
Методи аналізу і прогнозування розвитку підприємств (стр. 6 из 6)

Для повышения эффективности функционирования сферы услуг Украины разработаны программные мероприятия развития предприятий этой сферы, опре-делены приоритеты, механизм реализации, финансовое и кадровое обеспечение, ожидаемые результаты. Отражено применение методов анализа и прогнозирования для разработки направлений реализации этих мероприятий.

Сформулированы организационно-методические положения по управлению подготовкой кадров для предприятий сферы услуг. Основным инструментом управления этими процессами определено кадровое планирование, позволяющее регулировать процессы перераспределения трудовых ресурсов по видам эконо-мической деятельности с их необходимой профессиональной подготовкой.

Ключевые слова: методы анализа и прогнозирования, модели, услуги, предприятия сферы услуг, статистическая информация, показатели, обоснование управленческих решений, управление.


Sidorova A.V. Methods of analyze and forecasting of human services enterprises’ development . – Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate degree in Economic Sciences on speciality 08.06.01 – Economics, organization and management of enterprises. Donetsk national university of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. – Donetsk, 2003.

The integrated analysis of nature, essence and particularities of services as economic category and human services enterprises as system is executed in the dissertation work. The definition of services is presented and their classification is developed. The organizational aspect of management of enterprises that belong to human services is examined. The conception of application statistical information, index system and methods of analyze and forecasting in human services enterprises is developed. For substantiation of management decision the methods of integral estimation of human services activity on different levels are elaborated.

The intercommunications of sale services with major social and economic factors are investigated with the use of correlation-regression and index methods. Forecasting calculations of human services enterprises’ development are performed with the use of constructed trend and auto-regression models. Tendencies and prospects of development of external services trade are investigated. Quantitative characteristics as a tool of regulation of national services market integration into world economy are proposed.

To increase the effectiveness of human services functioning the program measures of development of human services enterprises of Ukraine are formulated; priorities, realization mechanisms, financial and staff supplying, expected results are defined. Organization and methodical thesis for management of staff training for human services enterprises are formulated. The primary mechanism of management of these processes is defined as staff planning.

Key words: methods of analyze and forecast, services, human services, statistical information, indexes, models, management decisions’ substantiation, management.