
Реографічні показники церебрального кровообігу у підлітків: залежність від статі, віку та соматотипу (стр. 6 из 6)

У подростков разного пола среди показателей РЭГ только регрессионные модели базового импеданса, продолжительности фазы быстрого кровенаполнения и показатель тонуса артерий распределения у девочек имеют точность описания признака больше чем 50 %.

Ключевые слова: подростки, реоэнцефалография, половой диморфизм, соматотип.


Bogachuk O.P. Rheographic characteristics of the cerebral gaemocirculation in adolescents: dependences from sex, age and somatotypes.

Dissertation for competition for scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on specialty 14.03.03 – normal physiology.- Vinnytsia National M.I.Pyrogov Memorial Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Vinnytsia, 2008.

The dissertation is devoted to the studying of peculiarities of the cerebral gaemocirculation’s characteristics in practically healthy adolescent city boys and girls of Podillya region in dependence from sex, age and somatotypes.

For the first time the author has studied the age dynamic, sexual and somatotypological peculiarities of rheoencephalographic characteristics of the cerebral gaemocirculation in practically healthy city boys and girls. Peculiarities of connections of the cerebral gaemocirculation’s rheoencephalogphic characteristics in practically healthy city adolescents of different sex with anthropometrical and somatotypological parameters of the organism have been discovered in Podillya region for the first time, the sexual and age specialty of the majority correlative connections has been revealed. The models of gaemodynamic characteristics of girls in dependence from peculiarities of the body structure have been made at first.

Key words:adolescents,rheoencephalography,sexual differences, somatotype.