
Franny And Zooey And The Razor (стр. 2 из 2)

Franny took in her breath slightly but continues to hold the phone to her ear. A dial tone of course followed the formal break in the connection. She appeared to find it extraordinarily beautiful to listen to, rather as if it were the best possible substitute for the pumodial silence itself. But she seemed to know, too, when to stop listening to it as if all of what little or much wisdom there is in the world were suddenly hers. 16

In The Razor s Edge, Larry found his completeness at the Ashrama in India on his Birthday.

I was ravished with the beauty of the world. I d never know such exaltation and such a transcendent joy. I had a strange sensation, a tingling that arose in my feet and traveled up to my head, and I felt as though I were suddenly released from my body and as pure spirit partook of a loveliness I had never conceived. I had a sense that a knowledge more than human possessed me, so that everything that had been confused was clear and everything that had perplexed me was explained. I was so happy that it was a pain and I struggled to release myself from it, for I felt that if it lasted a moment longer I should die, and yet it was such rapture that I was ready to die rather than forgo it. 17

In the example of Franny and Zooey, one can see that Franny was once unsure of herself. She was very disturbed and even confused with what was going on in her life. The very last page of the novel was a very interesting one to read. Franny is no longer disturbed or confused about her life, she has now become reassured, complete and most importantly herself. Also, Larry s wonderful experience helped him realize what he was searching for, peace and understanding of the world. Larry at the end of the novel has finally found his own definition of meaning. Both characters have reached their goal, and they now can live their life in peace and to the fullest, because they have found the real meaning to their own lives through experience and most importantly religion.

Franny and Zooey and The Razor s Edge, both used religion as the main guide to search for meaning. The two main characters discover what they were looking for through the use of religion. They had to overcome many obstacles to find what they were looking for. It is never an easy task to find ones meaning of life. Franny and Larry were two very brave people, who gave up the accepted values and goals of their society. Even though it was extremely difficult to find their own definition of meaning, the feelings and emotions they experience were worth it in every way possible. The true meaning can never be defined for it is a very personal meaning and an individual must experience their search for meaning.