
Add Essay Research Paper Chris Brown English (стр. 2 из 2)

as ADD, inattentive type ADD, or hyperactive/impulsive type

ADD. After your diagnosis you may learn that you are also

suffering from a learning disability, depression, or substance

abuse, which is often associated with ADD.

There is no cure for Attention Deficit Disorder. “Along with

increasing awareness of the problem, a better understanding of its

causes and treatment has developed (3 Wender)”. There is

medication for ADD which will only alleviate the symptoms. The

medication will not permanently restore the chemical balance.

Approximately 70% of adults with ADD find that their symptoms

significantly improve after they take medication prescribed by

their doctors. The patient is able to concentrate on difficult and

time-consuming tasks, stop impulsive behavior , and tame the

restless twitches that have been experienced in the past. Some

ADD patient’s psychological and behavioral problems are not

solved by medication alone, and are required more therapy or

training .

There are two types of drugs that work to balance the

neurotransmitters and have been found to be most effective in

treating ADD. Stimulants are drugs that stimulate or activate brain

activity. Stimulants work by increasing the amount of dopamine

either produced in the brain or used by the frontal lobes of the

brain. There are several different stimulants that may work to

alleviate the symptoms of ADD, including methylphenidate

(Ritalin), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and pemoline (Cylert).

Stimulants are by far the most effective medications in the

treatment of ADD. Some patients respond well to antidepressants.

Antidepressants also stimulate brain activity in the frontal lobes,

but they affect the production and use of other chemicals, usually

norepinephrine and serotonin. The antidepressants considered

most useful for ADD include imipramine (Tofranil), desipramine

(Norpramin), bupropion ( Wellbutrin), and fluoxetine

hydrochloride (Prozac).

All stimulants have the same set of side effects. Some

patients complain of feeling nauseous or headachy at the outset of

treatment, but find that these side effects pass within a few days.

Others find that their appetites are suppressed and or that they

have difficulty sleeping. If the stimulant dosage is too high the

patient may experience feelings of nervousness, agitation, and

anxiety, In rare cases, increased heart rate and high blood pressure

can result with the use of stimulants, especially if the patient has

an underlying predisposition toward hypertension.

Ritalin is the most widely prescribed drug used to treat ADD

in both children and adults. Ritalin appears to work by stimulating

the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The benefits of

Ritalin include improved concentration and reduced distractibility

and disorganization.

Dextroamphetamine is another stimulant medication that

appears to have a slightly different pharmacological action than

Ritalin. Both work to boost the amount of available dopamine.

Dextroamphetamine, however, blocks the reuptake of the

neurotransmitter while Ritalin increases its production (334 Kelly,

Ramundo, Press).

All the drugs used to treat ADD have the same goal: to

provide the brain with the raw materials it needs to concentrate

over a sustained period of time, control impulses, and regulate

motor activity. The drug or combination of drugs that work best

for you depends on the individuals brain chemistry and

constellation of symptoms. The process of finding the right drug

can be tricky for each individual. The physicians are not able to

accurately predict how any one individual will respond to various

doses or types of Attention Deficit Disorder medication.

Medication is rarely enough for the patient. Most Attention

Deficit Disorder patients require therapy to give guidance . Adult

patients have the burden of the past that often hinders their

progress. The patient then needs help with the relief of

disappointment, frustration, and nagging sense of self-doubt that

often weighs upon the ADD patient. Some ADD patients suffer

from low-grade depression or anxiety, others with a dependence on

alcohol or drugs, and most with low self-esteem and feelings of


Therapy also helps the ADD pa