
Ліпофільні глікозиди мурамоїлдипептиду: синтез і антиінфекційна протективна дія (стр. 5 из 5)

Не выявлено достоверного различия в иммуностимулирующем действии a- и b-гликозидов MDP.

Для большинства изученных липогликопептидов наблюдалось увеличение иммуностимулирующего действия при возрастании липофильности агликона.

Ключевые слова: гликопептиды, мурамоилдипептид, О- и S-гликозиды, гликозилирование, антибактериальная и вирусная резистентность.


Tsikalova V.N. Lipophylic glycosides of muramyldipeptide: synthesis and antiinfection protective action. – Manuscript.

Thesis for Ph.D. degree on speciality 02.00.10 – bioorganic chemistry. A.V. Bogatsky Physico-Chemical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odessa, 2008.

Thesis devotes of synthesis of new N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (muramyldipeptide, MDP) lipophylic glycosides with various structures of aglycone, different types, and configurations of glycoside bond, and establishments of effects of structure and lipophility of MDP glycosides on their protective antiinfection action. Synthesis of new glycosides with primary and secondary symmetrical aliphatic, alicyclic, alkylphenyl, alkylphenylthio, 2-(adamantyl-1)- and arylethyl aglycons was accomplished. New lipophilic б-glycosides of muramyldipeptide, namely a-dodecyl, a-(undecyl-6), a-cycldodecyl-MDP were derived.

Glycosides of MDP, which stimulation resistance of mouse’s in the presence of gram-positive (S. aureus) and gram-negative (Е. coli) bacterium’s, were revealed. It was founded that b-decyl-MDP have protective effect against influenza virus infection in mice.

Key words: glycopeptide, muramyldipeptide, O- and S-glycosides, glycosylation, antibacterial and antivirus resistance.

*розрахункове значення коефіцієнту розподілу н-октанол- вода, одержане за допомогою програми ChemDrowUltra 9.0 trialversion