
Интерпретация произведения Оскара Уайльда Молодой король (стр. 7 из 7)

And the young King bowed his head again, and prayed, and when he had finished his prayer he rose up, and turning round he looked at them sadly.

And lo! through the painted windows came the sunlight streaming upon him, and the sunbeams wove round him a tissued robe that was fairer than the robe that had been fashioned for his pleasure. The dead staff blossomed, and bare lilies that were whiter than pearls. The dry thorn blossomed, and bare roses that were redder than rubies. Whiter than fine pearls were the lilies, and their stems were of bright silver. Redder than male rubies were the roses, and their leaves were of beaten gold.

He stood there in the raiment of a king, and the gates of the jewelled shrine flew open, and from the crystal of the many-rayed monstrance shone a marvellous and mystical light. He stood there in a king's raiment, and the Glory of God filled the place, and the saints in their carven niches seemed to move. In the fair raiment of a king he stood before them, and the organ pealed out its music, and the trumpeters blew upon their trumpets, and the singing boys sang.

And the people fell upon their knees in awe, and the nobles sheathed their swords and did homage, and the Bishop's face grew pale, and his hands trembled. 'A greater than I hath crowned thee,' he cried, and he knelt before him.

And the young King came down from the high altar, and passed home through the midst of the people. But no man dared look upon his face, for it was like the face of an angel.


adder – n. гадюка

ague – n. 1) малярия, болотная лихорадка 2) лихорадочный озноб

anodyne – n. утешение, успокоение; отвлечение

avarice – n. алчность; жадность, скупость

bare-limbed – adj. босоногий

chafe – v. сердиться, раздражаться, нервничать; роптать, стонать

clatter – n. 1) стук; звон; лязг, громыхание 2) громкий разговор, болтовня, шум (голосов)

cleave – v. прилипать, приклеиваться

courtier - n. придворный

heap (up)on – v. бросать в кучу, складывать в кучу, нагромождать

herald – v. книжн. 1) возвещать; извещать, объявлять, уведомлять; 2) предвещать, предрекать, предсказывать

lustre – n. а) глянец, блеск; отражённый свет б) лоск, блеск, великолепие

oar – n. весло

odour – n. запах (обычно неприятный)

plague – n. мор, эпидемия; чума

procure – v. доставать, доставлять; добывать, раздобывать; обеспечивать

raiment – n. книжн. одежда, наряд, одеяние

saddle-bow - n. седельная лука

sheathe – v. вкладывать в ножны, в футляр

shuttle – n. ящичек (комода для хранения мелких предметов)

slime – n. 1) липкий ил; тина; муть 2) слизь 3) омерзительный, отталкивающий тип б) нечто омерзительное, противное

snare – v. 1) поймать в ловушку, силки (птицу, небольшого зверька) 2) поймать в ловушку; запутать, обмануть, завлечь

sower – n. сеятель, сеяльщик (тот, кто сеет семена, засевает землю)

spake - книжн., уст.; от speak

stout – adj. 1) крепкий, прочный, плотный 2) отважный, решительный, смелый, храбрый

turret – n. башенка

whirr – n. 1) шум (машин, крыльев) 2) жужжание

Приложение 2

Alliteration - series of words that begin with the same consonant or sound alike

and thus may build a coherent mental model of the text's content.

Archaism - use of an obsolete, archaic, word(a word used in olden language, e.g. Shakespeare's language)

Coherence - is a key concept of text linguistics. Many definitions of "text" include

coherence as a necessary feature. Coherence is especially relevant to the research

Discourse - any unit of connected speech or writing longer than a sentence.

Hyperbole - exaggeration of a statement

Irony - use of word in a way that conveys a meaning opposite to its usual meaning

Metaphor - is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word.

Metonymy - a figure of speech used in rhetoric in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept.

on text comprehension and text clarity: Authors should design a text in such a way that the addressee may detect the relationships linking individual text constituents

Personification - attributing or applying human qualities to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena

Simile - comparison between two things using like or as

Text - a unit of connected speech or writing, esp. composed of more than one sentence, that forms a cohesive whole