
Media Coursework Comparison Of Two Television Advertisements (стр. 2 из 2)

and he is looking up in wonder.? The

camera is positioned close to the ground looking up which gives the impression

of triviality and insignificance, because the man is seen as small.? The whole image of the university is that it is

daunting and something that the man (or child) is not part of.? This is also seen in the way that the man is

looking into the lecture from outside, being apart from the university

lifestyle.The way the university is seen as bustling and

busy also contributes to this idea of intimidation.? Throughout the advert, there are many incomprehensible voices,

all talking at once, which leads to a confusing portrayal of the place.? This unpleasant feeling is seen to subside

when the man is walking along the street and the throng of people are traveling

in slow motion.? This is after the man

has collected the information he needs, the solutions to his problems are being

planned out and going to the university is becoming more feasible.Another way that this is shown is in the camera

techniques.? The scenes change very fast

between each other, and this leads to a confusing effect.? In addition to contributing to the daunting

feeling, this engages the viewers attention.?

The first time you see the advert, the scenes change so quickly, that

you don?t see everything and have to be very vigilant to understand the advert

at all.? I think that the advertiser did

this so that the viewer would want to see the advert again so that they could

digest it fully.? This is good for the

promoter because then the television audience will be more observant and the

service will be advertised better.The camera techniques also show you the

happenings as if you were there.?

Sometimes they show you as the man, sometimes as a bystander.? This aims to bring you closer to the

situation.The first similarity that you see in the two

adverts is the use of children and the effect that they have on the

viewer.? The reaction to want to nurture

that child is used to this promoter?s benefit too.? At the beginning of the Norwich Union advert, you are firstly led

to believe that perhaps the man wants to go to the university, but the short

view of the little girl tells you that it is her.? The image is short but stays with you throughout the advert.? The girl is looking into the distance, and

this is symbolic of her looking to the future.?

The girl looking into the distance is also shown alter in the

advertisement. This is where the ?guilt? technique is used:

the parent will want to provide their child with the best chances for their

future.? As the voice-over says later

?Sometimes a dream is worth investing in?, they are basically saying, ?is your child

worth it??.? Obviously any parents

answer would be yes. ? The man shows the realisation that he has of

the hard work needed in: ?To be a doctor.?

To become a doctor.?? He

gets across that there needs to be time and effort (and evidently money) put in

for dreams to be realised.? This is

reminding the audience of that fact, so that the rest of the advert can be

appreciated.? He also shows that things

can get in the way of that dream in the scene where he is walking along the

corridor.? He is walking in the opposite

way to everyone else, and they are in his way.?

This is symbolic of the obstacles that they will face.? He eventually gets by however, and this is

also metaphorical of life?s struggles.?

Or that is what they want you to think anyway.? These sacrifices are also shown in the way that

the mother is working out the cost of the studies.? ?Six years?, she says with doubt.? It is obviously a problem and it is beginning to be solved as

there is a blue light dancing on the paper.?

This is the point where the actual advertisement of Norwich Union

begins, and they proceed to tell you their aims.? the man?s face is shown after this, and instead of looking

bewildered as he has done before, he is smiling.? Apparently all of his problems have been solved.The family shown in the advert are depicted as

?perfect?.? There is obviously a lot of

love within their relationships and the parents show signs of adoration towards

their daughter at certain points, for example when the father and daughter are

leaning on the tree branch.? This is a

similarity to the other advert.? As the

family is seen as perfect, the viewer will of course want this for their

family.? This would make you feel

terribly guilty if you were forced to say no to your child, if they wanted to

accomplish their goals, because of financial problems, thus encouraging the

viewer to get financial aid from the company.There is also a similarity in the fact that

scenes of learning and discovery are shown in both adverts.? In the Robinson?s advert it is with the

first little girl in the cap and gown, and with this advert it is with the

university, and the person working at the desk.? These images both aim to show the characters as people worthy of

your emotion, and they do this by gaining your respect in their pursuit for

knowledge.? The child in the Norwich

Union advert is also seen as lively.?

Her cartwheels in the latter part of the advert are images of vitality.The ending of the advert is very

important.? It shows the girl to be

determined, and shows the viewer that the parents have invested in the child?s

dream.? It makes you think that she has

changed her mind, but in the end shows her to be more decided that ever.? The parents also seem very happy about her

decision because they have been helped by Norwich Union.In my opinion, neither of the adverts are very

effective.? The Robinson?s advert is

very condescending and actually expects you to think that giving your child

this orange drink will make them more intelligent and make them say all those ?delightful?

things that the children said in the advert.?

I?m not sure that anybody would respond to this type of advertising,

simply because the idea is so absurd, but perhaps the inclusion of the fact

that there are vitamins in the drink would boost sales.The Norwich Union advert wouldn?t work for a

different reason.? I don?t think the

director?s technique of using confusing camera angles accomplishes what it was

intended to.? Instead of holding the

viewers attention it encourages them to look away, because it is much too

puzzling for a thirty second advert.?

For this assignment I spent many hours watching it over and over again,

and only towards the end did I pick up every little detail.? The way it is made is very inventive, but

perhaps is too arty for a prime-time commercial break.