
Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей вузов Втрех частях (стр. 24 из 41)

62) Она сделала шаг назад, чтобы я мог пройти.

63) Я бы хотела, чтобы ты объяснила мне это правило.

64) Никто не ожидал, что они уйдут так рано.

65) Они чувствовали, как дрожал ее голос.

66) Простите, что доставил вам неприятности.

67) Говорят, что моя сестра похожа на меня.

68) Пожар обязательно вызовет панику на корабле.

69) Полагали, что члены совета придут к соглашению.

70) Кажется, эта книга очень популярна среди читателей.

71) Кажется вероятным, что стеклянные детали мебели были разбиты при перевозке.

72) Известно, что он придерживается другого мнения на эту тему.

73) Оказалось, что здание получило повреждения во время взрыва соседнего дома.

74) Я понял, что с моими соседями трудно иметь дело.

75) Я вызову такси, чтобы вы не опоздали.

76) Важно, чтобы документы прибыли вовремя.

77) Откровенно говоря, я не прочь здесь остаться.

Unit 3

78) Единственным средством от скуки были прогулки с Анной по саду.

79) Она не сможет дальше жить, не видя тебя.

80) (В машине) Ты не против, если мы остановимся около кафе, чтобы перекусить?

81) Она очень любила организовывать праздники.

82) На улице продолжал идти сильный дождь.

83) Он родился с даром чувствовать прекрасное.

84) Как только она проснулась, она сразу же пошла в сад.

85) Ему удалось произвести на нее хорошее впечатление.

86) За этот пост стоило побороться.

87) Не имеет смысла плакать из-за пролитого молока.

88) При обследовании места преступления были найдены важные вещественные улики.

89) Обои нужно было заменить.

90) Она отрицала, что встречалась с Ричардом в парке.

91) Его обвинили в совершении преступления.

92) Она сыта по горло поисками работы.

Unit 4

93) Статьи, опубликованные в этом журнале, не относятся к теме твоей научной работы.

94) Существующие методы медицинских исследований значительно отличаются от тех, которые использовались десять лет тому назад.

95) Если ваши волосы покрасить, они будут выглядеть намного лучше.

96) Хотя почта и прибыла, она не содержала той информации, которую ждали.

97) Она говорила так, как будто была большим специалистом.

98) Она услышала, как свидетель произнес ее имя.

99) Минск – большой город, его население составляет около двух миллионов.

100) Минск меньше по сравнению с Москвой или Лондоном.


Unit 1 General Information

As you have seen in the previous chapters of this book, Finite forms of the verb are the ones that have a particular number, tense, person or mood and their function in sentences is to be a predicate. In other words, Finite forms of the verb make sentences:

The money provides basic finance. It was borrowed in the bank.

Mr Smith was promoted. The idea belonged to the manager.

There are also Nonfinite forms of the verb that do not function as predicates because they do not limit the verb to a particular number, tense, person or mood. In other words, they cannot make sentences, they form only word-combinations: the money borrowed in the bank, the idea of promoting Mr Smith, etc. These forms are also called Verbals because they are made from the verb.

The function of Nonfinite forms of the verb is to complicate sentences adding another verbal structure to the finite one:

Verbal Predicate

The money borrowed in the bank provides basic finance.

The idea of promoting Mr Smith belonged to the manager.

The above sentences are formally simple as they have only one finite verb (Predicate), but logically there are two ideas that are joined in one sentence, e.g.

The money borrowed in the bank provides basic finance.

The money was borrowed in the bank. The money provides basic finance

There are four Verbals in the English language: the Infinitive, the Gerund, Participle I and Participle II, two of which – the Gerund and Participle I – coincide in the form:

The Infinitive

The Gerund

Participle I

Participle II

to do




to check




The Verbals also have voice and aspect distinctions and they fulfil different functions, consistent with different parts of speech such as the noun, the adjective, and the adverb which we shall be dealing with later and separately for each Verbal.


§ 1 General Information

The Infinitive is the base form of the verb and thus it has some features of the verb: aspect and voice distinctions (to play, to be playing, to have played, to have been playing, to be played). (see § 3)

At the same time the Infinitive has nominal character which is revealed in its functions (a Subject, Predicative, Object, etc.) as you will see later in § 4.

§ 2 The Use of Particle TO with the Infinitive

The Infinitive is usually used with the particle to:

They decided to get married.

She failed to attract his attention.

I promised not to be late.

The structure Verb + to-Infinitive is consistent with the verbs in the box:

offer, ask, hope, decide, learn, manage, tell, promise, invite, attempt, plan, forget, fail, order, threaten, agree, aim, arrange, deserve, remind, refuse, want, urge, like, instruct, would like, expect, intend, force

Yet the Infinitive can be used without the particle to and is called the bare Infinitive:

Ann must be late

Why not solve this problem?

So the Infinitive is divided into two types: to-Infinitive and bare Infinitive.

The bare Infinitive is used:

1) after modal verbs (except 'ought to’):

She can’t go now.

We might go to the cinema.

2) after the verbs let, have/make (in the meaning of 'compel'):

The teacher didn’t let the boys leave.

She made them stay in after school.

I had them take my luggage.

3) after the verbs of sense perception: see, hear, feel, know (in the meaning of 'see', 'observe'):

I never saw you look so before.

I felt my heart jump.

I have often known a change of medicine work wonders.

Note: after the verbs hear, see, make, know in the Passive Voice the to-Infinitive is used.

He was made to work twenty hours a day.

They were seen to leave the house early.

4) after the expressions: had better, would rather, would sooner, cannot but, nothing but, why not:

I would rather not speak on the subject.

I cannot but think so.

You had better go to bed now.

Why not explain everything to her?

She does nothing but make scenes.


1. Fill in the suitable form of the verbs from the box in the following text. Some verbs can be used more than once. Reproduce the text.

manage, hope, offer, want, expect, plan, promise, threaten, intend, decide, refuse

Mrs Hamilton, an 83-year old widow, was the only person out of the residents who (1)... refused… to leave her house. Her house was the only one that hasn’t been demolished. The County Council officials (2) ..... to speak to Mrs Hamilton. They (3) ..... to build new blocks of flats in the area and to provide the residents with new flats nearby. The officials (4) ..... her to come out peacefully. They didn’t (5) ..... to prosecute her. But she was a very stubborn woman. Nobody else (6) ..... to move. People (7) ..... to move next year and all was delayed because of one person. They even (8) ..... to give her a modern flat immediately. Later Mrs Hamilton (9) ..... to give an interview to a correspondent. The correspondent (10) ..... to arrange the interview. Mrs Hamilton as she said (11) ..... to stay in her house. She (12) ..... to have a new house, not a flat to keep her dogs. Though the Council (13) ..... to cut off the water and electricity she (14) ..... to stay in her house until they provided her with a house.

2. Change the sentences as in the model.

Model: Don’t forget to fasten your seat-belts.

The stewardess (remind) ..... .

The stewardess reminded the passengers to fasten their seat-belts.

1) Please, do not leave your seats while the warning light is on.

The stewardess (warn)..... .

2) Read the emergency procedures, please.

She (ask) ..... .

3) I’m busy now but I’ll bring you a drink in a minute.

She (promise) ..... .

4) Would you like to see the Flight deck?

She (invite) ..... .

5) I don’t want to keep my belt fastened.

The passenger (refuse) .....

6) Would you like to come to a party on Saturday?

He (invite) ..... .

7) Don’t forget to go to the bank today.

The manager (remind) ..... .

8) Switch off the engine, and get out of the car.

The policeman (order) ..... .

9) Certainly not, I won’t sell it at that price.

The seller (refuse) ..... .

10) Don’t worry. I’ll definitely meet you at six o’clock.

She (promise) ..... .

3. Fill in the particle to before the Infinitive where required.

1) Do you think I’d like ..... spend the rest of my life in that situation? I’d rather ..... die!

2) She couldn’t help but ..... feel a little choked for breath.

3) Why not ..... come down to my place?

4) He gave a quick grin that made his lean face ..... look more lean than ever.

5) Ever since I came into this silly house I have been made ..... look like a fool.

6) I won’t have anyone ..... come interfering in my kitchen.

7) Andy let the hammer ..... drop out of his hand and ..... fall on the step.

8) You’d better ..... take him back to his place.

9) They ought ..... ask me for advice.

10) The poor boy was absolutely broken up. It made my heart ..... bleed. I couldn’t ..... let him ..... go without a word of comfort.

11) I’ve got nothing to do but ..... talk.

12) I would die sooner than ..... ask him for another penny.

13) They do nothing but ..... play bridge.

14) Why not ..... try ..... save yourself?

15) You’d better ..... get some sleep.

16) When she reached the front steps, she heard the taxi ..... drive away.

17) Arthur couldn’t but ..... glance at her.

4. Complete the sentences using the correct type of the Infinitive. The first sentence has been done for you.

1) Burt was furious and broke the furniture. But why did you let him ..... ?

But why did you let him break it?

2) My sister Ann has given up her job. What made her ..... ?

3) I think the meeting has already begun. We’d better ..… .

4) Did the old lady leave her home as the Council insisted? She was made ..… .

5) Did the assistant manager sign the contract? Yes, the manager let him ..… .

6) Bill is afraid the fire might destroy his new cottage. He’d better ..... .

7) We need more money to expand the business. Make the financial manager ..… .

8) Ted knows he’s done the wrong thing and he wants to confess and apologise to his parents. Let his parents ..... .

9) People don’t seem to be ready to invest money in our bank. Increase the interest rate and it will make ….. .

5. Fill in the particle to where required and retell the dialogues.

a) Policeman: – As soon as I saw you (1) ..... come round the bend I said to myself, ‘ 45 at least’.

Lady-driver: – How dare you! It’s this hat that makes me (2) ..... look so old.

b) ‘What has happened, George?’ she asked her husband who had got out of the car (1) ..... investigate. ‘Puncture’, he said briefly. ‘You ought (2) ..... have been on the look out for this’, was the helpful remark. ‘Do you remember the guy warned you there was a fork in the road?’

6. Translate the sentences into English using the Infinitive with or without the particle to.

1) Я чувствовал, что его рассказ правдив.

2) Я почувствовал, что кто-то коснулся моего плеча.

3) Вы выглядите усталым. Вам бы лучше пойти домой. – Нет, я бы предпочел закончить работу.

4) Почему бы не поговорить с деканом?

5) Ему оставалось только признать свою вину.

6) Я не могу не согласиться с вами.

7) Я предпочел бы не говорить им об этом.

8) Его заставили это сделать.

9) Видели, как он вышел из дома.