
Time Travel Essay Research Paper Basic Introduction (стр. 2 из 2)

Time Travel really is Possible …

I believe that the arguments presented here provide a convincing case for the existence of time travel. Time is simply another typical, if very large, dimension. To avoid the obvious paradoxes involved in travel in the fourth dimension we require the existence of a fifth; and why not? If super string theory represents a deeper understanding of reality, then perhaps there are actually ten dimensions. Five, ten or more, the Universe is even bigger than we imagined.

What, then, of our prospects for travel in the Universe at large? Well, if we are happy to crawl around below the speed of light we can get to anywhere within the Universe in just under two years. On our return, however, we would find that a tremendous time has passed for those left behind. Faster than light travel is possible, but if we do not want to risk killing our own fathers we would be wise to arrange to come back after we had left. But when we emerge from faster than light travel, will we not be in another Universe? Yes, but this may present no problem. For if it is similar to our own, in that up to the point of departure we have common history, then neither we, nor the inhabitants of this new Universe, will ever detect the difference.

Where are the Time Travellers ???

The theoretical evidence for time travel is considerable. There is, however, one question we have avoided until now. If time travel is possible, where are the time travellers? There are a number of possibilities. The most obvious and pessimistic of these is that life on Earth may simply not survive long enough for the technology to evolve. Nuclear wars, giant asteroids smashing into our planet, quantum instabilities developing within the Sun etc. could all stop mankind (or any other race) in it’s tracks.

Yet the absence of time travellers need not indicate anything nearly so sinister. It is possible that they have been here, and are here right now, but have been discreet about their presence in order to ensure that they return to something closely approximating the future universe of their departure. A further possibility is simply that none has arrived in this particular universe! Many conspiracy theories are based on the possibilities of time travelling aliens having the ability to control all world events on Earth while managing to remain completely hidden from our view. The CIA may be stranger than you think.

Why we MUST master Time !!!

So to summarise, we have seen some simple ways of travelling vast distances and have noted some of their drawbacks. We have also looked at some of the more exciting possibilities, but some more real break throughs are required. New mathematical methods need to be developed and new physical models of the universe must be conceived. Not a job for the faint hearted! Fortune it is said favours the brave. Nowhere will that be more true than in the race to understand the ultimate laws of physics. The race that achieves that first will go straight to top of the premiership of civilisations. Lets make sure it’s going to be us!