
Будущая эволюция человека (стр. 24 из 24)

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[1] Hewlett, 2002.

[2] Trafford, 2002, F8.

[3] “Disability Rights Advocates.”

[4] Smith, 2002.

[5] Henderson, 1999.

[6] http://www.bioethicsanddisability.org/eugenics.html

[7] http://www.eugenics.net

[8] Francis Galton, “Eugenics, Its Definition, Scope, and Aims,” Sociological Papers, 1905, I, 45-50, 45; цитируется по Weingart, Kroll, and Bayertz, 1988, 33.

[9] Kahn, 2000, 2, 32-33, 38.

[10] Pichot, 2000, 12-13.

[11] American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2000, 1219; цитирует M.-C. King и A. C. Wilson, Science, 188, 107, (1975); Stein, 2002.

[12] Balter, 2001.

[13] Itzkoff, 2000, 265.

[14] Itzkoff, 2000, 265.

[15] Neel, 1983.

[16] На контр-селекционный характер одомашнивания указал Юлиус Тандлер в 1928 in Gefahren der Minderwertigkeit, напечатано вJahrbuch 1928 des Wiener Jugendhilfewerks, Vienna, 7; цитируется по Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 45.

[17] Bailey/Pillard, 1991; Associated Press, 1992a.

[18] Weinrich, 1978.

[19] Gladue/Green/Hellman, 1984.

[20] Examination Alpha, Test 8, Forms 8 and 9, цитата из Paul, 1995, pg. 66, вязто из Robert M. Yerkes, ed. Psychological Examining in the United States Army, том 15, Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1921.

[21] Herrnstein/Murray, 1994, 345.

[22] Flynn, 1984.

[23] Hernstein/Murray, 1994, 401.

[24] Lerner, 1980, 121.

[25] Snyderman/Rothman, 1986, 83.

[26] Finkelstein, 2000, 36-37.

[27] Tucker, 1994, 219; цитируется по B. S. Bloom, “Testing Cognitive Ability and Achievement,” Handbook of Research on Testing, ed. N.c. Gage, 1963, 384.

[28] Henshaw/O’Reilley, 1983, 10.

[29] Herrnstein/Murray, 1994, 351.

[30] Weyl and Possona, 1963; Weyl, 1967.

[31] Glad, 1998.

[32] Encyclopedia Britannica, “Genetic disease, human.”

[33] Ridley, 2001.

[34] Hersh, 1966, 568.

[35] Mann, Fritz, “Eugénique et éthique commune dans la société pluraliste,” Missa/Susanne, 1999, 140.

[36] Lévinas, E., Totalité et infini: Essai sur l’extériorité, Coll. Biblio Essais, No. 4120, 1971, pg. 310; цитируется по Missa/Susanne, 97.

[37] Pembre, M., “Prenatal diagnosis and its ethical implication,” A Report to the European Commission Group of Advisors on the Ethical Implication of Biotechnology, October 1994, 3-4; quoted in Missa/Susanne, 38-39.

[38] Brock, et al.

[39] Elliman, 2001.

[40] Elliman, 2001.

[41] Stone, 2000.

[42] Eugenics – Euthenics – Euphenics.

[43] См. Lo Duca, 1969.

[44] Bearden/Fuquay, 2000, 2.

[45] Wright, 1997, 25.

[46] Wright, 1997, 147-148.

[47] Borkenau et al, 2001.

[48] Wright, 1997, 61.

[49] Wright, 1997, 61.

[50] Wright, 1997, 63.

[51] Bearden/Fuquay, 2000, 151.

[52] Laris, 2002.

[53] Weiss, 2002 A10.

[54] Mooney, 2001.

[55] Kristol, 2002.

[56] Stolberg.

[57] Bravin, Jess; Regaldo, Antonio. 2003. “U.N. Puts Off Human-Clone Ban Amid Demands by U.S., Vatican,” Wall Street Journal, November 7, A3.

[58] Gallup Organization, February 14, 2001.

[59] Fletcher, 1983, 519.

[60] Paul, 1998, 12-13.

[61] Population Reference Bureau, 2003 World Population Data Sheet.

[62] Hardin, 1977.

[63] Singer, 1999, 42.

[64] McConaughy, 1933, 1, 7.

[65] Timber, 2003.

[66] Traub, 2002.

[67] Gallup, March 22, 2000.

[68] National Assessment of Education Progress.

[69] Gallup, July 6, 1999.

[70] Rajeswary, 1985.

[71] Harper, 2004.

[72] См. G. Pomerantz, 1973.

[73] Bajema, 1976, 257.

[74] Yax, 2000.

[75] Herrnstein/Murray, 1994, 197.

[76] David Lykken, quoted in Wright, 1997, 131. See also Herrnstein/Murray, 1994, 191-201.

[77] Guttmacher, 1964.

[78] Vining, 1983.

[79] Yax, 2000.

[80] Price, 2001.

[81] Wright, 1997, 64.

[82] Wright, 1997, 60.

[83] Holden, 2001.

[84] Haller, 1963, 17.

[85] Wright, 1997, 123.

[86] Lunden, 1964, 86.

[87] Hirschi/Hindelang, 1977, 573-574.

[88] Hirschi/Hindelang, 1977, 573-574.

[89] Hirschi/Hindelang, 1977, 581.

[90] Herrnstein/Murray, 1994, 235, 242, 735.

[91] См.: McNeill, 1984.

[92] Herrnstein/Murray, 1994, 359.

[93] “Speaking in Fewer Tongues.

[94] Haller, 1963, 4.

[95] Haller, 1963, 19.

[96] Paul, 1995, 79.

[97] Haller, 1963, 129.

[98] Haller, 1963, 132.

[99] Haller, 1963, 137, 141.

[100] Ascencion Cambron, “Approche juridique de la stérilisation des handicapés mentaux en Espagne,” article in Missa/Susanne, 1999, 121.

[101] M.-T. Nisot’s 1927-29 La Question eugénique dans les divers pays, two volumes, Brussels; quoted in Drouard, 1999, 19.

[102] Drouard, 1999, 7.

[103] Alexander Tille, Das aristokratische Prinzip der Natur, 1893; quoted in Kaiser et al, 1992, 1.

[104] Otto Ammon, Natürliche Auslese und Ständbildung, 1893; quoted in Kaiser et al, 1992, 2-3.

[105] Leitsätze der “Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rassenhygiene,” zur Geburtenfrage angenommen in der Delegiertenversammlung zu Jena am 6. und 7. June 1914; quoted in Kaiser et al, 1992, 14-15.

[106] Leitsätze der “Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rassenhygiene (Eugenik),” 1931/32; quoted in Kaiser et al, 1992, 62-64.

[107] Statististisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft 1872-1972, Stuttgart/Mainz, 1972, 102: quoted in: Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 130-131.

[108] Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 141-142, 382, 536-537, 539, 542, 597-601.

[109] Missa/Susanne, 19.

[110] Adolf Hitler, Völkisches Menschenrecht und sogenannte humane Gründe (1925/27), Munich, 1932, 444r, 444, Mein Kampf; цитируется по Kaiser et al, 1992, 119-120.

[111] Verschuer, 1943, 1.

[112] Verschuer, 1943, 3.

[113] Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 1998, 298.

[114] Das “Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses” vom 14. Juli 1933; цитируется по Kaiser et al, 1992, 126.

[115] Missa/Susanne, 1999, 18-19; Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 470.

[116] Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 469.

[117] Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 22, 174, 263-265, 283, 294.

[118] Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 300.

[119] Karl H. Bauer, Rassenhygiene: Ihre biologischen Grundlagen, Leipzig, 1926, 207; Hans Luxenburger, „Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten für die psychiatrisch-eugenische Praxis,” Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1931, 78: 753-758, 753; Lothar Loeffler, “Ist die gesetzliche Freigabe der eugenischen Indikation zur Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung rassenhygienisch notwendig?” Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 1933, 63: 368-369, 369. Цитируется по Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 524, 526.

[120] Aktion “T4” / “Wilde Euthanasie” (1939-1945); Aussage des “T4”-Leiters Viktor Brack: “Nutzlose Esser” 1946); Aus: DOC-NO426, in GSTA, Rep. 335, Fall 1, Nr. 202, Bl. 11; цитируется по Kaiser et al, 1992, 250.

[121] David Irving, Hitler’s War, Viking Press, 1977; цитируется по Saetz, 1985.

[122] Английский перевод: “Human Heredity, NY, 1931.

[123] Lenin, 1914.

[124] Schwartz, 1995.

[125] Max Levien, “Stimmen aus dem teutschen Urwalde,” Under dem Banner des Marxismus, 1928, 4:150-195, 162; quoted in Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 112.

[126] Paul, 1994, 20; цитирует "Из мрака" Германа Мюллера, 114-115.

[127] J. B. S., Haldane, Daily Worker, November 14, 1949; quoted in Paul, 1998, 13.

[128] Цитируется по Paul, 1998, 13.

[129] Singer, 1999, 9, 23. Доходы по Barnet, R. J. & Cavanagh. J. Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order, 1994; World Bank Development Indicators, 1997.

[130] Paul, 1998, 29.

[131] Wright, 1997, 10.

[132] Rubin, 2001, 29.

[133] Huntington, 31.

[134] Schwartz, 1995, 16, 33.

[135] Information provided by Benoit Massin to Peter Weingart; quoted in Weingart, 2000, 208-209. Also from WWW site of Kröner/Toellner/Weisemann, 1990.

[136] Weingart/Kroll/Bayertz, 1988, 251.

[137] Holmes, 1933, 122-123.

[138] Kahn, 197.

[139] Kahn, 140.

[140] Kahn, 74.

[141] Kahn, 106.

[142] Revel, 20003.

[143] Graham, 1977.

[144] Pearson, 1997, 10-11; цитирует выступление Sandra Scarr на годичном собрании Behavior Genetics Association, Behavior Genetics, 12;3, 1987.

[145] Grobstein/Flower, 1984, 13.

[146] Pearson, 1997, 38; цитирует Philippe Rushton: 52, “Science and Racism,” 52.

[147] Finkelstein, 2000, 11.

[148] Cooperman, 2002.

[149] Zoll, 2002.

[150] Tucker, 1994, 279-295.

[151] Glad, 2001.

[152] Gershon, Elliot S. 1983, 3.

[153] Wade, 2002.

[154] Lynn, 1996, 35; цитирует Coleman & Salt, 1992.

[155] “Gun Deaths…” 2001.

[156] Fletcher, 1974.

[157] См. Brock, et al, 2000.

[158] Pearson, 2000.

[159] Цититруется с разрешения редакции журнала Nature, Vol. 144, No. 3646, 521-522, copyright, 1939, Macmillian Publishers Ltd.