meaningful names are names which reflect the names of the

realworld entities being modelled by the component.

(3) Documentation Is the component documented so that the

mapping between the real-world entities and the compnent

is clear? Is the rationale for that mapping documented?

(4) Complexity How complex are the algorithms used to

implement the component?

High complexity implies many relationship between different parts

of the design component and a complex logical structure which

may involve deeply nested if-then-else statements. Complex

components are hard to understand so the designer should

strive for as simple as possible a component design.

Complexity affects understandability but


there are a number of other factors which influence the

understandability, such as the data organization and the

style in which the design is described. Complexity measures

can only provide an indicator to the understandability of a


Inheritance in an obect-oriented design affects its

understandability. If inheritance is used to conceal design

details, the design is easier to understand. If one the other

hand, the use of inheritance requires the design reader to

look at many different object classes in the inheritance

hierachy, the understandability of the design is reduced.


If a design is to be maintained, it must be readily

adaptable. Of course, this implies that its components should

be cloosely coupled. As well as this, however, adaptability

means that the design should be well-documented, the

component documentation should be readily understandable and

consistent with the implementation, and that the

implementation should be written in a readable way.

An adaptable design should have a high level of

visibility. There should be a clear relationship between the

different level in the design. It should be possible for a

reader of the design to find related representations such as

the structure chart representing a transformation on a data

flow diagram.

It should be easy to incorporate changes made to the

design in all design documents. If this is not the case,

changes made to a design description may not be included in


all related descriptions. The design documentation may become

inconsistent. Later changes are more difficult to make (the

component is less adaptable) because the modifier cannot rely

on the consistency of design documentation.

For optimum adaptability, a component should be self-

contained. A component may be loosely coupled in that it only

cooperates with other components via message passing. This is

not the same as being self-contained as the component may

rely on other components, such as systems functions or error

handling functions. Adaptations to the component may involve

changing parts of the component which rely on external

functions so the modifier must also consider the specification of these

external functions.

To be completely self-contained, a component should not

use other components which are externally defined. However,

this is contrary to good practice which suggests that existing

components should be reused. Thus, some balance must be

struck between the advantages of reusing components and the

loss of component adaptability that this entails.

One of the principlal advantages of inheritance in

object-oriented systems is that components may be readily

adapated. The adaptation mechanism does not rely on modifying

the component but on creating a new component which inherits

the attributes and operations of the original component. Only

those atttributes and operations which need ;be ;changed are

modified. Components which rely on the base component are

;not affected by the changes made.

This simple adaptability is one readson why object-

oriented languages are so effective for rapid prototyping.

However, for long lifetime systems, the problem with

inheritance is that as more and more change are made, the


inheritance network becomes increasingly complex.

Functionality is often replicated at different points in the

network and components are harder to understand. Experience

of object-oriented programming has shown that the inheritance

network must be periodically reviewed and restructured to

reduce its complexity and functional duplication. Clearly,

this adds to the costs of system change.


? Design is a creative process. Although methods and

guidlines are helpful, judgement and flair on the part of

the software engineer are still required to design a

software system.

? The main design activities in the software process are

architectural design, system specification, interface

design, component design, data structure design and

algorithm desing.

? Functional decomposition involves considering system as a

set of interacting functional units.

? Object-oriented decomposition consider the system as a

set of objects where an object is an entity with state

and functions to inspect and modify that state.

? A decision on whether a system should be implemented as a

single sequential process or as a number of parallel

proceses is a detailed design decision. The design

process should partition the system into logical,

intercating units which may be realized as either

sequential or parallel components.


? The most important design quality attribute is

maintainability. Maximizing cohesion in a component and

minimizing the coupling between components is likely

to lead to a maintainable design.

? The use of inheritance in obect-oriented systems can

improve the quality of a design but may make the design

more difficult to understand.

Object-Oriented Design

Object-Oriented Design strategy maximize information hiding

and usually leads the systems with lower coupling and higher

cohesion than the functional approach. Information hiding is a design

strategy where as much information as possible is hidden within design


The basic premise underlying information hiding is the notion

that the binding of logical control and data structures to

their implementation should be made as late as possible in

the design process. Communication through shared state

information (global variables) is minimized, thus increasing

the understandability of the design. The design is relatively

easy to change as changes to a component should not have

unforeseen side-effects on other components.

Object-oriented design is based on information hiding.

It differs from the functional approach to design in that it

views a software system as a set of interacting objects, with

their won private state, rater than as a set of function.


An object-oriented design is based on entities (object)

which have a hidden state and operations on that state. The

design is expressed in terms of services requested and

provided by interacting objects.

The characteristics of an object-oriented design are:

- Shared data areas are eliminated. Object communicate by

exchanging message rather than sharing variables. This

reduces overall system coupling as there is no

possibility of unexpected modifications to shared


- Object are independent entities that may readily be

changed ;because all state and representation

information is held within the object itself. No

access and hence no deliberate or accidental use of

this information by other objects is possible. Changes

to the representation may be made without reference to

other system object.

- Object may be distributed and may execute either

sequentially or in parallel. Decisions on parallelism

need not be taken to an early stage of the design
