
Fresh Water Shortage Essay Research Paper The (стр. 2 из 2)

¨ Health concerns have changed little in the past twenty-five years. There has been no significant reduction in cancer cases and no cure has been found in the treatment of AIDS. Gene therapy has made some advancement, but the major causes of death have not changed. The average life expectancy has not increased in twenty-years.

The Worst Case

Archived Events for 2025.

¨ The world population is at 9.1 billion, which was the worst case scenario as per World Watch?s prediction in the year 2000.

¨ It has been found that voluntary use of female birth control and education has done little to keep the population from expanding at exponential rates.

¨ Drinking water supplies are in dire striates.

¨ Due to the shortage of fresh water and an example of second level consequences, the world has not been able to keep up with food production and starvation is occurring in third world nations.

¨ The G8 nations have been able to keep up with their internal demands for water and food supplies, but are unable and unwilling to support the overpopulated starving nations.

¨ The G8 nations were prepared for this possibility and had developed resources to maintain their sovereignty and borders. The G8 have been isolating themselves to only members of the G8 to assure their populous that some part of humanity will survive after the population is reduced to a manageable level.

¨ The lack of food production has caused outbreaks of civil unrest and we are at the third level of consequences brought about by the shortage of fresh water. Cities that once stood high and proud and now finding their infrastructure as well as their buildings collapsing do to the settling of the earth and their foundations into depleted aquifers. Broken pipes abound, causing loss of pressure and increasing the scarcity of water.

¨ Nations are warring with their neighbors over water reservoirs. The shortage of fresh water has caused a world wide economic collapse and since most nations have not produced any exports, there is no trade or exchange with those that have exportable goods.

¨ Health problems are cataclysmic, as disease and famine have broken out on every continent. Due to poor economic conditions, human waist has added to the contamination of the scarce fresh water supplies leaving the water ripe for the production of rapidly spreading diseases. The increasing number of corpses laid to rest in mass gravesites is causing contamination of the remaining ground water supplies. This is the end of civilization from a global perspective


I have painted three possible paths the future may follow and unless we are going to take the worst of the three, we must inform the stockholders of the world soon. As the population increases, it will be harder and harder to maintain peace throughout the world. And yes, we will have drinking water in 2025, if we take the time now to plan our children?s future, but if we don?t the prospects look bleak.

The path the future takes according to Albert Einstein has already been chosen for us since he believed we are in the past, present and future at the same time. I am sure that although Einstein had seen the future as predefined and those predefined actions that shaped our future must come through intervention on our part to be true. The United Nations is currently the only organized body that can provide the intervention needed and impose compliance with International Law as related to the shared use of fresh water. The United Nations must recognize their part in the bleak future that awaits us and can not wait years to start dealing with issuse. We must also, as citizens of the planet earth, each promote real solutions, concerns and a commitment to saving our race as soon as possible. If the United Nations is going to impose International Law completely and effectively, they must have the tools and resources to do so, as this would be setting precedent. We as United States citizens must support the ideas and mandates of the United Nations and provide them with what tools we can if this venture to save our world population has a chance.


Environmental Geology at Miami University, The Newsletter of Environmental Geology

Oxford, 1999. Available online: http://tgl.geology.muohio.edu/Focus/TheThreatofWaterShortage.html

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Global warming aggravating water shortage, Xinhua News Agency, January 11, 1999

Postel, Sandra. Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity. World Watch Institute. New York: W.W.Norton, 1992.

World Bank. 1992. World Development Report 1992 New York: Oxford University Press. 1992

Young, Jae-Bok. “Asia’s Rapid Urbanization Brings Economic Fruits.” The Christian Science Monitor, April 20, 1993.

Dakar, Senegal. Water Crisis Looms as World Population Grows, Panafrican News Agency, March 1, 1999.

Available Online:http://www.africanews.org/PANA/environment/19990301/feat1.html