
Human Cloning (стр. 2 из 2)

seriously,” he said. “He’s a physicist, not a physician, and by no means an expert in embryology or infertility treatment” (Daily News, 1998). Seed got his Ph.D from Harvard and is unaffiliated with

any institution. He believes he has enough money to start the project but estimates he will require $2 million in additional funding to complete the project (Daily News, 1998).

The FDA is standing in his way. Friedman says that “we’re not only able to move, we’re prepared to move” (Mercury News, 1998). The FDA has investigators tracking Seed to make it clear to him that in order to proceed with any attempted cloning experiments he must file with the FDA for approval, approval they have already stated is not forthcoming.

There are many obstacles to the progression of human cloning, ranging from established Federal and International bodies who are firmly against the idea, to funding agencies that are not supportive of this science, to a majority public opinion largely in opposition. There have been some noteworthy defenses of human cloning, but only one person has publicly announced any attempt at cloning a human being.

It does not appear that there will be a human clone for some time. Most of the research in cloning is limited to animals other than humans and no publicly recognized funding agency is ready to finance experiments that involve the cloning of humans. The potential exists but without a dedicated effort and full support from those in high places, the issue of human cloning will remain a popular debate for the foreseeable future.


The Jacksonville Daily News, January 12, 1998

Cloning advocate unfazed: Chicago physicist may do it abroad – Kalpana Srinivasan, AP

The San Jose Mercury News, January 20, 1998

No human cloning without FDA approval – AP

Light Magazine, The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of The Souther Baptist Convention, July-August, 1997

Statement on Human Cloning – Richard D. Land

U.S. News & World Report, March 1, 1997

Human cloning? Don’t just say no – Ruth Macklin

New Jersey Daily Record, April 13, 1997

Cloning Hitler and Einstein – Stanton Peele

Press Release WHO, March 11, 1997

WHO Director-General Condemns Human Cloning

The Dallas Morning News, January 19, 1998

Cow eggs could aid in cloning other animals – Sue Goetinck

London’s Sunday Telegraph, April 26, 1998

Iraqi doctor says Saddam wants to clone himself – Michael Pitsman

UPI Wire Story, April 27, 1998

Saddam’s Clones – D. Trull

Washington Post, January 21, 1998

Cloned Calves Are ?Major Step’ Toward Making Medicines in Milk – Rick Weiss