
II. методические рекомендации 7 (стр. 24 из 28)

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Small industries are actively encouraged in a number of ways. Firstly they are largely exempt from tax.
2. The opportunities that North Sea oil provided in the 1980s were stressed.
3. Under both the American and British systems of finance for small business the entrepreneur is required to furnish the original seed capital and prove he can run a business.
4. No one doubts that innovations in planning and technology are required.
5. From the meeting came a general feeling that, providing the best use was made of resources, a substantial increase in market shares, both in foreign and domestic markets, could be achieved.
6. More recently doubts have been expressed as to whether the planning towards heavy industrialization has really benefited many of the people in developing countries.
7. Research as a tool of sound economic policy has not been given adequate attention.
8. When governments or bankers think of technological transfer, especially from developed to developing countries, they are at first attracted by modern economies of scale.
9. This should be followed by satisfactory financial support for the approved research projects.
10. A change of course in the government's economic strategy was hinted at last night in Leader of the House's first major speech in his new job as chief Tory propagandist.
11. The whole EU budget is also being argued about. Both Britain and West Germany want to cut farm spending, while France wants a big increase in prices for its farmers.
12. The president's tax and budget proposals, which amount to a massive redistribution from the poor to the prosperous, have been defended on the grounds that they are necessary to end inflation. Complaints that the program is unjust are rebuffed with assurances that an unfettered economy is the best welfare program.
13. One day the world will learn of the intrigues and provocations that were resorted to in pushing the country into this suicidal policy.
14. The preeminence given to military industry and technology over the last three decades, has had a delayed but serious impact upon the civilian industrial economy. In stark contrast to the enormous sums allotted over the years to military technology, civilian technology has been starved for capital and thus for talent.
15. The construction industry employs more workers than any other production industry - 1.7 million people - and, once again, it is the worst hit by government economic mismanagement.
16. Chrysler workers have already suffered many severe hardships - the closing of Dodge Main and other plants, massive layoffs, and other cuts in pay. Now workers are asked to pay more to keep their jobs - without guarantees, although the bankers have Washington's guarantees of payment.
17. Detroit is a city with a Black majority population. Like many other industrial Midwest towns, it has been hard-hit by the economic crisis. Youth unemployment in Detroit is even higher than in most other U.S. cities.
18. Wall Street executives said they were heartened by the plan to reduce government borrowing and the resulting prospect of more business for their firms.
19. The new powers of the Government on wages are as totally unacceptable to the trade union movement of this country as the old ones. They must be resisted, and defeated.


Оборот it is (was)… who (that, when и т.д.)

Данная эмфатическая конструкция с it служит для выделения различных членов предложения (кроме сказуемого), т.е. несет эмоционально-усилительную функцию. Тот член предложения, который необходимо выделить ставят после оборота it is (was),а потом ставят соответствующее относительное местоимение (who, whom, that и т.п.) или союз (when, where). Аналогично можно выделить и целое придаточное предложение.

При переводе, опираясь на контекст, используют те средства русского языка, которые наилучшим образом передают эту эмфазу (например, словами именно, это и др.; изменением порядка слов и т.п.). Сочетание it is (was) not till (until) чаще переводятся: только после, только когда, только в такой-то момент.

· It is for that reason that the Fed.'s decision is both timely and appropriate.

Именно по этой причине решение Федеральной резервной системы своевременно и целесообразно.

· For it was Britain's role in the European Union which was at the heart of discussion…

Поскольку в центре обсуждения как раз и стоял вопрос о роли Великобритании в Европейском союзе, то… .

· It is not until full delivery that the goods will be paid for.

Товары будут оплачены только при полной поставке.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Strangely enough it is official policies designed for the common good that so often work against adopting appropriate technology.
2. It is through small business in the general case that ideas of Western technology and economic organization make their impact on the ordinary people.
3. It is, however, the rising and practically irresistible tide of international migration that poses a new, unprecedented challenge to the trade union leadership in the developed countries.
4. It is because of this single main qualitative difference that independent businesses are so much more efficient than the large organizations whether state-owned or public companies.
5. Is it Governments alone that are responsible for 20 years of relative decline?
6. And it is the government's aim to encourage investment that will best complement Britain's industrial infrastructure.
7. It won't be until the end of the congressional session, 10 months from now, that the United States will know what actually can be cut from the budget - and at whose expense.
8. It was at this time that major money center banks from New York to Hong Kong accepted, perhaps unwittingly, the responsibility of recycling the world's excess liquidity.
9. It is not until June 5 that the Bill will be published.
10. But because of government controls on the domestic price, it is in the export field that the coal divisions of the leading mining houses harvest the profits that have made them star performers in recent years.
11. And yet, on the face of things at least, it is just this issue that is at present in the centre of financial controversy in the United States and Germany.
12. Britain is looking for expansion, more "growth", but it is only tiny businesses, "seeds", which have the required expansion potential.
13. It is this licensing of technology which makes the agreement particularly significant is terms of the Anglo-Japanese collaboration on high technology being encouraged by the two Governments.
14. But we all know that it is capital which is creative for the future.
15. It is precisely this potential, which no other sector has, which has so fired the imagination of politicians.
16. It is the Bolton Committee which spotlighted the importance of the independence of the independent and small businesses to the economic prosperity of the nation.
17. Although it was Germany which had led a financial rescue operation earlier in the year, it was, ironically, the relationship with Germany which had probably done more to undermine Turkey's economic stability than any other single factor.
18. The share of imports in Britain's consumption of manufactured and semi-manufactured goods increased greatly over the past ten years. It was this growth which alarmed the Government and business last year when the expansion of imports had a severe effect on the balance of payment.
19. Although the United States invented the transistor it was Japan who was first to flood the world market with pocket transistor radios.
20. It is true America invented the modern document copier but it is now the Japanese who are making the US situation in Britain uncomfortable.


Служебные слова


В качестве союза since переводится на русский язык: поскольку, так как; с тех пор как, после этого (того). В качестве предлога since переводится: с, со времени и т.п.

· International agreements on prices have scarcely modified the situation since prices are always dictated by big industrial powers.

Международные соглашения по ценам вряд ли меняют ситуацию, поскольку цены всегда диктуются крупными промышленными странами.

· Since 1945 immense changes have occurred…

С 1945 года произошли огромные изменения…


В качестве союза while переводится: в то время как, пока; хотя, тогда как; несмотря на то, что; и, а.

Союз while в сочетании с причастием обычно не переводится, а сама конструкция обычно переводится деепричастным оборотом.

· While planning the future…

Планируя будущее

· The stock market indexes went up in London, while in Tokyo there were no hikes.

Индексы на Лондонской фондовой бирже выросли, в то время как в Токио не наблюдалось никакого роста.

3. FOR

В качестве союза for переводится на русский язык: ибо, так как, потому что, ведь.

· They insist on controlling inflation, for it drives up prices.

Они настаивают на мерах по сдерживанию (сокращению) инфляции, так как она ведет к росту цен.

В качестве предлога for переводится: за, по; для; в течение; из-за; на, к; от, против (болезни); за, вместо и т.д.

Наиболее часто встречающиеся сочетания с предлогом for:

for all - несмотря на, вопреки, чтобы… не…
for one - со своей стороны
for one thing - во-первых, прежде всего
for that matter - и все же; в сущности; что касается этого; несмотря на все и т.п.

Как уже не раз отмечалось, выбор варианта перевода будет диктовать контекст.

4. BUT

В качестве предлога but переводится: кроме, за исключением. Anything but - далеко не; все что угодно, только не; (for, to) all but - (для) всех, кроме.

В качестве союза but переводится: но, а, и, однако, тем не менее; если не, как не, чтобы не; but for - если бы не.

В качестве наречия but - только, лишь; all but - почти, едва ли…

· The Minister said that they had no choice but to cut interest rates.

Министр заявил, что у них не было иного выбора, кроме как снизить ссудный процент.


В качестве союза once переводится: как только, коль скоро.

В качестве наречия once переводится: один раз, однажды, когда-то, некогда.