
Дезадаптація безробітних з особистісними, соматоформними і сексуальними розладами та її психокорекція (стр. 5 из 5)

Проведение разработанной системы психокоррекции позволило получить достаточно высокий и стойкий терапевтический эффект, составивший 89±3% при соматоформных расстройствах, 80±6% при специфических расстройствах личности, восстановить сексуальное здоровье у 82±3% и достигнуть постоянной успешной работы у 92±3% пациентов.

Ключевые слова: безработные, личностные, соматоформные, сексуальные расстройства, психокоррекция.


Martynenko N.V. The desadaptation of unemployed persons with personality, somatoformic and sexual disorders and its psychocorrection. – Manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate of science degree by speciality 19.00.04 – medical psychology. Kharkov medical academy of a postgraduate studies UMH. – Kharkov, 2008.

On the basis of the systemic interdisciplinary approach in the thesis there are studied specific personality and somatoformic disorders and sociological characteristics of unemployed men and women. Personality peculiarities and interpersonality relations of unemployed persons are investigated and there is revealed clinic structure of psychic state and sexual health disorders in them. The causes, development mechanisms and manifestation of unemployed persons desadaptation on different interaction levels are studied, the desadaptation variants and forms are determined, disorders of family functioning at the somebody inability to get a job are examined.

Vary effective psychic disorders and unemployed persons desadaptation on social and microsocial levels psychotherapeutic correction system is developed.

Key words: unemployed persons, personality, somatoformic, sexual disorders, psychocorrection.