
Малий бізнес України в розвиткові національної економіки (стр. 7 из 7)

Предложена укрупненная блок-схема алгоритма выбора метода оценки малого бизнеса, которая предполагает его комплексную оценку на основе трехрасчетного метода и результатов анкетирования, полученных с помощью кластерного анализа. Основные предложения и рекомендации, сформулированные в процессе диссертационного исследования, предложено положить в основу оценки состояния и влияния малого бизнеса на развитие, как отдельных территорий, так и всей системы национального хозяйства.

Результаты исследования имеют теоретическое и практическое значение и могут быть использованы в дальнейших теоретических исследованиях по данной проблеме, а также при разработке стратегии экономического развития национального хозяйства.

Ключевые слова: развитие национальной экономики, малый бизнес, предпринимательство, система и показатели оценки, инновационное развитие.


Azarov A.V. Small business in the development of national economics – Manuscript.

Dissertation for the degree of candidate of economical sciences on the speciality 08.00.03 – economics and management of the national economy – Donetsk state university of management Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, Donetsk, 2008.

Dissertation is dedicated to the scientific foundation of one of the current scientific-practical objectives – development of theoretical-methodological basics of the improvement of studies and formation of the system of assessment of the impact of small business on the development of national economy. Theoretical basics of the small business activities were studied and the impact of small business on the development of national economy was specified. World experience of the development of small business was also studied and adopted to the development of small business in Ukraine with the consideration of the characteristics of the national economy. Territorial characteristics of the small business activities in Ukraine on the example of Donetsk region and their role in the development of the national economy were explored. Methodical approaches for the assessment of small business development were proposed and recommendations for applying combined methods were given. Proposals as to the improvement of studies and system of assessment of influence of the small business on the development of national economy were suggested. Matrix of factorial burdens, obtained by the separate indicators-barriers each having certain risks for the development of small businesses in the region, was proposed and developed. Cluster analysis was adopted for small business inquirer surveys for the purpose of its application for the assessment of small business and usage of the combine methods of the assessment with the consideration of types of activities.

Key words: development of the national economy, small business, entrepreneurship, system and indicators of the assessment, innovative development.