
Societal Commentsand Historical Inaccuracy In Braveheart Essay (стр. 2 из 2)

In conclusion, there have been many films since the beginning of film history that have been based on historical fact. Some of these have been completely accurate while some others have only been a loose interpretation of what actually happened. Mel Gibson?s Braveheart is an example of movie that is in about the middle. Braveheart while mostly accurate as far as dates and places go there were several fictitious events and traits attributed to certain characters. Also there were a couple of people who were deleted from the story who played a major role and there were those who were based on real people but those people played no part in the Scottish war for independence. Hollywood also fictionalized the actual battles in order to make them more dramatic and thereby improve the profitability of the movie. All the above changes were made to enhance the drama of the movie and to go along with the current trends in romance, militarism, and the return of the heroic character. Hollywood in the movie Braveheart manipulated the facts in a 700-year-old story in order to increase their profits and make some kind of social statement and abide by the current social trends.


1. Braveheart (1995), Paramount Pictures, Mel Gibson, dir.

2. Peter Reese, Wallace: A Biography. Canongate Books Ltd., 1996. p. vi

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Peter Reese, Wallace: A Biography. Canongate Books Ltd., 1996. p. 21

6. Ibid. p. 22

7. Braveheart (1995), Paramount Pictures, Mel Gibson, dir.

8. Peter Reese, Wallace: A Biography. Canongate Books Ltd., 1996. p. 37

9. John and Julia Keay, Collins Encyclopaedia of Scotland. Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. p. 965

10. Unknown author, Sir William Wallace. http://www.mcallister.com/clan/wallace.html.

11. Unknown author, Braveheart: the movie. http://bay1.bjt.net/~melanie//bravehea2.html. 1995

12. Unknown author, Sir William Wallace. http://www.mcallister.com/clan/wallace.html.

13. Peter Reese, Wallace: A Biography. Canongate Books Ltd., 1996. p.72

14. Ibid. p. 105

15. Ibid. p. 108

16. Ibid. p. 115

17. Peter Reese, Wallace: A Biography. Canongate Books Ltd., 1996. p.121

18. Unknown author, Braveheart: the movie. http://bay1.bjt.net/~melanie//bravehea2.html. 1995

19. Unknown author, Braveheart: the movie. http://bay1.bjt.net/~melanie//bravehea2.html. 1995

20. Unknown author, Braveheart: the movie. http://bay1.bjt.net/~melanie//bravehea2.html. 1995

21. Peter Reese, Wallace: A Biography. Canongate Books Ltd., 1996. p. 36

22. Ibid. p. 37

23. Ibid. p. 37

24. Ibid. p. 53

25. Ibid. p. 50

26. Ibid. p. 52

27. Ibid. p. 55

28. Ibid. p. 56

29. Ibid.

30. Michael Ryan and Douglas Kellner, Camera Politica. Indiana University Press, 1988. p. 217

Societal Comments and Historical Inaccuracy in Braveheart

Chris Bakke

Dr. Ray Pratt

Political Science 324

April 17, 2000