
Pain In The World Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

? making workplaces safer

We’ll make jobs our first economic priority by:

? setting targets for jobs

? rebuilding programs like health care

? broadening and deepening our capital investment base

? providing leadership on job training

? easing the adjustment for people affected by the changes

? strengthening community economic development

? providing access to capital

? supporting local development agencies

We’ll provide real help for working families by:

? doubling the Child Tax Benefit

? investing in housing

? creating better opportunities for children and youth

? providing early child care and education

? making post-secondary education affordable

? reforming EI

We’ll negotiate fair trade deals by:

? making sure rules are in place to protect human rights, core labour standards, cultural diversity and the environment

? eliminating NAFTA rules that let foreign corporations sue democratically-elected governments

We’ll stand up for Canadian communities by:

? protecting the family farm and the environment

? supporting sustainability in our forestry and fishery

? beginning to rebuild the CBC

? making our communities safer

We’ll see that low and middle-income families get a fair share by:

? doubling the Child Tax Benefit to $4,200

? making sure no individual who makes $15,000 or less pays federal tax

? increasing the GST credit

We’ll fight for equality for all Canadians by:

? setting up new anti-poverty and anti-discrimination measures

? protecting programs that support minorities

? working with Aboriginal communities

? supporting programs for persons with disabilities

We’ll build a stronger Canada in a stronger world by:

? enhancing the role of Canada’s forces as international peacekeepers

? working to address the roots of conflict

? increasing our international aid

? working to reform the IMF and the World Bank

We’ll develop responsive federalism by:

? working cooperatively with other governments

? setting up a new deal for our cities

? making government more accountable

New Democratic Party of Canada

900 – 81 Metcalfe

Ottawa, Ontario

K1P 6K7

Phone: (613) 239-3134

Fax: (613) 234-1304

E-mail: ndp2000@alexa.ndp.ca


A People’s Alternative for Canada!

Defend and expand health & social programs

Reverse federal cuts in transfer payments for health, education and social

welfare, and preserve Canada-wide standards. No to privatization – block

Alberta’s Bill 11 and other provincial attacks on Medicare. Rescind the

Drug Patent Act (which guarantees mega-profits for the big

pharmaceuticals, and high costs for health care), and introduce universal

Pharmacare and Denticare. Immediately establish an accessible,

affordable and non-profit childcare and infant care program across

Canada – no more delays! Stop the war against the poor, such as

“workfare” and welfare cutbacks. Spend at least 1% of the federal budget

on social and non-profit housing. Stop the “war on drugs”; treat addiction

as a medical issue, not a criminal act.

Jobs with decent pay

Legislate a 32-hour work week with no loss in take-home pay; ban

compulsory overtime, and raise minimum annual paid vacations to four (4)

weeks. Lower the voluntary pension age to 60, and substantially increase

pensions. Extend benefits to part-time, home-based and contract workers.

Raise the federal minimum wage to $10.50/hour. Stop Ottawa’s theft of

the EI fund; set EI benefits at 80% of previous earnings to all unemployed

workers. Develop environmentally-sound primary industries and

manufacturing; rebuild social programs and Canada’s decaying municipal


Stop Corporate Globalization – Defend Canadian sovereignty

Curb the power of transnational corporations; Cancel NAFTA and pull

Canada out of all corporate-driven trade and investment negotiations,

such as the FTAA, the WTO and the GATS. Develop mutually beneficial

trade agreements that protect the environment and respect Canadian

economic, social and cultural sovereignty. Ban water exports. Restrict

capital flight and job loss with currency exchange controls and strong plant

closure laws. Block foreign takeovers. Put the banking and insurance

system under public ownership and democratic control. Reverse the

privatization of Air Canada, PetroCanada and CN Rail. Restore funding

for the CBC, the arts and Canadian culture.

Tax the greedy, not the needy

Legislate progressive tax reform based on ability to pay – no ‘flat’ tax!

Scrap the regressive GST. Raise taxes on the wealthy and eliminate taxes

on incomes below $30,000; apply taxes to 100% of capital gains, and

increase other taxes on big corporations and banks. Close tax loopholes,

collect deferred corporate taxes, and tax the speculators through

introduction of the “Tobin tax”. Impose a special “windfall profit tax” on

large oil and other resource companies. Establish wealth and estate


Democratic constitutional reform – Convene a Constituent


Resolve the crisis of Confederation and build Canadian unity on a new

basis. Elect a democratic Constituent Assembly to draft a new

constitution, based on an equal and voluntary partnership of the First

Nations, Quebec, and English-speaking Canada. Recognize Quebec’s

national right of self-determination, and the inherent rights of Aboriginal

peoples to self-government and just settlement of all outstanding land

claims, based on proposals of the 1996 Royal Commission on Aboriginal


Full equality for women

Close the wage gap – full pay and employment equity for all working

women. Protect women’s reproductive rights; provide publicly funded,

accessible, quality abortion services in every province, and guarantee

their security. Ensure over-the-counter availability of RU-486 (the “morning

after” pill). Stop violence against women. Restore adequate funding for

NAC and other women’s groups, crisis centres, and transition houses.

Endorse the demands of the World March of Women to end poverty and

violence against women.

A future for youth: education and jobs

Increase federal support for education at all levels. Roll back and then

eliminate tuition fees for post-secondary education, and stop the

privatization and corporatization of our schools, colleges and universities.

Shift from loans to grants for student assistance. Expand youth access to

training and apprenticeship programs. Create decent-paying jobs and

improved services for youth, not more prisons and ‘boot camps.’

Fight racism and discrimination

Strengthen employment equity programs for people of colour, Aboriginal

peoples, and people with disabilities. Scrap the “head tax” on new

immigrants. End discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and

transgendered persons; guarantee the marriage and adoption rights of all

Canadians, regardless of sexual orientation. Promote the rights of people

with disabilities for equal access to all social, medical and educational

facilities and services. Strengthen and enforce laws against hate

propaganda (including on the internet), hate crimes and neo-fascist

groups, and prosecute war criminals living in Canada.

Protect & expand democratic rights

Eliminate Election Act barriers against smaller political parties, and

provide fair media access for all parties and candidates. Enact a new

electoral system to combine election of individual MPs with proportional

representation, and the right to recall MPs. Defend the right to dissent -

stop government spying and police attacks against protesters and

progressive organizations. Strengthen civilian control over the armed

forces and police.

A Bill of Rights for labour

Enshrine the constitutional right of all workers to organize, bargain

collectively, picket, strike and take collective political action. Ban

strike-breaking and scabbing. Strengthen labour laws and employment

standards; block anti-labour “right-to-work” laws.

Save the environment

Put the environment ahead of corporate profit. Impose stronger penalties

on polluters. Make Canada a world leader in reduction of ozone-depleting

gases and hydrocarbons. Phase out nuclear power, and reduce reliance

on fossil fuel consumption; expand energy saving programs and

alternative power sources. Stop destructive forestry practices, such as

clear-cutting. Require labelling on genetically-modified food products.

Create jobs through protection and cleanup of the environment. Increase

research on the long-term effects of human economic activity.

Peace, disarmament and global justice

End Canadian participation in US/NATO military aggression. Reject the

mis-named policy of ‘humanitarian interventionism” – respect the UN

Charter and international law. Slash the military budget by 50%; convert

military to civilian jobs. Pull Canada out of NATO and NORAD. End

economic sanctions against Iraq. Support negotiations for the abolition of

weapons of mass destruction and arms exports. Support fair and mutually

beneficial international trade. Strengthen friendship and trade with Cuba

and other socialist countries.

Communist Party of Canada

290A Danforth Ave

Toronto, Ont.

M4K 1N6



? 2000 Communist Party of



The Green Party would redirect and reassign government funds to support the transition to

sustainability through the following measures:

? implementing the Precautionary Principle, and ensuring that corporations are

responsible for their products from cradle to grave

? enforcing the Polluter Pay principle by requiring polluters to pay compensation for

previous destructive use of resources

? establishing programs that will phase out harmful activities, coupled with a fair and just

transition program for workers and communities A Renewable Energy Future Clean and

renewable sourc