
Aliens (стр. 3 из 3)

During the evening of July 4th, the object changed. It was growing bigger, and then it shrank back to its original size; the blip was pulsating. It grew quite large, and then it disappeared from the screen. Because sites in Albuquerque, White Sands and Roswell were tracking the object, the airforce had triangulated the location where it crashed. The airforce then decided to launch a comprehensive search the following morning. (Randle 25)

The airforce, however, was the last to arrive at the site. A group of archaeologists, being led by Dr. W. Curry Holden, had arrived earlier. One of the students recorded the object as “a crashed wingless plane, with a flat fuselage.” The archaeologists then left to inform local authorities of an aircraft accident. (Jacobs 45)

When the airforce arrived at the Roswell crash site, there were two other people exploring, one a man named Ragsdale and the other a woman named Truelove. They had been collecting pieces of metal from the site, tossing it into their jeep. But, what they saw was much more significant. They saw bodies lying about. There were several of them, about four or five feet long. There were five in total, obviously not human. There were three dead bodies, one in critical condition, and one, apparently fine. They threw the debris clear of their jeep when the airforce started driving up, and got out of there as fast as they could because of fear of being arrested. When the airforce arrived, they looked around, and they saw the large craft in the side of the mountain, partly buried, leaning at about a 30-degree angle, with large pieces of debris scattered about. After the airforce had searched and photographed the area, they began cleaning up. The bodies were loaded into ambulances after being put into body bags. The living creature was taken into an ambulance also. The area was cleaned over the next few days. A little later, the airforce located a field that the UFO had apparently flown over as it crashed. The field had strange debris scattered about. A man called Brazel owned the property, and the airforce then allegedly kidnapped him for three days. They also rounded up the archaeologists, and later tracked down Ragsdale and Truelove, who drove off as the airforce arrived. Ragsdale and Truelove were sworn to secrecy. After they took care of all the other details, they changed the story from “FLYING SAUCER RECOVERED IN ROSWELL!” to, “WEATHER BALLOON CRASH IN ROSWELL!” (Jacobs 48-52)

This story doesn’t hold up well enough though. After all the reports were turned in, and all the witnesses had been interviewed, it didn’t look like the airforce could support balloon story. So, they have been changing their stories, from a weather balloon, to a crashed V2 rocket, to an experimental aircraft. As recent as June of 1995, the airforce officially announced that it was in fact a balloon lofted to view Russian weapon test sites. But, that wouldn’t explain the bizarre debris, a foil that would reshape itself after being bent, and the pieces of metal that would not melt under any temperature. Nor would it explain the aliens themselves. So, none of these explanations could hold water. The only possibilities are that it was an early US spacecraft, or a UFO. And the UFO, for the first time ever, is the only explanation that makes sense in this case. (Emery)

This is just one of the many well documented alien sightings between 1947 and 1969; also known as the project Blue Book era. Another famous UFO sighting happened in 1951. Over 100 eyewitnesses say a football shaped glowing object hovering over a swampy area. The object dodged an airport light beacon, dimmed when cars approached, and then would brighten again as the cars passed by. The eyewitnesses watched this object for several hours before it vanished into thin air. After an extensive study the Air Force simply dismissed this case as a swamp gas phenomenon. It later became so famous because of this unbelievably stupid explanation the Air Force gave. Not one of the 100 or more eyewitnesses accepted the swamp gas explanation that the Air Force had given. (Jacobs 198-201)

United State astronauts reported some of the other famous UFO sightings. During Gemini IV, two astronauts videotaped a UFO. Also 2 years later during the Gemini XII mission, the astronauts aboard photographed 2 UFOs. They appeared to be about a half of a mile away from their space ship. These 2 UFOs remained observable for some period of time. Also during Buzz Aldrin’s space walk in 1969, it was reported that he too saw UFOs. Some years after the incident, the original broadcast transcript showed this quote by Aldrin, “These babies are huge sir?enormous?Oh, God you wouldn’t believe it. I’m telling you there are other space craft out there.” (Mickus)

During the project Blue Book era, the government funded many programs designed to find extraterrestrial life. None are more famous than SETI. The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence program. This program was designed to communicate with aliens in far reaches of the galaxy. It would send information about us humans; like the location of our home world, population of the earth, and little useful things for anyone that is listening could hear. It also listens with some of this world’s largest satellite dishes. So far, they have discovered no evidence of an advanced civilization. No evidence that they are willing to telling us about anyway. SETI has taught us many things about strange types of stars, and possibly even black holes by listening to the radio waves that it has sent out. (Shostak)

Sam Harrison has proclaimed that he himself knows why the Aliens are here, what they are doing, and what they want from us. According to Harrison, he spent two weeks aboard a flying saucer in 1975. He stumbled upon this flying saucer, by pure luck, when he was on a hiking trip. The aliens invited him to come aboard and to spend the next two weeks of his life with them, and learn about their ways. Harrison was told what they are doing here on earth, why they came, and what they want. He also learned about their light speed propulsion engines and about their antigravity machinery. When he returned to earth, he wrote a detailed letter to the United State Air Force describing everything that he had discovered and learned. Shortly thereafter, the Air Force sent him a letter back stating that the systems he described were much too far advanced for them to understand. When Harrison tried publishing a book about his two-week experience aboard the alien spacecraft, everything appeared to be running smoothly. That is until the government got hold of a copy of it. Once the government received a copy of it, they took it off every single self in America. The book simply became unattainable. He felt that this only confirmed his beliefs; and that now, he had some sort of hard evidence or proof. (Hamilton)

In 1969, project Blue Book came to an end. The government investigated more the 1,239 individual cases, but concluded that not a single case had any substantial proof of extraterrestrial existence. The government was accused of covering up information to protect the people. 71 percent of American who were surveyed in 1970 think that the government knows more than it is telling. The government’s final view on the issue was that UFOs were just some sort of natural phenomena. They may have been real or figments of viewer’s imagination, but not intelligent life. (Duin)

This view would coincide with an astronomer’s personal statement about this matter. Hale said, “Extra Ordinary claims require extra ordinary evidence.” If one is presented with a series of phenomena where there is more than one viable or possible explanation, one should choose the simplest explanation. This is known as Occam’s Razor. Hale points out that it is an undeniable fact that reports can come from people who are unaware of various phenomena that are visible in the sky on any given night. Also, the people reporting these sightings are not equipped or trained at making reliable scientific observations. To him, the UFO phenomena is just that. Every reported sighting is either a hoax or a mistake of some sort. “The possibility of the existence of other intelligent, even advanced life is great, but why don’t they formally introduce themselves. It is just rude!” (Hale)

In 1995, Fox TV broadcasted “UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape.” This show featured video of alleged UFOs that were caught on tape, but the show’s producer was later found to be guilty of intentionally withholding other parts of the video that could have proven it to be a hoax. Viewers watching the show could have easily mistaken and as easily believed to actually be seeing UFOs. “It’s easy to preserve the mystery surrounding a UFO sighting if you don’t look too closely.” (Emery) A movie that showed a UFO moving across the skies of Rhode Island didn’t reveal its true nature until the whole video was seen. It then became obvious that it was a hoax. The same wind that was moving the trees was also making the paper towel tube suspended on a wire between two trees bob up and down too. Every single videotape seen in its entirety proved itself false. Here is one more example. A shape changing UFO that was caught on tape became less mysterious when viewed in entirety. The camera this person had been using had an automatic focusing system that made the pinpoint lights of a distant plane turn into a fuzzy blob whenever the branches of a nearby tree entered the foreground. The clips on this show were so brief and repeated so often, one might wonder if the producer were intentionally withholding other parts of the video, which was exactly the case. (Emery)

A recent survey shows that 50 percent of Americans believe that the government is still withholding or covering up information about aliens. One startling fact from this survey was that lesser-educated people were more likely to vote yes on this survey when compared to those who had graduated from college. What does this show, you might ask? It shows that the more you know, the more likely you are to believe that aliens are not real and UFOs are just phenomenon. It also shows that the educated have a stronger belief that the government is telling the truth. (Frazier)

The only way we will be able to find out the truth is if we take on this challenge individually. We must all come forth and report any sighting we have no matter how great the public ridicule might be. For every one UFO sighting reported there are ten that go unreported. Try to imagine investigating only a tenth of something and then try to form a logical conclusion on it when you only know a tenth of it. It is just not possible. (Stacy)

UFOs are impossible to prove, short of parading onto David Letterman with a “One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater”. The government has repeatedly denied the existence of UFOs for years, but all the investigations that they have staged seem to indicate that the US military, at least, takes UFOs very seriously. During my research for this paper I became completely and totally frustrated with this whole ordeal. The only thing I know for certain about this, is that the Truth is no where to be found!

Extra Terrestrial

In an ever-expanding galaxy, humans cannot be the only intelligent life forms. Somewhere, in some universe exists a form of life equal, or superior to, intellectual capability and performance of humans. Many people have seen unexplained occurrences that could only be classified as alien life forms. Thousands of humans claim to have seen aliens, and hundreds more say they can communicate with them. These sitings have intrigued people all over the world, and have led to a debate on weather UFO’s are real. There is no doubt they exist.

For many decades people have claimed to have spotted UFO’s. There are many theories on whether UFO’s exists ranging from government cover-up to the another dimension breaking the barrier between our worlds?., from UFO’s traveling through black holes to there being millions of other universes with intelligent life. Yet the only evidence of any extraterrestrial beings come from sightings by ordinary people.

World governments tried to keep the phenomenon of extraterrestrial life forms secret. Due to the fact our society is gullible believing every myth that one might tell to another. This confidentiality only lead to more curiosity among the people.

So far, in spite of a concerted effort by not only the U.S. government, but other governments worldwide to discredit the whole notion of unidentified flying objects; in spite of the ridicule heaped on anyone who even hints they may have seen something remotely resembling a UFO; in spite of official debunkings and even threats, people still step out of the shadows of their own fear to tell their amazing stories.

(Seller, ix)

People do talk, and every time something is being repeated a couple words are being added. Hence, not to many people know the truth.

One example of an UFO sighting was

For many years humans have criticized one another if their beliefs were not that of the common public. For example Christopher Columbus and his theory on the shape of the earth or Galileo and his theory on the rotations of the planets. Both were ridiculed, as are most believers of extraterrestrial life today. However both were proven correct, as will be believers in extraterrestrial life. With every century more and more knowledge came to people, they gained understanding of many natural and physical phenomena. The time will pass, and we will understand what UFOs are all about, and who are the ones who pilot them.