
Домашнее чтение в обучении английскому языку на среднем этапе его изучения (стр. 8 из 9)

Цикл уроков по домашнему чтению


Two girls lived in a big house in New York. The name of one girl was Sue, and the name of the other was Johnsy. Sue and Johnsy were painters. They were big friends and lived and worked together like two sisters. Their room was small. They had very little work, and sometimes they had very little food. But they were very happy because they liked their work very much, and when people like their work, they are always happy.

November came. It was very cold in the streets, and it rained every day.

One day Johnsy fell ill. She was very ill. She was all hot and cold, and her head was heavy.

Once the doctor said, "Sue, I want to talk to you. Come out into the corridor."

In the corridor the doctor said, "Sue, your friend is very ill. My medicine will not help her if she does not want to live. And she says that she wants to die. When people do not want to live, no medicine will help them."

Thedoctor went away, and Sue stayed in the corridor and cried.

"What did the doctor say to you?" asked Johnsy.

"He says you are getting better," answered the girl.

"No," said Johnsy. "I shall die soon."

Sue began to make soup, when she suddenly heard Johnsy's voice: "Twelve, eleven," she said and then, "ten, nine, eight, and seven."

From the window she could see the wall of a big building. An old, old ivy vine grew against the wall. There were only a few brownleaves on it.

"Johnsy, what are you counting?" asked Sue.

"I am counting the leaves. Yesterday there were many leaves. Today there are only seven. Oh, another leaf fell down. There are only six

leaves left.

"But why are you counting them?" asked Sue.

"I am counting them, because I know that when the last leaf falls down, I shall die," said Johnsy.

"Johnsy, please, please do not say so," Sue asked.

"Yes, Sue. I know. I know that when the last leaf falls down, I shall die."

Evening came. There was only one leaf left on the old ivy vine. All the other leaves were on the ground.

"You see, Sue, there is only one leaf left on the ivy vine now. It will fall down at night and then I shall die."

Sue did not answer her. She wanted to cry. She went out into the corridor and cried there_ At that moment old Behrman came into the corridor. Behrman was a painter, too. He lived in the same house where Sue and Johnsy lived. He was sixty. He was not a very good painter, but he always said, "Everybody laughs at old Behrman. But Behrman is a great painter. Some day he will paint a beautiful picture. It will be the best picture in the world."

People did not like Behrman because he did not like to talk with others, and he always laughed at everybody.

"Why are you crying, girl?" he asked when he saw Sue.

"Oh, Johnsy is very ill," answered the girl, "the doctor says that the medicine will not help her if she does not want to live. And she counts the leaves of the old ivy vine in the yard."

"Why doesn't she want to live? Why does she count the leaves?"

"Johnsy thinks," said the girl, "that she will die when the last leaf on the old ivy vine in our yard falls down."

"And how many leaves are left on the ivy vine now?" asked Behrman.

"Only one. And I think it will fall down tonight."

"How silly your Johnsy is," said Behrman and went away.

Morning came. Johnsy looked out of the window and saw that the last leaf was still on the ivy vine.

The day passed. But the last leaf did not fall down.

"Oh, Sue, this leaf wants to show me how silly I was. There was a wind and rain, and it still lives. I shall not die, I shall live too."

A few days passed. The doctor came. He examined Johnsy and said, "My girl, you are much better now. You were more lucky than Berhman."

"Behrman? What is the matter with him?"

"Don't you know? Behrman died last night," answered the doctor.

"Behrman! Died! But why?"

"A few days ago in the morning," said the doctor, "people found him in the yard. Near him there was a ladder and some brown and yellow paint. Nobody knew why he was in the yard on such a cold night. Nobody asked him. People did not like old Behrman."

Sue came up quickly to the window and looked out. On the wall there was an old ivy vine with one brown leaf on it. The last leaf. Sue looked at the leaf and saw that it was not a real leaf. It was a picture. A beautiful picture. The best picture in the world which old Behrman had always wanted to paint. [10,82-85]

Урок 1

Ситуация: “А hard disease”

Речевыефункции: expressing someone's ideas/opinions, correcting each other, giving information, giving reasons and arguments, proving facts

Практическая цель: обучение письму

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование лексических навыков на базе ранее изученных, развивать умение извлекать информацию из предложенного материала, развивать беглость и гибкость речи, учить варьировать способы выражения мысли, повторение модальных глаголов should, shouldn’t

Образовательная цель: знакомство с классикой американской литературы на базе адаптированного рассказа О’ Генри «Последний лист»

Воспитательная цель: формирование интереса учащихся к зарубежной литературе и привитие осознанного желания читать книги на английском языке

Развивающая цель: развитие памяти, логического мышления, языковой догадки, вероятностного прогнозирования

Лексическийматериал:to fall ill, to be all hot and cold, to have a heavy head, to get better

Грамматический материал: особенности образования множественного числа некоторых английских существительных.

Оснащение урока: - Книга для самостоятельного чтения на английском языке в 5-ом и 6-ом классах средней школы Read after the lessons,А. Weise, I panova;

- Раздаточный материал;

Этап Задачи Содержание Вре
Teacher Pupils мя
Начало урока Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения - Good morning, girls and boys!- Glad to see you-Howare you all today? Приветствуют учителя. Отвечают на вопросы 2мин
Предтекстовая работа Сообщение темы и целей урока.Мотивация последующей работы над произведениемМотивация к дальнейшему чтению данногописателя I hope you remember that last lesson we started to talk about the famous American writer O’ Henry! Today we are going to find out some details about his life.Your home task for today was to start reading his story “The last leaf”. So we will check how well you got acquainted with its characters!Now we are going to listen to some interesting facts about O’ Henry’s life. Some of you prepared information. Listen attentively to each other and make notes if you wish because I’m going to ask questions:O. Henry (1862-1910)Pupil 1: O. Henry’s real name was William Sydney Porter. He was an American short-story writer, a master of surprise endings, who wrote about the life of ordinary people in New York City. William Sydney Porter (O. Henry) was born in Greensboro, North Carolina. When William was three, his mother died, and he was raised by his aunt. William liked to read very much, but at the age of fifteen he left school, and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch. He married in 1882.

Pupil 2: In 1884 he worked at a post as a reporter. In 1897 he was put into prison because some workers at the post said he stole money, but we are not sure about it. While in prison O. Henry started to write short stories to earn money for his daughter Margaret. Porter escaped from the prison in 1901 and changed his name to O. Henry.

Pupil 3: O. Henry moved to New York City in 1902. Henry's first collection, Cabbages And Kings appeared in 1904. The second, The Four Million, was published two years later and included his well-known stories "The Gift of the Magi", "The Furnished Room" and "The Last Leaf". O. Henry published 10 collections and over 600 short stories during his lifetime.Учитель задает вопросы касательно самых интересных фактов жизни писателя

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So you see that the story you started to read is a famous one. Tell me your first impressions about it. Did you like the beginning?Was it easy to read?Was the beginning close to the way you imagined it? Could you predict such a beginning?
Основной этап урока.Обучение говорениюУровень фразового единстваУровень сверхфразового единстваУровень связного текста Снятие лексических трудностейСнятие грамматических трудностейПроверка понимания общей информации текстаПроверка понимания деталей текстаПроверка понимания основной идеи прочитанногоВызов мотивации на дальнейшее чтение произведения Let’s revise the words that you were supposed to meet in the text:-Johnsy,-Sue,-Behrman-Ivy vine-Against the wallWe are going to continue to work at the words from the text. Let’s see if you translated them correctly. Tour task is to match the English word combinations with the Russian ones:To have very little work - иметьознобTo fall ill - лекарство не поможетTo be all hot and cold -заболетьA heavy head - иметь мало работыThe medicine won’t help – идтинапоправкуTo get better - тяжелаяголоваThere are 6 leaves left - осталось 6 листковBy the way what is special about the word “leaf”, yes you are right! Who can give another example of such building of the plural form?So you did it great, now lets see how well you understood the general information of the beginning. Answer the following questions giving the right variant:1. What did Johnsy and Sue do?a) they were teachersb) they were studentsc) they were painters2. Why were they happy?a) they had a lot of moneyb) they liked their workc) they had a lot of work3. Why did Sue cry one day?a) Johnsy was very illb) Johnsy didn't want to livec) there was no medicine for Johnsy4. What did Johnsy count?a) daysb) figuresc) leavesNow we are going to recollect some details of the story. You will get cards with the words from the text and your task is to give a situation where the word was used:Painter, wall, food, to count, room, sister, corridor, soup, medicineOh, I see you remember all the information about the beginning! So now you are ready to answer my “special” question. Look at the blackboard, toy can see it there:Why did Johnsy want to die?Tour task is to express your opinion in 3-4 sentences. You have several minutes to think it over…Now can you imagine the end of the story? So your last task for today is to create your own ending What it will be like in your opinion,…?All your ideas are very interesting! Next time we will check whose variant is the closest to the real ending of the srory.Your home task for the next time is to read the story till the end and to make up 5 questions to the whole plot. Смотрят на доску, произносят вслед за учителемИдут к доске и соединяют английский вариант с русскимЧитают слово на своей карточке и приводят предложение из текстаОбдумывают свой ответ и делают записи в тетради.Высказываются по очереди.Все ребята высказываются, предполагая, как может закончиться рассказ.

Урок 2

Ситуация: “A magic recovery”

Речевыефункции: expressing someone's ideas/opinions, correcting each other, giving information, giving reasons and arguments, proving facts, encouraging people

Практическая цель: обучение говорению

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование лексических навыков на базе ранее изученных, развивать умение извлекать информацию из предложенного материала, развивать беглость и гибкость речи, учить варьировать способы выражения мысли, обучение поисковому чтению

Образовательная цель: развитие потребностей чтения литературы на иностранном языке во внеурочное время.