
Psychology Theories Essay Research Paper Sigmund Freud (стр. 2 из 2)

Relatedness is probably the most powerful need. Frame of

Reference are common ideas and beliefs of looking at the

world. This is when we seek out a belief system or a value

system. We receive our frame of reference from where we

find our relatedness. Without frame of reference there is no

meaning to life. Identity is the next out of the four needs of

mans’ social life which is when you know who you are and

what you stand for. With identity you have to establish your

own uniqueness or identity. Recognizing differences in

others help you to find your own identity. Next comes

transcendence which is rarely achieved and this means to

rise above societies conformities in order to be an

individual. With transcendence there is a risk of losing your

relatedness, and for this not to happen relatedness must

allow you rise above society. A conflict of freedom and

loneliness means that the more that we become

transcendent the more we lose the relatedness. I agree with

Fromm when he states that society corrupts man. I also feel

that the conscious mind dominates over the unconscious. I

do not agree that man is 100% social either. When Fromm

says that the four needs of social life are relatedness, frame

of reference, identity, and transcendence I could not agree

with more. Everyday you see people that have to be well

connected in the social pipeline and without it I do not think

they would function normally. There are plenty of people

that have to be liked and be in a certain group in order to

be mentally stable. People think it is a bad thing when you

are not in the popular group or not cool enough to be liked

and accepted by a certain group. I also do feel that there

are some people who know who they are and what they

stand for. These are the people that survive the longest is

the long run because they know who they are and they will

not change for anything. Realizing other people’s

differences also helps to boost your identity which in turn

causes a person to create their own uniqueness. I think that

I am a perfect example of a person who has all four needs

met at all times and that I know exactly what I am and who

I stand for. I would not change who I am and my behavior

just to fit into the social pipeline. I have to plenty of parties

where there has been everything from drinking to sex and I

have never given in to the peer pressure of drinking,

smoking or anything else while I was there, but I still had all

the fun in the world. The reason why I don’t give in is

because I care about my health I have set values for myself

and I like to follow them exactly like I planned. This way I

will never do something that I would regret. All of Fromm’s

theories are very accurate when it comes to social needs,

but when it comes to human behavior in general I don’t feel

that man is completely social.

Michael Itsines is the next psychologist which is a

mixture between a psychodynamic psychologist and a

behaviorist. I feel that behavior is an upside down iceberg

and consciousness is at the top and the unconscious is on

the bottom. I think that most behavior is conscious. Neither

man or society is bad just at times it seems like one of the

two influences a little more of behavior. I feel that man is

both biological and social. The part that I think is biological

is the part of Freud’s theory where he states there is an ID,

Superego and an Ego. Another thing that I agree with is

Freud’s theory of the Defense Mechanisms. I feel that

mankind uses each one of them in everyday life. Another

thing that is a great example of man being biological is that

at sometimes man can have animal drives and desires. The

only thing that keeps us from behaving like an animal is the

thing that man developed thousands of years ago and that is

rational thought. This is the difference between human and

animal behavior. That’s what separates man from animal.

We do this in order to curb our human nature. Another

reason why I think man partially biological is because of

Carl Jung’s theory of Archetypal complexes which are

genetically transmitted response strategies and I feel that

mankind has this.

On the social side I feel that man is partially motivated by

social needs such the four needs of man’s social life which

are relatedness, frame of reference, identity, and

transcendence. I agree with Fromm on this theory. This is

probably on the most accurate examples of man being a

social creature. Also Adler stated in his theory that social

interests motivate us. Social Interest is an innate drive to be

social and to belong. B.F. Skinner states in his theory that

behavior is driven by external rewards. Also he says that

reinforcement plays a huge role mankind’s behavior. I feel

that man is also driven by the idea of free will which to

Skinner seems to be an illusion. I think mankind has free

will but maybe takes it for granted. Overall I feel that man

can be both good and bad at times but then again so can

society. Sometimes society has a great deal of influence on

human behavior. An example of this would be that man

pushes himself in order to be the best he can be and to

reach the top. Mankind will stop at nothing in order to be

number one. Selfishness and greediness are probably going

to be the downfall of the human race. If mankind could

actually see differences in other people instead of making

them look like something there are not everybody and

everything would be much happier and they would live a

much more fuller life. In my theory I think that mankind

should be much more grateful and appreciative for the

environment that is created and for what they have become

due to their environment. Man’s behavior just can not be

either biological or social because I feel that mankind also

passes on behavior through genetic inheritance. Man has to

be both according to my own theory and I stand by it.