
By The Hair Of Your Chinny Chin (стр. 2 из 2)

Several surveys revealed that most Americans think the reintroduction program is good for wolves and humans.47 A survey was also done with the farmers, the majority of them strongly approve of the reintroduction. These farmers included those who would have to deal with the wolves.48 To prove that most people wanted the reintroduction to continue, they threatened the state of Alaska that they would boycott the state if anything was done to stop the reintroduction.49

In a survey, there are always people in the middle of the subject. This is no exception to that fact. These people, however, believed that the reintroduction was a good idea as long as it was a natural process. They believed that there should not be any human intervention in the matter. They also fought for the fact that the farmers own the property that is possibly being affected.50

The natural movement of wolves was under way before the government became involved. Movement of wolves was first noticed in 1966.51 Currently, wolves are moving from Canada to the northern regions of Montana and Yellowstone National Park. They had already established seven packs of their own, but the government did not think that their movement was fast enough. The government then started the reintroduction project to help eliminate their threatened status.52

The wolves are a very important part of the food chain and ecosystem. Many myths and legends about wolves led people to believe that they are savage animals. However, the evidence in this paper suggests merely just the opposite: that wolves are necessary and should be reintroduced into their natural habitat.


1 Steve Grooms Return of the Wolf (Minocqua, WI: North Word Press, INC., 1993) 20.

2 Grooms 19.

3 Diana Landau, Wolf: Spirit of the Wild (Berkeley, CA: The Nature Company, 1993) 134.

4 “A Chronology of Wolf Recovery in the Yellowstone Area” (March 21, 1995): n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/Yellowstone/timeline.htm 1.

5 “Gray Wolf, (Canis Lupus)” (Nov. 1994): n.pag. On-line. Internet. 11 Apr. 1997. Available WWW: http://www.fws.gov/~r9extaff/biologues/bio_gwol.html 2.

6 “Wolf Extermination Efforts”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/yellowstone/wext.htm 3.

7 “Wolf Extermination Efforts” 4.

8 “Wolf Extermination Efforts” 5

9 “Gray Wolf, (Canis Lupus)” 1.

10 “A Chronology of Wolf Recovery in the Yellowstone Area” 1.

11 David L. Mech The Way of the Wolf (Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press, 1991) 105.

12 Landau 131.

13 Grooms 24.

14 Grooms 20.

15 Grooms 21.

16 “Alaska Wolf Kill”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 11 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.mckinley.rcsd.k12.ca.us/mollie/wolfkill.html 1.

17 Grooms 27.

18 “Gray Wolf, (Canis Lupus)” 1.

19 “The Gray Wolf and Yellowstone National Park” (March 21, 1995): n.pag on-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/yellowstone/wolfcont.htm 1.

20 “Depredation on Livestock and Pets” (Jan 1996): n.pag. On-line. Internet. WWW:http://www.wolf.org/facts/facts8.html 1.

21 “Wolf Comeback” American Forests Sep/Oct 1994 MAS Fulltext Elite 53.

22 “Wolves in the Wild” Maclean’s 12 Feb. 1996 MAS Fulltext Elite 78.

23 “Depredation on Livestock and Pets” 1.

24 “Gray Wolf, (Canis Lupus)” 2.

25 “Wolf Comeback” 53.

26 Mech 107.

27 Mech 107.

28 “The Trouble with Timber Wolves” Field and Stream Aug. 1995 MAS Fulltext Elite 66.

29 “Wolves in the Wild” 78.

30 “Gray Wolf, (Canis Lupus)” 2.

31 “The Gray Wolf and Yellowstone National Park” 1.

32 10″So…How Much Has All of This Cost??”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/yellowstone/wolfcost.htm 1.

33 “So…How Much Has All of This Cost??” 2.

34 “So…How Much Has All of This Cost??” 3.

35“A Chronology of Wolf Recovery in the Yellowstone Area” 3.

36 “Wolf Reintroduction to Yellowstone”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://intermarket.com/Yellowstone/wreintro.htm.

37“A Chronology of Wolf Recovery in the Yellowstone Area” 4.

38 “Gray Wolf, (Canis Lupus)” 2.

39 “Wolves in the Wild” 78.

40 “Wolf Reintroduction to Yellowstone” 1.

41 26″The Call of the Wild” Rolling Stone 20 Oct. 1994 82.

42 “Wolf Reintroduction to Yellowstone” 1.

43 “Wolf Reintroduction to Yellowstone” 1.

44 6″Life in the Pens…”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/Yellowstone/wpens.htm 1.

45 “Wolf Reintroduction to Yellowstone” 2.

46 “Life in the Pens…” 1.

47 “The Call of the Wild” 82.

48 Mech 111.

49 31″Alaska Wolf Kill”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 11 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.mckinley.rcsd.k12.ca.us/mollie/wolfkill.html 1.

50 “Wolves in the Wild” 78.

51 “A Chronology of Wolf Recovery in the Yellowstone Area” 1.

52 “Wolves in the Wild” 78.

“17 Wolves Shipped to Yellowstone National Park” (January 24, 1996): n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW: http://www.intermarket/Yellowstone/warriv96.htm.

“A Chronology of Wolf Recovery in the Yellowstone Area” (March 21, 1995): n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/Yellowstone/timeline.htm.

“A Howling Good Time in Yellowstone” Mclean’s 8 July 1996: 13 MAS Fulltext Elite.

“Alaska Wolf Kill”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 11 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.mckinley.rcsd.k12.ca.us/mollie/wolfkill.html.

Busch, Robert. The Wolf Almanac.: Lyons and Burford, 1995.

“The Call of the Wild” Rolling Stone 20 Oct. 1994: 82.

“Chain of Command: Wolves Help Trees Thrive.” Science News 3 Dec. 1994: 373 MAS Fulltext Elite.

“Depredation on Livestock and Pets” (Jan 1996): n.pag. On-line. Internet. 11 Apr. 1997 WWW:http://www.wolf.org/facts/facts8.html.

“The Gray Wolf and Yellowstone National Park” (March 21, 1995): n.pag on-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/yellowstone/wolfcont.htm.

“Gray Wolf, (Canis Lupus)” (Nov. 1994): n.pag. On-line. Internet. 11 Apr. 1997. Available WWW: http://www.fws.gov/~r9extaff/biologues/bio_gwol.html.

Grooms, Steve. Return of the Wolf. Minocqua, WI: North Word Press, INC., 1993.

Landau, Diana. Wolf: Spirit of the Wild. Berkeley, CA: The Nature Company, 1993.

Lawrence, R.D. Secret go the Wolves. New York: Ballan Tire Books, 1983.

“Life in the Pens…”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/Yellowstone/wpens.htm

Mech, David L. The Way of the Wolf. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press, 1991.

Mowat, Farley. Never Cry Wolf. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1973.

“The Problems with Wolves”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 11 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.mckinley.rcsd.k12.ca.us/Mollie/wolfproblem.html.

“Purpose and Need for Wolf Reintroduction”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://intermarket.com/Yellowstone/wpurpose.htm.

“So…How Much Has All of This Cost??”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/yellowstone/wolfcost.htm.

“Some folks just don’t like ‘em…”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. WWW:http://www.mckinley.rcsd.k12.ca.us/mollie/problem2.html.

“The Trouble with Timber Wolves” Field and Stream Aug. 1995: 66 MAS Fulltext Elite.

“Wolf Comeback” American Forests Sep/Oct 1994: 53 MAS Fulltext Elite.

“Wolf Extermination Efforts”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://www.intermarket.com/yellowstone/wext.htm.

“Wolves in the Wild” Maclean’s 12 Feb. 1996:78. MAS Fulltext Elite.

“Wolf Reintroduction to Yellowstone”: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 8 Apr. 1997. Available WWW:http://intermarket.com/Yellowstone/wreintro.htm