
Теоретическая грамматика английского языка 2 (стр. 10 из 54)

Second, there is an indisputable parallelism of functions between the possessive postpositional constructions and the prepositional con­structions, resulting in the optional use of the former. This can be shown by transformational reshuffles of the above examples: ...the daughter of somebody else; ... the stage finish of another stage-struck girl; ... the head of the man who had hauled him out to dinner.

One cannot but acknowledge the rational character of the cited reasoning. Its strong point consists in the fact that it is based on a careful observation of the lingual data. For all that, however, the theory of the possessive postposition fails to take into due account the consistent insight into the nature of the noun form in -'s achieved by the limited case theory. The latter has demonstrated be­yond any doubt that the noun form in -'s is systemically, i.e. on a strictly structural-functional basis, contrasted against the unfeatured form of the noun, which does make the whole correlation of the nounal forms into a grammatical category of case-like order, however specific it might be.

As the basic arguments for the recognition of the noun form in -'s in the capacity of grammatical case, besides the oppositional na­ture of the general functional correlation of the featured and unfea­tured forms of the noun, we will name the following two.

First, the broader phrasal uses of the postpositional -'s like those shown on the above examples, display a clearly expressed stylistic colouring; they are, as linguists put it, stylistically marked, which fact proves their transpositional nature. In this connection we may for­mulate the following regularity: the more self-dependent the con­struction covered by the case-sign -'s, the stronger the stylistic mark (colouring) of the resulting genitive phrase. This functional analysis is corroborated by the statistical observation of the forms in question in the living English texts. According to the data obtained by B.S. Khaimovich and B.I. Rogovskaya, the -'s sign is attached to individ­ual nouns in as many as 96 per cent of its total textual occurrences [Khaimovich, Rogovskaya. 64]. Thus, the immediate casal relations are realized by individual nouns, the phrasal, as well as some non-nounal uses of the -'s sign, being on the whole of a secondary grammatical order.

Second, the -'s sign from the point of view of its segmental sta­tus in language differs from ordinary functional words. It is mor­pheme-like by its phonetical properties; it is strictly postpositional unlike the prepositions; it is semantically by far a more bound ele­ment than a preposition, which, among other things, has hitherto prevented it from being entered into dictionaries as a separate word.

As for the fact that the "possessive postpositional construction" is correlated with a parallel prepositional construction, it only shows the functional peculiarity of the form, but cannot disprove its case-like nature, since cases of nouns in general render much the same func­tional semantics as prepositional phrases (reflecting a wide range of situational relations of noun referents).

§ 4. The solution of the problem, then, is to be sought on the ground of a critical synthesis of the positive statements of the two theories: the limited case theory and the possessive postposition the­ory.

A two-case declension of nouns should be recognized in English, with its common case as a "direct" case, and its genitive case as the only oblique case. But, unlike the case system in ordinary noun-declensional languages based on inflexional word change, the case system in English is founded on a particle expression. The particle nature of -'s is evident from the fact that it is added in post-position both to individual nouns and to nounal word-groups of various sta­tus, rendering the same essential semantics of appurtenance in the broad sense of the term. Thus, within the expression of the genitive in English, two subtypes are to be recognized: the first (principal) is the word genitive; the second (of a minor order) is the phrase geni­tive. Both of them are hot inflexional, but particle case-forms.

The described particle expression of case may to a certain extent be likened to the particle expression of the subjunctive mood in Russian (Иртеньева, 40]. As is known, the Russian subjunctive par­ticle бы not only can be distanced from the verb it refers to, but it can also relate to a lexical unit of non-verb-like nature without los­ing its basic subjunctive-functional quality. Cf:. Если бы не он. Мне бы такая возможность. Как бы не так.

From the functional point of view the English genitive case, on the whole, may be regarded as subsidiary to the syntactic system of prepositional phrases. However, it still displays some differential points in its functional meaning, which, though neutralized in isolated use, are revealed in broader syntagmatic collocations with preposi­tional phrases.

One of such differential points may be defined as "animate ap­purtenance" against "inanimate appurtenance" rendered by a preposi­tional phrase in contrastive use. Cf.:

The people's voices drowned in the roar of the started engines. The tiger's leap proved quicker than the click of the rifle.

Another differential point expressed in cases of textual co-occur­rence of the units compared consists in the subjective use of the genitive noun (subject of action) against the objective use of the prepositional noun (object of action). Cf.: My Lord's choice of the butler; the partisans' rescue of the prisoners; the treaty's denunciation of mutual threats.

Furthermore, the genitive is used in combination with the of-phrase on a complementary basis expressing the functional semantics which may roughly be called "appurtenance rank gradation": a dif­ference in construction (i.e. the use of the genitive against the use of the of-phrase) signals a difference in correlated ranks of semantic domination. Cf:. the country's strain of wartime (lower rank: the strain of wartime; higher rank: the country's strain); the sight of Satispy’s face (higher rank: the sight of the face; lower rank: Satispy's face).

It is certainly these and other differential points and comple­mentary uses that sustain the particle genitive as part of the sys­temic expression of nounal relations in spite of the disintegration of the inflexional case in the course of historical development of En­glish.

§ 5. Within the general functional semantics of appurtenance, the English genitive expresses a wide range of relational meanings specified in the regular interaction of the semantics of the subordinating and subordinated elements in the genitive phrase. Summarizing the results of extensive investigations in this field, the following basic semantic types of the genitive can be pointed out.

First, the form which can be called the "genitive of possessor" (Lat. "genetivus possessori"). Its constructional meaning will be de­fined as "inorganic" possession, i.e. possessional relation (in the broad sense) of the genitive referent to the object denoted by the head-noun. E.g.: Christine's living-room; the assistant manager's desk; Dad's earnings; Kate and Jerry's grandparents; the Steel Corporation's hired slaves.

The diagnostic test for the genitive of possessor is its transfor­mation into a construction that explicitly expresses the idea of pos­session (belonging) inherent in the form. Cf:. Christine's living-room the living-room belongs to Christine; the Steel Corporation's hired slaves the Steel Corporation possesses hired slaves.*

* We avoid the use of the verb have in diagnostic constructions, because have itself, due to its polyscmantism, wants diagnostic contextual specifications.

Second, the form which can be called the "genitive of integer" (Lat. "genetivus integri"). Its constructional meaning will be defined as "organic possession", i.e. a broad possessional relation of a whole to its part. E.g.: Jane's busy hands; Patrick's voice; the patient's health; the hotel's lobby.

Diagnostic test: ... the busy hands as part of Jane's person; ... the health as part of the patient's state; ... the lobby as a component part of the hotel, etc.

A subtype of the integer genitive expresses a qualification received by the genitive referent through the head-word. E.g.: Mr. Dodson's vanity; the computer's reliability.

This subtype of the genitive can be called the "genitive of re­ceived qualification" (Lat. "genetivus qualificationis receptae").

Third, the "genitive of agent" (Lat. "genetivus agentis"). The more traditional name of this genitive is "subjective" (Lat. "genetivus subjectivus"). The latter term seems inadequate because of its unjus­tified narrow application: nearly all the genitive types stand in subjective relation to the referents of the head-nouns. The general meaning of the genitive of agent is explained in its name: this form renders an activity or some broader processual relation with the ref­erent of the genitive as its subject. E.g.: the great man's arrival; Petor's insistence; the councillor's attitude; Campbell Clark's gaze; the hotel's competitive position.

Diagnostic test: ... the great man arrives; ... Peter insists; ... the hotel occupies a competitive position, etc.

A subtype of the agent genitive expresses the author, or, more broadly considered, the producer of the referent of the head-noun. Hence, it receives the name of the "genitive of author" (Lat. "genetivus auctori"). E.g.: Beethoven's sonatas; John Galsworthy's "A Man of Property"; the committee's progress report.

Diagnostic test: ... Beethoven composed (is the author of) the sonatas; ... the committee has compiled (is the compiler of) the progress report, etc.

Fourth, the "genitive of patient" (Lat. "genetivus patientis"). This type of genitive, in contrast to the above, expresses the recipient of the action or process denoted by the head-noun. E.g.: the champion's sensational defeat; Erick's final expulsion; the meeting's chairman; the St Gregory's proprietor; the city's business leaders; the Titanic's tragedy.

Diagnostic test: ... the champion is defeated (i.e. his opponent defeated him); ... Erick is expelled; ... the meeting is chaired by its chairman; ... the St Gregory is owned by its proprietor, etc.

Fifth, the "genitive of destination" (Lat. "genetivus destinationis"). This form denotes the destination, or function of the referent of the head-noun. E.g.: women's footwear; children's verses; a fishers' tent.

Diagnostic test: ... footwear for women; ... a tent for tish­ers, etc.

Sixth, the "genitive of dispensed qualification" (Lat. "genetivus qualificationis dispensatae"). The meaning of this genitive type, as different from the subtype "genitive of received qualification", is some characteristic or qualification, not received, but given by the genitive noun to the referent of the head-noun. E.g.: a girl's voice; a book-keeper's statistics; Curtis O'Keefe's kind (of hotels - M.B.).

Diagnostic test: ... a voice characteristic of a girl; ... statis­tics peculiar to a book-keeper's report; ... the kind (of hotels) characteristic of those owned by Curtis O'Keefe.

Under the heading of this general type comes a verv important subtype of the genitive which expresses a comparison. The compari­son, as different from a general qualification, is supposed to be of a vivid, descriptive nature. The subtype is called the "genitive of com­parison" (Lat. "genetivus comparationis"). This term has been used to cover the whole class. E.g.: the cock's self-confidence of the man; his perky sparrow's smile.

Diagnostic test: ... the self-confidence like that of a cock; ... the smile making the man resemble a perky sparrow.

Seventh, the "genitive of adverbial" (Lat. "genetivus adverbii"). The form denotes adverbial factors relating to the referent of the head-noun, mostly the time and place of the event. Strictly speaking, this genitive may be considered as another subtype of the genitive of dispensed qualification. Due to its adverbial meaning, this type of genitive can be used with adverbialized substantives. E.g:. the evening's newspaper; yesterday's encounter; Moscow's talks.

Diagnostic test: ... the newspaper issued in the evening; ... the encounter which took place yesterday; ... the talks that were held in Moscow.

Eighth, the "genitive of quantity" (Lat. "genetivus quantitatis"). This type of genitive denotes the measure or quantity relating to the referent of the head-noun. For the most part, the quantitative meaning expressed concerns units of distance measure, time measure, weight measure. E.g.: three miles' distance; an hour's delay, two months' time; a hundred tons' load.

Diagnostic test: ... a distance the measure of which is three miles; ...a time lasting two months; ... a load weighing a hundred tons.

The given survey of the semantic types of the genitive is by no means exhaustive in any analytical sense. The identified types are open both to subtype specifications, and inter-type generalizations (for instance, on the principle of the differentiation between sub­ject - object relations), and the very set of primary types may be ex­panded.

However, what does emerge out of the survey is the evidence of a wide functional range of the English particle genitive, making it into a helpful and flexible, if subsidiary, means of expressing rela­tional semantics in the sphere of the noun.

§ 6. We have considered theoretical aspects of the problem of case of the English noun, and have also observed the relevant lin­gual data instrumental in substantiating the suggested interpretations. As a result of the analysis, we have come to the conclusion that the inflexional case of nouns in English has ceased to exist. In its place a new, peculiar two-case system has developed based on the particle expression of the genitive falling into two segmental types: the word-genitive and the phrase-genitive.

The undertaken study of the case in the domain of the noun, as the next step, calls upon the observer to re-formulate the accepted interpretation of the form-types of the English personal pronouns.

The personal pronouns are commonly interpreted as having a case system of their own, differing in principle from the case system of the noun. The two cases traditionally recognized here are the nominative case (I, you, he, etc.) and the objective case (me, you, him, etc.). To these forms the two series of forms of the possessive pronouns are added - respectively, the conjoint series (my, your, his, etc.) and the absolute series (mine, yours, his, etc.). A question now arises, if it is rational at all to recognize the type of case in the words of substitutional nature which is absolutely incompatible with the type of case in the correlated notional words?

Attempts have been made in linguistics to transfer the accepted view of pronominal cases to the unchangeable forms of the nouns (by way of the logical procedure of back substitution), thereby sup­porting the positional theory of case (M. Bryant). In the light of the present study, however, it is clear that these attempts lack an ade­quate linguistic foundation.

As a matter of fact, the categories of the substitute have to re­flect the categories of the antecedent, not vice versa. As an example we may refer to the category of gender (see Ch. VI): the English gender is expressed through the correlation of nouns with their pronominal substitutes by no other means than the reflection of the corresponding semantics of the antecedent in the' substitute. But the proclaimed correlation between the case forms of the noun and the would-be case forms of the personal pronouns is of quite another nature: the nominative "case" of the pronoun has no antecedent case in the noun; nor has the objective "case" of the pronoun any an­tecedent case in the noun. On the other hand, the only oblique case of the English noun, the genitive, does have its substitutive reflection in the pronoun, though not in the case form, but in the lexical form of possession (possessive pronouns). And this latter relation of the antecedent to its substitute gives us a clue to the whole problem of pronominal "case": the inevitable conclusion is that there is at pre­sent no case in the English personal pronouns; the personal pronominal system of cases has completely disintegrated, and in its place the four individual word-types of pronouns have appeared: the nominative form, the objective form, and the possessive form in its two versions, conjoint and absolute.