
Лексико-семантическая неопределенность лексических единиц в художественном тексте (стр. 4 из 5)

Встречающаяся в художественном тексте анафорическая неопределенность может приводить:

1)к созданию двусмысленных, неопределенных ситуаций:

(6)Raphaella's mother, Alejandra, said she had been worried about the letter and that she insisted on walking to school with her.

Становится неясным, кто же беспокоится о письме: she-mother или she-daughter.

2)к полному искажению смысла сказанного:

(7)Most Americans do not want to be governed by men who believe they are always right.

Из-за недостаточности контекста анафорический элемент (местоимение they) может быть отнесено либо к men либо к mostAmericans, что может привести к искажению смысла сказанного.

2.4 Прагматическая неопределенность

лексический семантический неопределенность многозначность

Прагматическая неопределенность - наиболее редко встречающийся случай неопределенности (12 ситуаций или 16 %) и может встречаться тогда, когда предложение, как единое целое, может иметь несколько трактовок.

Ситуация (1):

[And in the lamp light now he could see two shining rivers of tears on the white marble cheeks.]

Становится неясным, чьи же были whitemarblecheeks. Либо они принадлежат he , либо кому-то другому.

Пример (2):

[She held her hand and the young man took it and departed.]

Доступный нам контекст в этом случае не способствует снятию неопределенности, и все предложение, как неделимое целое, может иметь два варианта толкования, одно из которых основывается на главном значении глагола take(брать).

Ситуация (3):

[He walked along, back to his hotel, undressed and showered and went down to dinner.]

В данном предложении из-за отсутствия одного из логических компонентов, у читателя может возникать непонимание или двоякая интерпретация данного контекста: можно подумать, что человек сошел вниз неодетым (Hewentdownundressed).

Пример (4):

[John Henry ran his finger through his hair and took out a cigarette.]

В данном случае из-за недостаточности контекста второе действие может восприниматься как прямое следствие первого.


Лексико-семантическая многозначность, является неотъемлемым компонентом всех естественных языков и довольно часто встречается в тексте художественного характера. В тексте романа DanielleSteel "APerfectStranger" присутствуют все четыре вида неопределенности:

· лексическая (33% - 25 предложений);

· структурная (26% - 20 предложений);

· анафорическая (25% - 19 предложений);

· прагматическая (16% - 12 предложений.

Лексическая неопределенность является прямым следствием полисемии различных частей речи, не уничтожаемой контекстом. Лексическая неопределенность возникает из-за недостаточности информации для выбора единственного ЛСВ полисеманта. Лексическая неопределенность приводит к искажению смысла предложения и созданию неопределенных ситуаций. Иногда лексическая неопределенность намеренно используется автором, особенно в начале каждой главы для поддержания интереса читателя.

Структурная неопределенность возникает из-за возможности членения одного и того же предложения на различные составляющие его словосочетания. Причиной структурной неопределенности является также особая структура английского предложения, недостаточность контекста и омонимия некоторых грамматических форм, например, ParticipleII и PastIndefinite; ParticipleI и PresentContinuous. Следствием появления в художественном тексте структурной неопределенности является искажение смысла предложения.

Анафорическая неопределенность порождается присутствием в художественном тексте анафорического элемента. Анафорическая неопределенность порождается недостаточностью контекста; особенностями построения предложений в английском языке; специфической структурой английского предложения, характерной для художественного текста. Наличие в художественном тексте анафорической неопределенности может приводить к искажению смысла предложения либо созданию двусмысленных, неопределенных ситуаций.

Прагматическая неопределенность возникает, если предложение, как целое, может иметь несколько различных трактовок. Прагматическая неопределенность возникает из-за того, что некоторые элементы фразы, являющимся единым смысловым целым, воспринимаются нами как разделенные на части, и приводит к искажению смысла предложения.

Таким образом, лексико-семантическая неопределенность представляет собой некоторую проблему для читателей, что иногда может приводить к искажению воспринимаемой информации. Однако преодоление этой проблемы не предоставляется возможным. Будучи продуктом деятельности человеческого мозга, она исчезнет лишь в том случае, если наш мозг уподобиться компьютеру. Изучение лексико-семантической неопределенности представляет несомненный интерес для современной лингвистики, помогая обнаружить неизвестные ранее закономерности обработки информации сознанием человека и усовершенствовать работу электронных процессоров.

Lexical ambiguity

1)He ran the finger of his mind over the wound now.

2)She had no idea what to say to him at first, but after a few moments of easy banter, she met the twinkle in his eyes and laughed.

3)I've had a crush on you since we first met.

4)I'd like to come up for a moment, before I leave.

5)He wanted to ask the man waiting on him at the counter if he had seen her.

6)But his words seemed to jar her, as she looked at him long and hard this time.

7)The stewardesses would whisk her away almost instantly when the plane reached New York and she would be safe again, in familiar hands.

8)He had felt it even at a distance, and it made him want to reach out to her again.

9)I'm sorry to be late, Mrs. Brandon. I was engaged. It was difficult to...get free.

10)-I just discovered her last name.

-That doesn't ring a bell?

-No, and for chrissake, stop playing games with me.

11)Especially now that he knew about her husband. He realized that he had to wait for her quietly without creating a stir.

12)We could fix up third floor for her, couldn't we?

13)He had Kay over a barrel and they both knew it.

14)It's no wonder he wants you around.

15)He walked towards the door way, feeling like a man going to his own execution, but at least he was going in style.

16)Life is a series of moving seasons...moving stages...moving dreams...we must move with them.

17)"Those who cover me every day know I don't take decisions lightly' - said Kate at the conference.

18)Even Senator Kate would think twice before taking on Charlotte.

19)People were driving round the parking lot waiting for empty spaces. While they waited they ran across most of their neighbors.

20)He was congratulated on being able to get his parish plastered.

21)Watch out for the pancake supper, sponsored by the Mikana Ladies Aid.

22)I hadn't heard him laugh so hard since his mother died.

23)His friends could give no reason why he should have committed suicide. He is single

24)Mrs. Charlotte Brandon, who went deer hunting with her husband, id very proud that she was able to shoot a fine buck as well as her husband

25)I personally enjoy your paper as much as my husband.

Structural ambiguity:

1)There was nothing left to say, except to their attorneys.

2)One could easily imagined the livered servants and gentlemen and ladies in dinner jackets and dresses of satin or silk.

3)There he always envisioned men with their arms around their women, with smiling children and puppies playing in the kitchen, or stretched out in front of warm, crackling fires.

4)At sixteen, he died in an accident, playing polo, leaving his mother stunned, his father bereft, and Raphaella's only child...

5)The passengers in first class had already been seated, and they sat down hidden in their private world, tow curtains gaze.

6)He put a finger to her lips, and her eyes held his for a long time.

7)...with Raphaella for an hour and than enjoying Bobby Short's midnight show. He was one of the greatest gifts in New York.

8)I respect what you do and are and feel.

9)You like in a vacuum. And so do I, some ways I have for a long time.

10)She needs a hell of a lot more than just George looking at charts.

11)She had bought all of her purchases with the huge roll of cash she had gotten at the bank.

12)She had spent the day with John Henry, gotten him out to the garden in the morning, carefully wrapped in blankets and wearing a warm scarf and a hat as well as a black cashmere coat over his silk robe.

13)He found himself muttering in anities to the ancient secretary and wondered if he was going to faint as they waited for a nurse to usher them inside.

14)The article barely mentioned Raphaella, except to mention that he was survived by no children, but his second wife, the former...

15)It was September that Alejandra began to push Raphaella.

16)She wore tortoise-rim glasses with gold and silver trim on them, a large wedding band set with five good-sized diamonds and false teeth.

17)Hundreds of school children had climbed the mountains with their teachers and rucksacks on their backs.

18)he was found unconscious by neighbor who smelled gas and tow maintenance men.

19)Never break your bread or roll in your soup.

20)As we look down, we see a mass of faces on the floor, dancing arm in arm.

Anaphoric ambiguity:

1)She had promised herself when she left law school that by the time she was thirty she would made it "big".

2)A hundred thousand a year was the answer, and didn't even blink. For an instant, he had laughed at her. Until he saw the look in her eyes. She meant it and she'd get it.

3)Something in his guts tugged again at the mention of her name.

4)"And how many do you want when you grow up, Raphaella?"

5)Especially now he knew about her husband. He realized that he had to wait for her quietly without creating a stir.

6)One got accustomed by strangers an aeroplanes. One went to lunch with them. One went out for drinks. One forgot one's obligations and one fell in love.

7)The stewardesses would whisk her away almost instantly when the plane reached New York and she would be safe again, in familiar hands.

8)She had a grace and a presence as she moved towards the table, which suggested the bearing of a young lady.

9)He suspected that she was being besieged by guilt again, but that was to be expected after all.

10)-I am at my office all day. I am busy.

-So is her mother, and the difference is that you love her.

11)They were both lying on the floor playing with the trains Alex had brought from the basement. They had been his father's and now his.

12)Than she had them framed and had given the one of Alex to Raphaella and the one of her to Alex.

13)He found himself muttering in anities to the ancient secretary and wondered if he was going to faint as they waited for a nurse to usher them inside.

14)Raphaella's mother, Alejandra said she had been worried about the letter and that's she insisted on walking to school with her.

15)Friends of Miss Kate and Mr. Walker believe they have been made scapegoats.

16)Most Americans do not want to be governed by men who believe they are always right.

17)It was rather pleasant to hear their voices and realize that they were 3000miles away.

18)Among the first to enter was..., lone woman passenger. Slowly her nose was turned around to face in a south westerly direction, and away from the hanger doors. Then, like some stranger beast, she crawled along the grass.

19)John Henry Phillips smoked a cigar during the interview and despite its length appeared infatigued at its conclusion, although it had delays his lunch nearly an hour.

Pragmatic ambiguity:

1)...and in the lamplight now he could see tow shining rivers of tears on the white marble checks.

2)Alex felt as though every ounce of his being reached out to the unknown beauty with the big eyes and dark hair.

3)She seemed to walk into a huge and disappear.

4)It seemed cold and unfriendly, as did the stuff, all of whom John Henry had had when she arrived.

5)She walked to her bedroom after telling the nurse that she would be in to see her husband in 15 minutes.

6)And Alejandra looked so much like him it always brought a lump to her throat just to see him, so dark, so tall, so long and lean.

7)Surely her sacrifice had instantly borne fruit.

8)We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind assistance in their recent destruction if our home by fire.

9)He walked along, back to his hotel, undressed and showered and went down to dinner.

10)His left thumb, which was shot away, is doing nicely.

11)Big cattle show at Tolchester Beach. Go over, see the show and meet your friends.

12)John Henry ran his finger through his hair and took out a cigar.


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2)Caramazza, A; Grober; E. Polysemy and the Structure of the Subjective Lexicon.// Georgetown University . Round Table on Language and Linguistics. Washington DC., 1976.

3)Charnyak, E; Wilks, Y. Computational Semantics.// Amsterdam, 1976.

4)Croft, W. The Role of Domains in the Interpretation of Metaphors and Metonymies.// Cognitive Linguistics. 4/1983.

5)Dopkins, S; Morris,. R; Rayner, K. Lexical Ambiguity and Eye Fixations in Reading : A Test of Competing Models of Lexical Ambiguity Resolution.// George Washington University; University of South Carolina ; University of Massachusetts. 1992.

6)Duffy, S; Morris, R; Rayner, K. Lexical Ambiguity and Fixation Times in Reading. // Amherst College, University of Massachusetts. 1988.

7)Gee, N. Implicit Memory and Word Ambiguity.// College of Frodonia, State University of New York. 1997.