
Study Guide For European History Or Global (стр. 2 из 2)

the social order

Simony-the buying or selling of church offices

Enlightenment-a period of time when people started to

question traditions, customs, and

standards and started relying on logic and reason, some

main people of the time were:

Diderot, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rene Descartes, Locke,


Inquisition- couldn’t find this one

Richelieu-advisor of Louis XIV’s main advisor, taught Louis

to rule as an absolute

monarch more or less the leader of France because Louis was

so young, he just told him

what to do, led France through many years of war, raised

taxes, but made France very


Castiglione-Italian author of The Courtier (an etiquette

book telling how to become and

‘ideal state servant’

Secularism-not relating to the church (religion)

Descartes-French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist,

shared many of the same

opinions and mathematical proofs as Galileo, invented

analytic geometry, made

contributions to the science of optics and physics

Oliver Cromwell- the most important leader of the English

Revolution, one of the

principal commanders of the rebel army that defeated the

forces of King Charles I, he

played a leading role in the king’s subsequent trial and

execution named himself Lord

Protector, his primary concerns were to provide a stable

government and to give

toleration to all the Puritan sects

Florence- An Italian city, which was based upon the

foundations of money and wool. The

Medici family, wealthiest family in Florence, often ruled

Florence. Florence was the

center of Renaissance culture, and the wealthiest cities,

until the plague occurred.

Balance of trade- the difference in value between imports

and exports, said to be favorable

to a county when exports are greater.

Treaty of Versailles- Peace treaty between the Allies and

Germany in 1919. It put

limitations on the German army, and the land run and owned

by Germany. The harsh

punishments set upon Germany were not strong enough to

prevent them from striking

again 20 years later.

Treaty of Westphalia- Treaty ending the thirty years war in

1648. Series of agreements

that established the outlines of political geography of


Gutenberg (1400-68)- German printer who was the first to

print with movable type.

Printed the Bible, was first book printed with movable type

in Mainz Germany.

The City Of God- written by Augustine, it was a defense of

Christianity from the charge

that the disaster resulted from Rome abandoning its

traditional gods. Became a inquiry

into the nature of human society.

Rousseau- A French philosopher and social reformer who

published several books,

especially The Social Contract. He was part of the


Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)- Spanish ecclesiastic; founder

of the Society of Jesus.

Loyola’s society became Jesuits who were soldiers of God.

James I- succeeded his cousin Elizabeth I, he was not a

lovable monarch but he was

generous. He was not liked cause he succeeded a legend and

he was Scottish. Was King

of England and Ireland from 1603-1625.

????–> need help for this one Cervantes- Spanish novelist.


Florence- An Italian city, which was based upon the

foundations of money and wool. The

Medici family, wealthiest family in Florence, often ruled

Florence. Florence was the

center of Renaissance culture, and the wealthiest cities,

until the plague occurred.

Balance of trade- the difference in value between imports

and exports, said to be favorable

to a county when exports are greater.

Treaty of Versailles- Peace treaty between the Allies and

Germany in 1919. It put

limitations on the German army, and the land run and owned

by Germany. The harsh

punishments set upon Germany were not strong enough to

prevent them from striking

again 20 years later.

Treaty of Westphalia- Treaty ending the thirty years war in

1648. Series of agreements

that established the outlines of political geography of


Gutenberg (1400-68)- German printer who was the first to

print with movable type.

Printed the Bible, was first book printed with movable type

in Mainz Germany.

The City Of God- written by Augustine, it was a defense of

Christianity from the charge

that the disaster resulted from Rome abandoning its

traditional gods. Became a inquiry

into the nature of human society.

Rousseau- A French philosopher and social reformer who

published several books,

especially The Social Contract. He was part of the


Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)- Spanish ecclesiastic; founder

of the Society of Jesus.

Loyola’s society became Jesuits who were soldiers of God.

James I- succeeded his cousin Elizabeth I, he was not a

lovable monarch but he was

generous. He was not liked cause he succeeded a legend and

he was Scottish. Was King

of England and Ireland from 1603-1625.

secularism the idea that there is a separation of Church

and of nature. The movement

away the church and more toward science and technology for

ideas on man and nature.

Descartes French philosopher, mathematician, and

scientist, transferred European Ideas

from that of the Medieval Ages to those of more modern


Oliver Crumble was the English Lord Protector during the

Cromwellian Revolution

between the reigns of Charles I and Charles II. He set up

a Protestant Commonwealth,

which the people of England objected to. His reign did not

last long, and soon the people

forced the government to change back to the Absolute


Black Death- time between 1347 and 1352 when 1/2 to 1/3 of

Europe’s population died

from a combination of bubonic, septicemic and pneumonic

plague–the disease was carried

by fleas who bit into infected rats and came to Italy from

Asia on a merchant vessel.

Natural Rights- rights that every human is entitled to such

as the right to breath

Catherine the Great- ruled from 1762-1796–her policies

were complex and were

influenced by the French ideas of social justice and

nobility of the human race but were

also influenced by the traditional Russian ideals of an

absolute rule–the most important

event of her reign was the establishment of a legislative

commission to review the laws of


The Social Contract- one of the most important works of

social theory and was written

by enlightenment philosphe, Rousseau

Diderot- editor of “The Encyclopedia,” which was one of the

greatest achievements of the

time–it attempted to summarize all acquired knowledge know

at the time

Versalius- a great palace in France for King Louis XIV–

palace had huge gardens,

fountains and life size statues

da Vinci- one of the famous painters of the Renaissance

whose achievements also included

scientific and technical endeavors–his most famous

paintings were “The Last Supper” and

“The Mona Lisa”

“Eternal City”- i need help with this one

Peter Breugel- a painter form Belgium who painted themes of

country landscape and

peasant life

Habsburg- allies of the Luxenbourgs and begun as a minor

comitial family in the region of

the Black forest–they aquired territory from the east and

when Rudolf I of Habsburg was

elected emperor he was later dismissed as “poor”

Spanish Armada- comprised of over 130 ships, pride of the

Spanish Armada

and Portuguese navies. These ships were bigger and

stronger than anything

owned by the English. However, the English ships were

faster and more

manuevarable. With these advantages, the English prevented

the Spanish from

reaching the ports in the Netherlands and destroying

individual ships.

Hohenzollern- name of a European dynasty whose ruling line

became electors

of Brandenburg, Kings of Prussia, and emperors of Germany.

Deist- believed in the existence of God on rational

grounds only. Believed

that nature conformed to its own materialistic laws and

operated without

divine intervention. The opposed the ritual forms of both

Catholic and

Protestant worship and the role of the Church in education.

Low Countries – region in northwest Europe lying on the

coast of the North

Sea between France and Germany. Netherlands, Belgium, and


Albrecht Durer- German artist; marveled at the subtle

ingenuity of the men

in those distant lands after viewing a display of Aztec


Physiocrats- group of French thinkers; thought that land

was wealth and

argued that agricultural activity should take first

priority in state

reforms. They also came to believe that the gov t should

cease to intervene

with private economic activity. Laissez faire, laissez

passer. ( Let it

be, Let it go. )

Encyclopedia- edited by Dierot, 35 volumes; attempted to

summarize all

acquired knowledge and to dispose of all imposed


Candide- written by Voltaire; philosophical novel that

recounts the

adventures and misfortunes of Candide, and satirizing

optimism by his tutor


Alexander the Great- King of Macedonia; conquered Persian

empire and

annexed it into Macedonia; conquered almost all the then

known world and

gave new direction to history.

Enlightened despot- a king that believes in the ideas of

the Enlightenment

The Divine Comedy- written by Dante; view of the whole

Christian universe;

Dante s personal summary of all that is good and bad in

medieval culture and
