
Методические рекомендации по использованию краеведения в урочной и внеурочной деятельности (стр. 7 из 10)

a) Kholki caves b) Borisovka c) the village of Kupino

4. Belgorod region is rich on…

a)forests b) seas c) oceans

5. The protected forest Yamskaya Steppe is … a) the museum of fine art b) Belgorod regional museum of Local History c) Natural Biological Museum

II. Put tag questions didn’t we, won’t we, aren’t there to the sentences

There are a lot of museums in Belgorod region, …?

We visited Prokhorovka this year, … ?

Our class will visit the protected forest Yamskaya Steppe next year, … ?

Контрольная работа по краеведению в 10 классе.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

I Вы услышите рассказ о городе Белгород. Определите, какие из \
приведённых утверждений (1 - 8) соответствуют содержанию \
текста(а), какие не соответствуют(b) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то \
есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни \
отрицательного ответа(с).
______ !

1. The 1st settlement of Slavs was established here in the XIX Century.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

2. Belgorod was founded in 1593.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

3. During Great Patriotic War fascist invaders didn't ruin Belgorod.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

4..Belgorod is called 'Town of the First Salute" because there was the 1st salute in Belgorod.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

1. Belgorod is the centre of the Belgorod Region, a) True b) Faise c) Not stated

2. The fortress of Belgorod on the South boundary of the Russian State repulsed the attack of the Tatar and Mongol hordes.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

7. There are a lot of trees and flowers in Belgorod.

a) True b) False c) Not stated

8. On the 5in of August, 1943, Moscow fired a salute in honor of liberation of
Beigorod only.

a) True b) False c) Not stated


Task 1-выберите правильный

вариант ответа, исходя из прочитанного текста.

The Belgorod Region.

The Belgorod Region is located in the South of European Russia. It borders on Kursk and Voronezh Regions and it has an external frontier with the Ukraine. The Regional Centre is Belgorod.

The, modern Belgorod Region was formed within the present boundaries on January 6th, 1954. The Region's population is 1450 000 people. It's area is 27.1 thousand square kilometers. Among the regions of the Russian Federation it takes the 64th place by the size of its territory. Now The Belgorod Region includes 21 districts, 10 towns and 1592 villages.

More than 60 nationalities live on the territory of the Region. The most part of them are Russians (93%).

The flag of the Belgorod Region is a five-coloured flag wish four fields on it: red, black, green, white and one blue cross. The blue cross means glory, the white field -peace, the red field - blood, the green field - liberty and the black field means modesty. Our Region has also a beautiful Coat of Arms. The flying eagle in it means victory and glory. There is the gold lying lion which means peace and humility. The blue sky denotes beauty and the green grass means happiness, health and liberty.

Originally the Belgorod Region was an agricultural one. But now it is also a large industrial Region. Our region is rich in mineral and non-mineral resources: iron ore, clay, sand, chalk and so on. Two large iron-ore mining plants arc the Stoilenskiy and Lebedinsky Plants.

The Belgorod Region is famous for its While Hills and fertile soils. Numerous rivers run through the Belgorod Region. The rivers of the Dnepr basin are in the west, the Don Basin Rivers are in the east. Fauna is very plentiful. This is a perfect place for hunters and fishermen.

There are a lot of famous people in the Belgorod Region. The names of M.S. Shchepkin, N.F. Vatutin, V.G. Shukhov, S. Khorkina arc known all over Russia.

All of us are proud of our motherland and we try to do our best to make it better!

1.The Belgorod Region has a frontier with:

а)Belorussia b)The Ukraine

c)England d)Kazakhstan

2. The flag of the Belgorod Region doesn't include:

a) Black field b)Red field

c) Green cross d)White field3.

3. What doesn't include the Coat of Arms of the Belgorod Region:

a) Green grass b)Shining sun

c)Blue sky d)Flying eagle

4.The Belgorod Region is famous for its:

а) Navigable rivers b)Deep lakes

c)White Hills d)Thick forests

5. The gold lying lion in the Coat of Arms of the Belgorod Region denotes:

а)Peace and humility b)Health and liberty

c)Victory and glory d)Peace and beauty

6. Yow many nationalities live on the territory of the Region:

а)Sixty-six b)Seventy six

c) Sixty d)Sixteen

7. The Belgorod Region borders on:

а) The Oryol Region b) The Tula Region

c)The Moscow Region d) The Voronezh Region

8. The modern Belgorod Region was founded on:

January 6|K, 1954

December 6th, 1954

January 16th, 1945

August 5"', 1945

9. The Belgorod Region is rich in:

а) Gas b)Coal

c) Oil d) Chalk

l0. The Belgorod Region is:

a) Agroindustrial region

b) Industrial region

c)Agricultural region

d)Scientific region Industrial region

Task 2.

Match the columns (-соедините начало и конец предложения.)

6. The Belgorod region is located in A. the Central Black-Earth Soil Zone.

2. The most part of the population B. five-coloured flag and Coat of


3. The Belgorod Region consists C. and it is a good place for

hunters and fishermen.

4. The Belgorod Region has it's own D) of the Belgorod regions are Russian

5. The main iron-ore mining E) the southern part of Russia

6. The Belgorod Region is F) are the Stoilenskiy and Lebedinskiy

the part of

7. Fauna of our Region is G) of 21 districts, 10 towns and

very plentiful 1592 villages.

Task 3


The task- You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane

who writes: We have many interesting traditions, customs and holidays in England. Teenagers are fond of St. Valentine's Day. It is celebrated on the 14 of February. We send valentines to our sweethearts. It's just a great fun to get a lot of them! Do you have any national traditions? How do you celebrate it? I am happy now because soon there'll be Easter holidays. Write back soon, Jane

Write a letter to Jane. In your letter answer her questions. Describe the local celebration - the 5th of August, the Day of Belgorod. Ask 3 questions about Easter holidays. Write 100-140 words.

Контрольная работа по краеведению. 6 класс Teacher’s

Аудирование. Прослушать текст и выполнить задания к нему.

The wild park Yamskaya Steppe was founded in 1935.It is situated not far from Gubkin. It is a part of the large wild park Belogorie.

The area of Yamskaya Steppe is 566 square kilometers. There are about 500 kinds different plants and animals. Some of them are put down into the Red Book.One can see there such animals as hares, foxes, wolves, roe-deers and others.

1. The wild park was founded in 1937.

a) true b) false c) not stated

2. It is situated not far from Gubkin.

a) true b) false c) not stated

XI. There are more 500 kinds of different plants and animals.

a) true b) false c) not stated

XII. Most of them are put down into the Red Book.

a) true b) false c) not stated

XIII. You may see there hares, roe-deers, foxes, wolves and so on.

a) true b) false c) not stated

II. Чтение. Прочитать и выполнить задания к тексту.

Museum of Military glory.

Museum of military glory of school No 20 was founded on February 22, 1969. The aim of foundation was to study the history of native land, to bring up young generation the patriots of their country, to form the skills of searching work.

The first leader of the museum was the teacher Tyuremskih Nina Vasilievna, then were Bazarova Zoya Vasilievna and Chevychelov Victor Mikhailovich and from 1980 the leader of our museum is Romanova Antonina Andreevna. She conducts a lot of excursions for pupils of our school and our guests. Together with pupils she corresponds with veterans of the Great Patriotic war arid their relatives. In the museum we can see the portraits of the heroes of the Soviet Union, a lot of pictures from the war, personal things of the soldiers, archeological finds.

To show all the exhibits the museum organizes different exhibitions devoted to important events.

Найти английские эквиваленты:

VIII. военная слава

IX. навыки поисковой работы

4. руководи гель музея переписываться с ветеранами

5. фотографии с войны

6. археологические находки

Ответить на вопросы

When was our school museum founded?

How many leaders were in our school museum?

3. What does the museum organize to show all the exhibits?

9.3.7 Crossword My city








Down :

1. What is the capital of our region?

2. What is the biggest park in Belgorod?


1. What is the long street in our city?

2. What is the main square in Belgorod?

3. What is the largest and popular cinema in Belgorod?

4. What is the longest river in Belgorod region?

5. What is the most popular theatre in Belgorod?



1. What holiday do people say: “Farewell-to-Winter”?

2. What holiday do people go to the church and take water home?

3. What holiday do people celebrate on the 7th of January?


1. When do people have New Year tree?

2. When do people paint eggs?

1 2

Famous people


1. Who was famous actor?

2. Who was a modern artist?

3. Who was gymnast, Olympic champion?

4. Who was the first Governor of Belgorod region?

5. Who was a modern writer?


1. Who invented the oil?

2. Who was a famous engineer and inventor?

3. Who was a military leader?

1 1


Календарно- тематическое планирование

с элементами краеведения 9 класс к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева

I четверть

Тема №1. Выдающиеся люди, их вклад в науку и мировую культуру

(22+1 час)


1) изучить новые ЛЕ, ввести их в монологи-сообщения о выдающихся писателях, музыкантах Британии и России, Белгородской области, о библиотеках, книгах – шедеврах; оценочные диалоги с элементами размышления, согласия/несогласия, уверенности/неуверенности; научить употреблять артикль, отработать в устной и письменной речи структуру предложений в страдательном залоге, обратить внимание при написании личного письма и эссе на употребление средств логической связи;

2) расширить кругозор учащихся путем более глубокого знакомств c социокультурными реалиями Британии;

3)развивать коммуникативные умения, навыки и умения аудирования и чтения в трех проекциях, написания писем личного характера и эссе.

чет вер ть дата № уро кА тема урока краеведение

цели урока

языковой материал домашнее задание

Выдающиеся люди, их вклад в науку и мировую культуру I четверть 24 ч.

(в том числе региональный компонент: 10 ч. по краеведению и 1 к.р.)

1 Отчет о каникулах Формирование лексических навыков и умений чтения и говорения To spend holidays to have a rest stick, to be impressed by, to be keen on, to get a ride, to practice, to roll down, to signal, to trade baseball cards, toothpick, tray; письмо «Летние каникулы»
2 Летние каникулы в Белгороде Формирование лексических навыков и умений чтения и говорения hiking, hitchhiking, jigsaw puzzle, opportunity, skateboarding, to be impressed by, to be keen on, to trade baseball cards, toothpick Распросить друга о том, как он провел каникулы, слова
3 Литературная Британия. Библитеки Белгорода Формирование лексических навыков говорения beloved, celebrated, diarist, fictitious, memorial, notable, playwright, production, to be set in, to inspire, to proclaim, treasure P.12 ex.2 (письменно) слова
4 Знаменитые писатели Британии. Белгородские писатели Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков и умений чтения и говорения Passive Voice As for..., It seems to me that, As far as I know, I've heard that, I've never been to For Fun and Profit II. ex.1;2 слова письменно о Белгородском писателе
5 Вильям Шекспир и Роберт Бернс – знаменитые писатели Британии Развитие навыков ау­дирования с целью из­влечения общей ин­формации novelist, screenwriter, to honour; грамматический: Passive Voice Задать вопросы к тексту, пересказ по плану, правило. слова
6 Борис Осыков Развитие навыков чтения с целью из­влечения общей ин­формации science fiction, thriller, to borrow, Рассказ о белгородском писателе
7 Обзор книг Совершенствование речевых навыков fiotion, invented, non-fiction, novel, poetry, reference book, romance, to lend, western For Fun and Profit IV.ex.1), 2), 3)
8 Важно ли читать? Совершенствование речевых навыков annoying, to be captivated by, to be full of passion Эссе на тему: «Важно ли читать?»
9 Ты любишь читать? Развитие речевого умения (Диалогическая форма речи) annoying, to be captivated by, to be full of passion Расспроси у друга о его любимой книге
10 Моя любимая книга Белгородского писателя Развитие речевого умения (Диалогическая форма речи) Презентация о писателях
11 Твой школьный ежегодник Развитие речевого умения (монологическая форма речи) Напиши письмо другу о том, что ты читаешь?
12 Досуг и увлечения – музыка на Белгородчине Формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения choir, conductor, enormously, hugely, musician, orchestra, soloist, to perform Слова For Fun and Profit II. ех.1; 2
13 Музыкальное турне по Британии Формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения annoying, anthem, appalling, appealing, breathtaking, catchy, cluttered, complicated, dreadful, eloquent, fascinating, hymn, martial, melancholy, organ, Reader: Раздел В1, В2, В2 р.25- выполняется по выбору учащихся
14 Музыка. Звуковая дорожка в нашей жизни Формирование лексических и грамматическихнавыков чтения и говорения Passive Voice romantic, sacred, sacrilegious, sensational, sentimental, soundtrack*, spiritual, to appeal to, to conquer, to destroy, to enrich, to

Выучить ЛЕ

Упр. 5

Стр. 22


15 Музыка и музыканты на Белгородчине Формирование грамматических навыков говорения Passive Voice compose, concerto, contribution, musical (n) opera, to feel like, to forward to, to give up, to impress, to mesmerize, to overwhelm, For Fun and Profit V. ех.1
16 Все собираются на концерт променад Совершенствование речевых навыков box office, expectation, forbidden, performer, promenade (concert), to cough, to ensure, to persuade, to surpass АВ ех.7
17 Дегтярев – композитор Белгородский Совершенствование речевых навыков to persuade, to surpass, to treat, trio, triple, varied, violin Диалог по телефону о композиторах
18 Многие выбирают поп музыку Развитие речевого умения (Диалогическая форма речи) Речевой материал предыдущих уроков; Расспросить друга о музыке - диалог For Fun and Profit V. ех.3
19 Нравится ли родителям та музыка, которую ты слушаешь? Контрольная работа (письмо) Развитие речевого умения (Диалогическая форма речи) Речевой материал предыдущих уроков; Предложить сходить на концерт
20 Театр или опера? Контрольная работа (говорение) Развитие речевого умения (Монологическая форма речи) Речевой материал предыдущих уроков; Рассказ о представлении
21 Контрольная работа (аудирование

Театр Щепкина М.С

Контроль ЗУН аудирования Речевой материал уроков; Написать письмо о любимом театре
22 Контрольная работа (чтение) Выдающиеся люди Белгородчины Контроль ЗУН чтения ИДЗ по ликвидации задолженностей
23 Урок коррекции Повторение лексики

Тема №2 Средства массовой информации (23часа+1 час)