
Psychodelic Drugs Essay Research Paper Psychodelic Drugs (стр. 2 из 2)

and taste, touch and/or smell may be enhanced and experienced as pleasant and

fascinating. Muscular relaxation may occur, as well as a sense of well-being and

relief from tension.

Cannabis impairs the ability to perform complex motor tasks such as

driving a car. It also impairs short-term memory and logical thinking. At very

high doses, effects can be similar to those of hallucinogens, and the user can

experience confusion, restlessness, hallucination, paranoia, and anxiety or

panic. These problems have become more noted in recent years, as the strains of

marijuana now available are many times more potent than the marijuana of the

early 1970s.

Heavy use appears to interfere with brain cell functioning, producing

problems with sequencing ability, time sense, depth perception, memory storage,

and recall. Chronic heavy users sometime demonstrate apathy, loss of energy,

confusion, and memory problems.

Long-term use of THC is also associated with lower sperm counts in males

and alterations in sperm shape and mobility. In women, irregularities in

menstruation and ovulation occur. Pregnant women who are heavy marijuana smokers

have higher levels of miscarriages, still-births and genetic disorders.

Marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing agents than tobacco smoke.

Laboratory studies have shown pre-cancerous cellular changes in the lung tissue

of long term users.

Warning Signals

Signs That The Chemical Has Taken Control

The following symptoms and behaviors, when related to chemical use

(including alcohol, of course), indicate that a person has seriously

overindulged. Beyond this, these symptoms could indicate a more serious problem

or addiction:


?Accidents or injuries ?Nausea and vomiting ?Mysterious bruises ?Gastritis ?

Blackouts (cannot remember something while drinking) ?Passing out

(unconsciousness) ?Emergency room visits


?Academic failure/poor work performance ?Missing classes/absenteeism from work ?

Not living up to one’s potential ?Difficulties with deadlines or procrastination


?Impotence ?Sexual assault ?Inability to resist unwanted sexual advance ?

Engaging in sexual activities that are contrary to values


?Loss of self-respect ?Mood swings ?Panic and unexplained fears ?Depression ?

Property damage ?Paranoia ?Fights and arguments ?Social isolation and withdrawal

?Problems with legal or college authorities ?Causing emotional pain to friends

or loved ones


?Sneaking drinks or drugs or using alone ?Hiding bottles/drugs ?Consuming more

than intended ?Inability to predict how much one will consume ?Using again right

after sobering up ?Using to relieve anxiety, insomnia, pain or depression ?Using

to feel more confident in social situations ?Spending substantial amounts of

money on alcohol and drugs ?Preoccupation with next high ?Centering one’s

recreational activities around chemicals ?Family members or friends expressing

concern about one’s drinking or other drug use ?Feeling annoyed or angry when

one’s chemical use is discussed ?Inability to carry out an intention to “cut


State Laws

The following chart describes the penalties for POSSESSION of key drugs

(the schedules are more inclusive) according to the Federal Drug Schedules:

Max. Prison Time Max .Fine SCHEDULE # Class

Heroin, LSD, other hallucinogens marijuana, others 10 years

$100,000 SCHEDULE II Class C Felony Methadone, morphine, amphetamines cocaine,

PCP5 years $100,000 SCHEDULE II Class A Misdemeanors

Non-amphetamine stimulants, 1 year $2,500 SCHEDULE IV Class C

Misdemeanors some depressants1 Valium-type tranquilizers, some less potent

depressants 30 days $500 SCHEDULE V Violation Dilute

mixtures, compounds with small amounts of controlled drugs None $1,000

Delivery of less than five grams or possession or less than one ounce of

marijuana is a violation. established mandatory evaluation, education and

treatment services for those under 18 years old. If services are successfully

completed, the charge will be dropped.

Alcohol is an illegal drug for those under 21 years of age. For a driver

under 18 ANY detectable amount of alcohol (above .00 BAC) is grounds for losing

the license.

That pretty much sums it up for psychodelic drugs. I hope this proved to

you that if you use a psychodelic drug that you should stop, unless it is alchol

because it is not as bad as LSD, pcp, or anything you have to inject or snort.

So I sign out with I hope you learned something, I mean you had to you could’ent

have know all of this information.


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