
Іван Франко і польська література (стр. 9 из 9)


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42. І. Франко. Адам Міцкевич. // Франко І. Зібр. Творів: У 50-ти томах – т.39. К: наук. Думка, 1983. – С. 256-257.


The theme of my diploma paper devoted to polish literature and “Ukrainian school” of romantics has never been researched before, that’s why taking into consideration some valuable articles, wrote by such scholars as: Matskowуch. M Rywkis I and the article, edited by Bojko - Blohin we can only get some information, but the work is mostly based on the expressions of I. Franko and what he, actually, said about Ukrainian and polish romantics. I. Franko turnd to be a great investigator of polish literature and it seemd, that he knew everything about polish literature of the XIX century. He really wrote a lot about polish literature and polish poets of the same century and also gave an adequate estimation of their creation.

The purpose of this research is the study of the epoch of romanticism and also the comparing of polish and Ukrainian romanticism in the interpretation of its different representatives.

The following tasks were set in order to complete the purpose of the diploma paper:

1) The characteristic and estimation of the epoch of romanticism

2) The acquintance with the most prominent representatives of the given epoch and estimation of their creative work by I.Franko.

3) Detailed concentration on the creative way of U.Slovatskyj.

4) Characteristic and estimation “Ukrainian school” of romantics in polish literature and interpretation of this phenomenon by I.Franko.

The subject of the research is the creative work of U. Slovatskyj.

The object of the study is the epoch of romanticism in Ukraine and Poland.

In the process of researching the described problem we used such methods as: the biographic method (the reflection of some elements of the biography of one of the most prominent representatives of polish romanticism).Systematic, comparative and the methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction were also used.

Theoretical and practical value of the research. The provided analysis of the problem may be used in future researches. In may also be practically used on the lessons of polish and Ukrainian literature in order to widen the scopes of children’s outlook. The following material may also be used in the institutions of high education as such, which has never been used before.

The diploma paper consists of Introduction, 3 Chapters, Conclusions and Bibliography. In Introduction we mostly describe Ukrainian romanticism and I.Franko as a pioneer of European romanticism. We also mention such romantics as Kotsubynskyj M., Kobylyanska O. and first of all Ukrainka. L. In Introduction we also mention a great payment of U.Slovatskyj in the development of romantic schools in Ukraine.

The problem of investigation of polish literature of the XIX century, its positive and negative sides and the most prominent representatives are described in the first chapter. This description is actually made by I.Franko, who is consider to be an investigator of Polish literature.

The second chapter is completely devoted to U.Slovatskyj. From this chapter we can find out the reason of this specific delight by him and some specific features of his literal works and also his connection with Ukraine.

And the last chapter is the characteristic of the “Ukrainian school” of romantics in polish literature and the role of this school in the development of polish literature and not only polish, but also Ukrainian literature.

So, the epoch of romanticism as an original phenomenon gave us and all world unsurpassed romantics of world degree, because they created something eternal something, that will live forever in our memory.

And a large number of our successors will come back to that glorious period and will give it the most profound estimation with the whole understanding of its meaning.