
Клініко-патогенетичні аспекти профілактики та лікування постоваріоектомічного синдрому (стр. 7 из 7)


Berehulyak O.О. Clinicopathogenetic aspects of preventing and treating postovariectomic syndrome. Manuscript.

Dissertation for obtaining the Candidate of Medical Sciences degree in specialty 14.01.01 – Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ternopil State Medical University by name Horbachevsky, Ternopil, 2008.

Dissertation is dedicated to the elaboration and study of comparative efficacy of the staged method of hormonal therapy and phytotherapy in postcastrative syndrome to adapt successfully hypotalamohypophysial system to the surgical menopause as well as to prevent disorders in the homeostasis, lipid, calcium and phosphorus metabolism, atrophic changes in urogenital tract and octeopenic changes in the bones.

The surgical castration in the postoperative period leads to increasing clinical evidences of postovariectomic syndrome, changes in the hormonal state, hypercoagulation, atherogenic shifting in lipidogram, lesions in calcium and phosphorus metabolism resulting in the bone tissue mineral density changes as well as urogenital disorders.

The use of conservative hormonal therapy results in three times decrease (by Kupperman index) of early clinical evidences of postcastrative syndrome, prevents urogenital lesions (dynamics of colpocytogram and “vaginal health” index) and octeopenic changes in the bones. However, it causes the marks of hypercoagulation and atherogenic changes in lipidogram.

The elaborated method enables to normalize early (psychoemotional and neurovegetative) and distant (urogenital disorders and octeopenic changes in the bone tissue) evidences of postovariectomic syndrome and to influence positively on the hormonal balance, calcium and phosphorus metabolism. No atherogenic influence upon lipidogram or hypercoagulation syndrome are observed while using this method.

Key words: hysteroovariectomy, postovariectomic syndrome, hormonal therapy, phytotherapy, homeostas, colpocytogram, bone tissue mineral density.


ЛГ – лютеїнізуючий гормон

ЛПВЩ – ліпопротеїди високої щільності

ЛПНЩ – ліпопротеїди низької щільності

МЩКТ– мінеральна щільність кісткової тканини

ПОЕС –постоваріоектомічний синдром

ФСГ– фолікулостимулюючий гормон