
Способы письма в алфавите языка хинди (стр. 26 из 60)

Singular Plural Singular Plural

I Person Ùðøü µðâðõ û èÙð µðâð÷ü Ùðøü èð÷¤û èÙð èð÷ü
II Person Ãðõ µðâð÷ ÃðôÙð µðâðð÷ Ãðõ èð÷ ÃðôÙð èð÷¡ð÷
III Person ãðè µðâð÷ ãð÷ µðâð÷ü ãðè èó ãð÷ èð÷ü

There is no modification due to Gender.

The Imperative forms of the present are made as follows:- In the second person singular, the bare root (with stress accent) is used:-

(Ãðõ) ÑðÁÿ `read (thou)»
(Ãðõ) ¡ð `come (thou)»
(Ãðõ) ¸ðð `go (thou)» !

Note: These forms can be used only for God, servants, young children, in affection for mother, sister etc. or for expressing anger. See :Ãðõ is used in addressing God, children and, occasionally, very intimate friends. It may also be used in anger or to express disrespect or in fondly addressing one`s mother, sister, younger brother etc. (but seldom father, uncle and grandfather).

In the second person plural, - ¡ð÷ is appended to the root:-

(ÃðôÙð) ÑðÁÿð÷ `read (you)»,
(ÃðôÙð) ¡ð¡ð÷ `come (thou)»!
(ÃðôÙð) ¸ðð¡ð÷ `go (thou)»