
Bible How To Be A Father Essay (стр. 3 из 3)

“If thirty minutes three times a week, provides the necessary endurance for the physical, then would it be off-base to suggest the same schedule might give me endurance for the spiritual life. Farrar, p143″

The point Farrar makes here is an awesome point. If men were to concentrate as much on there spiritual life as they do there physical life the world that is here today would be a much better place to live in. A good father needs to make sure that he is setting time aside to have personal time with God. Another way fathers can be good spiritual leaders is to make sure their kids see them modeling certain aspects of fatherhood.

“ I have five goals…It is my job as their father to model for them the importance of:

❶ Knowing and obeying Jesus Christ

❷ Knowing and displaying Godly character

❸ Knowing and loving my wife

❹ Knowing and loving my children

❺ Knowing my gifts and abilities

Farrar, p42″

When children see their father doing these five things they will take that model and apply it to their life. Fathers need to make sure that they are being good spiritual leaders.


In conclusion without fathers today the children of America would be lost. That is why most of them are lost because they do not have a father. God has called men to take up the role of fatherhood and be good Christian examples to his children. God gives many instructions on how to be a father and hopefully all men heed to these instructions. Without God none of this would be possible so it is through him all credit is given. A fathers most important task in life is making sure his children are following God. If this is true then the father has done his job.


Anderson, Christopher P. Father: The Figure and the Force. New York: Warner Books Inc., 1983.

Dobson, James, PhD. Dr. Dobson Answers Your Questions. n.p.: Living Books, 1982.

Farrar, Steve. Point Man. Portland: Multnomah Press, 1990.

God. Holy Bible: King James Version. Colorado Springs: International Bible Society, 1987.

Weber, Stu. Tender Warrior. Portland: Multnomah Books, 1993.