
Теоретическая грамматика английского языка 2 (стр. 23 из 54)

The correlation of the continuous with contextual indications of time is well illustrated on examples of complex sentences with while-clauses. Four combinations of the continuous and the indefinite are possible in principle in these constructions (for two verbs are used here, one in the principal clause and one in the subordinate clause, each capable of taking both forms in question), and all the four pos­sibilities are realized in contexts of Modern English. Cf:.

While I was typing, Mary and Tom were chatting in the adjoin­ing room. - While I typed, Mary and Tom were chatting in the adjoining room. - While I was typing, they chatted in the adjoining room. - While I typed, they chatted in the adjoining room.

Clearly, the difference in meaning between the verb-entries in the cited examples cannot lie in their time denotations, either absolutive, or relative. The time is shown by their tense-signals of the past (the past form of the auxiliary be in the continuous, or the suffix -(e)d in the indefinite). The meaningful difference consists exactly in the categorial semantics of the indefinite and continuous: while the latter shows the action in the very process of its realization, the former points it out as a mere fact.

On the other hand, by virtue of its categorial semantics of action in progress (of necessity, at a definite point of time), the continuous is usually employed in descriptions of scenes correlating a number of actions going on simultaneously - since all of them are actualy shown in progress, at the time implied by the narration. Cf.:

Standing on the chair, I could see in through the barred window into the hall of the Ayuntamiento and in there it was as it had been before. The priest was standing, and those who were left were kneeling in a half circle around him and they were all praying. Pablo was sitting on the big table in front of the Mayor's chair with his shotgun slung over his back. His legs were hanging down from the table and he was rolling a cigarette. Cuatro Dedos was sitting in the Mayor's chair with his feet on the table and he was smoking a cigarette. All the guards were sitting in different chairs of the ad­ministration, holding their guns. The key to the big door was on the table beside Pablo (E. Hemingway).

But if the actions are not progressive by themselves (i.e. if they are not shown as progressive), the description, naturally, will go without the continuous forms of the corresponding verbs. E.g.:

Inland, the prospect alters. There is an oval Maidan, and a long sallow hospital. Houses belonging to Eurasians stand on the high ground by the railway station. Beyond the railway - which runs par­allel to the river-the land sinks, then rises again rather steeply. On the second rise is laid out the little civil station, and viewed hence Chandrapore appears to be a totally different place (E.M. Forster).

A further demonstration of the essentially non-temporal meaning of the continuous is its regular use in combination with the perfect, i.e. its use in the verb-form perfect continuous. Surely, the very idea of perfect is alien to simultaneity, so the continuous combined with the perfect in one and the same manifestation of the verb can only be understood as expressing aspectuality, i.e. action in progress.

Thus, the consideration of the temporal element in the continu­ous shows that its referring an action to a definite time-point, or its expressing simultaneity irrespective of absolutive time, is in itself an aspective, not a temporal factor.

At the second stage of the interpretation of the continuous, the form was understood as rendering a blend of temporal and aspective meanings - the same as the other forms of the verb obliquely con­nected with the factor of time, i.e. the indefinite and the perfect. This view was developed by I.P. Ivanova.

The combined temporal-aspective interpretation of the continuous, in general, should be appraised as an essential step forward, because, first, it introduced on an explicit, comprehensively grounded basis the idea of aspective meanings in the grammatical system of English; second, it demonstrated the actual connection of time and aspect in the integral categorial semantics of the verb. In fact, it presented a thesis that proved to be crucial for the subsequent demonstration, at the next stage of analysis, of the essence of the form on a strictly oppositional foundation.

This latter phase of study, initiated in the works of A.I. Smirnit-sky, V.N. Yartseva and B.A. Ilyish, was developed further by B.S. Khaimovich and B.I. Rogovskaya and exposed in its most compre­hensive form by L.S. Barkhudarov.

Probably the final touch contributing to the presentation of the category of development at this third stage of study should be still more explicit demonstration of its opposition working beyond the correlation of the continuous non-perfect form with the indefinite non-perfect form. In the expositions hitherto advanced the two series of forms - continuous and perfect - have been shown, as it were, too emphatically in the light of their mutual contrast against the primi­tive indefinite, the perfect continuous form, which has been placed somewhat separately, being rather interpreted as a "peculiarly modi­fied" perfect than a "peculiarly modified" continuous. In reality, though, the perfect continuous is equally both perfect and continuous, the respective markings belonging to different, though related, catego­rial characteristics.

§ 4. The category .of development, unlike the categories of per­son, number, and time, has a verbid representation, namely, it is represented in the infinitive. This fact, for its part, testifies to an­other than temporal nature of the continuous.

With the infinitive, the category of development, naturally, ex­presses the same meaningful contrast between action in progress and action not in progress as with the finite forms of the verb. Cf:.

Kezia and her grandmother were taking their siesta together. - - It was but natural for Kezia and her grandmother to be taking their siesta together. What are you complaining about? - - Is there really anything for you to be complaining about?

But in addition to this purely categorial distinction, the form of the continuous infinitive has a tendency to acquire quite a special meaning in combination with modal verbs, namely that of probability. This meaning is aspectual in a broader sense than the "inner char­acter" of action: the aspectuality amounts here to an outer appraisal of the denoted process. Cf:.

Paul must watt for you, you needn't be in a hurry. Paul must be waiting for us, so let's hurry up.

The first of the two sentences expresses Paul's obligation to wait, whereas the second sentence renders the speaker's supposition of the fact.

The general meaning of probability is varied by different addi­tional shades depending on the semantic type of the modal verb and the corresponding contextual conditions, such as uncertainty, incre­dulity, surprise, etc. Cf.:

But can she be taking Moyra's words so personally? If the flight went smoothly, they may be approaching the West Coast. You must be losing money over this job.

The action of the continuous infinitive of probability, in accord with the type of the modal verb and the context, may refer not only to the plane of the present, but also to the plane of the future. Cf.:

Ann must be coming soon, you'd better have things put in order.

The gerund and the participle do not distinguish the category of development as such, but the traces of progressive meaning are in­herent in these forms, especially in the present participle, which itself is one of the markers of the category (in combination with the cate­gorial auxiliary). In particular, these traces are easily disclosed in various syntactic participial complexes. Cf.:

The girl looked straight into my face, smiling enigmatically. The girl was smiling enigmatically as she looked straight into my face. We heard the leaves above our heads rustling in the wind. We heard how the leaves above our heads were rustling in the wind.

However, it should be noted that the said traces of meaning are still traces, and they are more often than not subdued and neutral­ized.

§ 5. The opposition of the category of development undergoes various reductions, in keeping with the general regularities of the grammatical forms functioning in speech, as well as of their paradigmatic combinability.

The easiest and most regular neutralizational relations in the sphere continuous - indefinite are observed in connection with the subclass division of verbs into limitive and unlimitive, and within the unlimitive into actional and statal.

Namely, the unlimitive verbs are very easily neutralized in cases where the continuity of action is rendered by means other than aspective. Cf:.

The night is wonderfully silent. The stars shine with a fierce brilliancy, the Southern Cross and Canopus; there is not a breath of wind. The Duke's face seemed flushed, and more lined than some of his recent photographs showed. He held a glass in his hand.

As to the statal verbs, their development neutralization amounts to a grammatical rule. It is under this heading that the "never-used-in-the-continuous" verbs go, i.e. the uniques be and have, verbs of possession other than have, verbs of relation, of physical perceptions, of mental perceptions. The opposition of development is also neu­tralized easily with verbs in the passive voice, as well as with the infinitive, the only explicit verbid exposer of the category.

Worthy of note is the regular neutralization of the development opposition with the introductory verb supporting the participial con­struction of parallel action. E.g.:

The man stood smoking a pipe. (Not normally: The man wasstanding smoking a pipe.)

On the other hand, the continuous can be used transpositionally to denote habitual, recurrent actions in emphatic collocations. Cf.:

Miss Tillings said you were always talking as if there had been some funny business about me (M. Dickens).

In this connection, special note should be made of the broaden­ing use of the continuous with unlimitive verbs, including verbs of statal existence. Here are some very typical examples:

I only heard a rumour that a certain member here present has been seeing the prisoner this afternoon (E.M. Forster). I had a hor­rid feeling she was seeing right through me and knowing all about me (A. Christie). What matters is, you'rebeing damn fools, both of you (A. Hailey).

Compare similar transpositions in the expressions of anticipated future:

Dr Aarons will be seeing the patient this morning, and I wish to be ready for him (A. Hailey). Soon we shall be hearing the news about the docking of the spaceships having gone through.

The linguistic implication of these uses of the continuous is in­deed very peculiar. Technically it amounts to de-neutralizing the usu­ally neutralized continuous. However, since the neutralization of the continuous with these verbs is quite regular, we have here essentially the phenomenon of reverse transposition - an emphatic reduction of the second order, serving the purpose of speech expressiveness.

We have considered the relation of unlimitive verbs to the con­tinuous form in the light of reductional processes.

As for the limitive verbs, their standing with the category of de­velopment and its oppositional reductions is quite the reverse. Due to the very aspective quality of limitiveness, these verbs, first, are not often used in the continuous form in general, finding no fre­quent cause for it; but second, in cases when the informative pur­pose does demand the expression of an action in progress, the con­tinuous with these verbs is quite obligatory and normally cannot un­dergo reduction under any conditions. It cannot be reduced, for oth­erwise the limitive meaning of the verb would prevail,, and the in­formative purpose would not be realized. Cf.:

The plane was just touching down when we arrived at the air­field. The patient was sitting up in his bed, his eyes riveted on the trees beyond the window.

The linguistic paradox of these uses is that the continuous aspect with limitive verbs neutralizes the expression of their lexical aspect, turning them for the nonce into unlimitive verbs. And this is one of the many manifestations of grammatical relevance of lexemic cate­gories.

§ 6. In connection with the problem of the aspective category of development, we must consider the forms of the verb built up with the help of the auxiliary do. These forms, entering the verbal system of the indefinite, have been described under different headings.

Namely, the auxiliary do, first, is presented in grammars as a means of building up interrogative constructions when the verb is used in the indefinite aspect. Second, the auxiliary do is described as a means of building up negative constructions with the indefinite form of the verb. Third, it is shown as a means of forming em­phatic constructions of both affirmative declarative and affirmative imperative communicative types, with the indefinite form of the verb. Fourth, it is interpreted as a means of forming elliptical constructions with the indefinite form of the verb.

L.S. Barkhudarov was the first scholar who paid attention to the lack of accuracy, and probably linguistic adequacy, in these defini­tions. Indeed, the misinterpretation of the defined phenomena con­sists here in the fact that the do-forms are presented immediately as parts of the corresponding syntactic constructions, whereas actually they are parts of the corresponding verb-forms of the indefinite as­pect. Let us compare the following sentences in pairs:

Fred pulled her hand to his heart. - -Did Fred pull her hand to his heart? You want me to hold a smile. - - You don't want me to hold a smile. In dreams people change into somebody else. - - In dreams people do change into somebody else. Ask him into the drawing-room. - - Do ask him into the drawing-room. Mike liked the show immensely, and Kitty liked it too. - - Mike liked the show immensely, and so did Kitty.

On the face of the comparison, we see only the construction-forming function of the analysed auxiliary, the cited formulations be­ing seemingly vindicated both by the structural and the functional difference between the sentences: the right-hand constituent utter­ances in each of the given pairs has its respective do-addition. How­ever, let us relate these right-hand utterances to another kind of categorial counterparts:

Did Fred pull her hand to his heart? - - Will Fred pull her hand to his heart? You don't want me to hold a smile. - - You won't want me to hold a smile. In dreams people do change into somebody else.- -In dreams people will change into somebody else. Mike liked the show immensely, and so did Kitty.- -Mike will like the show immensely, and so will Kitty.

Observing the structure of the latter series of constructional pairs, we see at once that their constituent sentences are built up on one and the same syntactic principle of a special treatment of the mor­phological auxiliary element. And here lies the necessary correction of the interpretation of do-forms. As a matter of fact, do-fonns should be first of all described as the variant analytical indefinite forms of the verb that are effected to share the various construc­tional functions with the other analytical forms of the verb placing their respective auxiliaries in accented and otherwise individualized positions. This presentation, while meeting the demands of adequate description, at the same time is very convenient for explaining the formation of the syntactic constructional categories on the unified ba­sis of the role of analytical forms of the verb. Namely, the forma­tion of interrogative constructions will be explained simply as a uni­versal word-order procedure of partial inversion (placing the auxiliary before the subject for all the categorial forms of the verb); the for­mation of the corresponding negative will be described as the use of the negative particle with the analytical auxiliary for all the catego­rial forms of the verb; the formation of the corresponding emphatic constructions will be described as the accent of the analytical auxil­iaries, including the indefinite auxiliary; the formation of the corre­sponding reduced constructions will be explained on the lines of the representative use of the auxiliaries in general (which won't mar the substitute role of do).

For the sake of terminological consistency the analytical form in question might be called the "marked indefinite", on the analogy of the term "marked infinitive". Thus, the indefinite forms of the non-perfect order will be divided into the pure, or unmarked present and past indefinite, and the marked present and past indefinite. As we have pointed out above, the existence of the specifically marked pre­sent and past indefinite serves as one of the grounds for identifying the verbal primary time and the verbal prospect as different gram­matical categories.