
Labor Unions Essay Research Paper Labor UnionsGROWTH (стр. 2 из 2)

was widespread fear–almost hysteria–among more established Americans that a

revolution might break out in the United States. In response to this fear, the

federal government launched a series of raids which resulted in the arrest and

sometimes the deportation of aliens who were members of socialist, anarchist or

communist organizations. About 500 aliens, including Russian-born anarchist

“Red Emma” Goldman, were deported during this period. A number of them, like

Goldman, rejected Bolshevism as they experienced it in the Soviet Union and

later returned to the United States.

Meanwhile, workers were striking for higher wages all over the United States.

Many Americans believed that these strikes were led by communists and

anarchists. During the Progressive era, the public had sympathized with labor.

Now the public became hostile to it. Employers encouraged anti-union movements,

or created company unions that they sought to control. Courts found legal

openings in the Clayton Act and issued rulings against union activity. The

courts also found ways to use the Sherman Anti-trust Act against unions.

Opposed by public opinion, business and the courts, union membership fell. The

number of AFL members dropped to 2,770,000 by 1929. This decline took place even

though the number of workers in industry rose by almost seven million.

For most Americans, the 1920s were prosperous years. But in October 1929, the

New York stock market “crashed,” and the value of stocks went way down. The

crash, part of a worldwide economic decline, led to the worst economic

depression in the nation’s history. People lost their jobs, their farms and

their businesses. By 1932, 13 million men and women were unemployed. This was

one out of every four in the work force. Many more workers had only part-time

jobs. In the cities, jobless men stood on long lines for a handout of bread and

soup. Many of them lived in shanties near garbage dumps. Men and boys roamed

the country, hoping to find work.

In the past, depressions had usually hurt unions. Unemployment meant a sharp

drop in workers’ dues. Then unions became almost powerless to prevent decreases

in wages or long working hours. But in the Great Depression of the 1930s,

unions actually benefited. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, promised

Americans a “New Deal.” He pledged to help the “forgotten man”–the worker who

had lost his job, or the farmer who had lost his land.

Under Roosevelt, Congress passed laws to revive business and create jobs. To

help labor, Congress passed the Wagner Act. It guaranteed workers the right to

join unions and bargain collectively. The law created a powerful National Labor

Relations Board (NLRB). The Board could order elections in which workers voted

for the union they wanted to represent them. (Workers could vote against joining

any union, if they wished.) The NLRB could also order a stop to unfair

practices used by employers against unions.

Union leaders hailed the Wagner Act. It provided a great opportunity to increase

union membership. But the drive was delayed at first by a dispute within the

American Federation of Labor. The AFL was made up mainly of skilled workers

organized into craft unions. But millions of unskilled workers were in giant

industries like steel, autos, rubber and textiles. Some labor leaders believed

that a single union should represent all the workers, skilled and unskilled.

One big industrial union would be much stronger than a dozen different craft

unions, they said.


Most leaders of the AFL were opposed to the idea of industrial unions. They made

no effort to organize them. Finally Lewis and other union leaders broke away

from the AFL. They formed a new labor organization that became the Congress of

Industrial Organizations (CIO).

One of the first targets of the CIO was the auto industry. Workers at the

General Motors factories in Flint, Michigan, eagerly joined the CIO’s United

Automobile Workers (UAW) union. They demanded that the company recognize the

UAW. But officers of General Motors refused to meet with union representatives.

This was a violation of the Wagner Act. In January 1937, the UAW called a strike

against the company.

The tactics used by the auto workers took the company by surprise. The workers

refused to leave the factories. Instead, they put away their tools and sat down.

They did this to prevent strikebreakers from taking their jobs. At night the

men slept on the seats of new cars. Food was passed to them through windows by

their families.

General Motors tried to force the workers out. The company shut off the heat in

the factories. It was winter, but the workers stayed. Police tried to break

into one of the factories. The strikers drove them back by throwing soda

bottles, coffee mugs and iron bolts. Then the police charged with tear gas bombs.

This time the workers drove them back by turning fire hoses on them.

Finally General Motors went to court and got a ruling against the strikers. The

workers were ordered to leave the GM factories by February 3. The National

Guard (militiamen) was alerted to enforce the order. Everyone expected a big

battle on February 3, but it didn’t happen. Governor Frank Murphy refused to

order an attack on the strikers. Instead, he ordered General Motors officers to

hold peace talks with the UAW. President Roosevelt also asked for a peaceful

end to the strike. A week later General Motors recognized the union and agreed

to bargain with it. The UAW and the CIO had won a major victory.

Within two years, the CIO organized 3,750,000 industrial workers. The AFL met

the challenge of the CIO with an organizing drive of its own. By the end of

1937, the AFL had 3,400,000 members.

During the 1930s, Congress enacted other reforms that benefited labor:

The Social Security Act of 1935 created a system of government-sponsored

unemployment insurance and old-age pensions.

The Fair Labor Standards Act regulated wages and hours. Minimum wages were

established to help workers maintain a decent standard of living. Hours were

shortened to give them more time for leisure. The law also forbade the labor of

children under 16 in most occupations.

Unemployment in the United States remained high until the United States entered

World War II in 1941. Then, defense industries boomed, and millions of men

entered the armed forces. By 1943, unemployment ended and industry was faced

with a shortage of labor. During the Great Depression, women were urged not to

take jobs. Now they were encouraged to go to work. Before long, one out of four

workers in defense industries was a woman.

During World War II, labor cooperated with government and industry. Its spirit

was expressed by John L. Lewis, president of the CIO. “When the nation is

attacked,” he said, “every American must rally to its defense.”

When peace came, a wave of strikes for higher wages swept the nation. Employers

became alarmed. They said that the Wagner Act had given labor too much power. A

majority in the United States Congress agreed with them. In 1947, Congress

passed the Taft-Hartley Act. It contained a number of provisions to limit

organized labor. One of them outlawed the “closed shop” agreement which required

employers to hire only union members. It also permitted the states to pass

“right to work” laws. These laws forbade agreements that required workers to

join a union after they were hired.

Labor leaders bitterly denounced the Taft-Hartley Act. They said it was meant to

destroy unions. Despite their fears, membership in unions continued to grow. By

1952, it had increased to 17 million.

Leaders of the AFL and the CIO merged their organizations in 1955. The combined

organization became the AFL-CIO.


In recent years there has been a steady decline in the percentage of workers who

belong to labor unions. In 1945, 35 percent of the work force were union

members. In 1988, less than 17 percent of the labor force–or 17 million

workers–were unionized. There are several reasons for this, including:

The decline of heavy industry (once a stronghold of unionism) and the increase

of advanced-technology industries.

Automation and other technological changes that have displaced many blue-collar

workers. Foreign competition, which has depressed some United States industries

and increased unemployment.

The transition to a “post-industrial” economy in the United States. Ever

increasing numbers of workers are employed in service-providing businesses,

such as hotels, restaurants and retail stores.

Despite the decline in members, organized labor in the United States remains

strong and conditions of America’s labor force have steadily improved. The

length of the work day has been shortened. Many agreements between employers

and wage earners now call for less than 40 hours of work a week. Most agreements

have generous “fringe” benefits. These include and seasonal farm workers.

By the early 1990s, the work force was changing. First. the pool of workers was

no longer expanding as rapidly as in the past. And, second, the composition of

the labor force was different, consisting of a larger percentage of minorities

and women than before. Employers are adapting to this work force diversity in

several ways. Some sponsor education and training programs for potential

recruits. Many, in an attempt to attract and accommodate insurance, pensions and

health care plans. As the number of union members has decreased as a percentage

of the total work force, unions have responded by broadening their organizing

efforts to include employees of federal, state and local governments as well as

other professionals. Organizers have also waged long campaigns to unionize and

win better conditions for such diverse groups as public school teachers women

workers, provide on-site child care, and flexible hours. Others make special

arrangements so they can hire more handicapped workers. One hotel chain, for

example, uses lighted telephones and vibrating beepers so they can hire more

hearing-impaired people.

As the work force has changed, so have some–but not all–labor-management

issues. Unions now want laws to strengthen their right to strike by prohibiting

companies from hiring permanent replacements for striking workers. Employers

want the right to test workers for drug use. There is also growing sentiment

that all employers should be required to provide adequate health insurance to

their workers–which most, but not all, already do. Many workers are fighting

for the right to take unpaid leave when they have babies or when a family member

is ill and needs extensive care. And, as the unemployment rate has climbed

(over 6 percent in 1990), there is growing sentiment that the government should

help create jobs–through public works programs, job training programs and tax

credits for employers in areas of high unemployment.

Suggestions for Further Reading

Brody, David. Workers in Industrial America: Essays on the Twentieth Century

Struggle. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.

Fink, Gary M., ed. Biographical Dictionary of American Labor. 2nd ed. Westport,

CT: Greenwood Press, 1984.

Fink, Gary M., ed. Labor Unions. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977.

Kessler-Harris, Alice. Out to Work: A History of America’s Wage-Earning Women.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.

Morris, Richard B., ed. A History of the American Worker. Princeton, NJ:

Princeton University Press, 1983.