
Теоретическая грамматика английского языка 2 (стр. 50 из 54)

Substantially involved in the expression of semi-compounding is a combination of two subjects relating to one predicate when the sub­jects are discontinuously positioned, so that the first starts the utter­ance, while the second concludes it with some kind of process-re­ferred introduction. Cf:.

The entrance door stood open, and also the door of the living-room. The entrance door stood open. + The door of the living-room stood also open.

However, if we turn our attention to genuine coordinations of predicates (i.e. coordinations of non-repetitive or otherwise primi-tivizing type), both verbal and nominal, we shall immediately be convinced of each element of the group presenting its own predica­tive centre relating to the one subject axis of the sentence, thereby forming a strictly compounding fusion of the predicative lines ex­pressed. Ibis fact is so trivially clear that it does not seem to re­quire a special demonstration.

Hence, we will from now on treat the corresponding sentence-patterns with coordinate predicate phrases as featuring classes of constructions that actually answer the identifying definition of semi-compound sentence; in our further exposition we will dwell on some structural properties and functional semantics of this important sen­tence type so widely represented in the living English speech in all its lingual divisions, which alone displays an unreservedly clear form of sentential semi-compounding out of the numerous and extremely diversified patterns of syntactic coordination.

§ 2. The semi-compound sentence of predicate coordination is derived from minimum two base sentences having identical subjects. By the act of semi-compounding, one of the base sentences in most cases of textual occurrence becomes the leading clause of complete structure, while the other one is transformed into the sequential co­ordinate semi-clause (expansion) referring to the same subject. E.g.:

The soldier was badly wounded. + The soldier stayed in the ranks.The soldier was badly wounded, but stayed in the ranks. He tore the photograph in half. + He threw the photograph in the fire. He tore the photograph in half and threw it in the fire.

The rare instances contradicting the given rule concern inverted constructions where the intense fusion of predicates in overlapping round the subject placed in the end position deprives the leading clause of its unbroken, continuous presentation. Cf.:

Before him lay the road to fame. + The road to fame lured him.Before him lay and lured him the road to fame.

In the case of a nominal predicate, the sequential predicative complement can be used in a semi-compound pattern without its linking part repeated. E.g.:

My manner was matter-of-fact, and casual. The savage must have been asleep or very tired.

The same holds true about coordinated verbids related to a common finite verb in the function of an auxiliary or otherwise. E.g.:

The tiger was at large and burning with rage. He could not recall the face of the peasant girl or remember the feel of her.

By the number of bases joined (and predicate phrases represent­ing them), semi-compound sentences may be two-base (minimal) or multi-base (more than minimal two-base). The coordinated expansion is connected with the leading part either syndetically or asyndetically.

The syndetic formation of the semi-compound sentence expresses, first, copulative connection of events; then contrast, either compara­tive or adversative; furthermore, disjunction (alternation), conse­quence, limitation, elucidation. The conjunctive elements effecting this syndetic semi-compounding of sentences are both pure conjunctions and also words of adverbial nature. The pure conjunction and, the same as with pleni-compound sentences, expresses the unmarked semantic type of semi-compounding; the rest of the connectors ren­der various marked types of it. The pure conjunctions used for semi-compounding, besides the copulative and, are monoconjunctions but, or, nor, and double (discontinuous) conjunctions both ... and, not only ... but also, either ... or, neither ... nor. The conjunctive adverbials are then, so, just, only.

Here are some examples of double-conjunctional formations ex­pressing, respectively, disjunction, simple copulative relation, copulative antithesis, copulative exclusion:

They either went for long walks over the fields, or joined in a quiet game of chess on the veranda. That great man was both a soldier and a born diplomat. Mary not only put up with his pres­ence, but tried to be hospitable. I am neither for the proposal, nor against the proposal; nor participating in that sham discussion of theirs at all.

Cf. instances of conjunctive-adverbial introduction of predicate expansion rendering the functional meanings of action ordering (then), of adversative-concessive relation (yet), of consequence (so), oflimitation (just):

His beady eyes searched the clearing, then came back to my face. He was the tallest and bravest, yet was among those to give up life. I knew then that she was laughing, so laughed with her. The Colonel didn't enlarge on the possible outcome of their adven­ture, just said a few words of warning against the abrupt turns of the mountain-pass.

With semi-compound sentences, similar to pleni-compound sen­tences, but on a larger scale, conjunctions combine with particle-like elements of modal-adverbial description. These elements supplement and specify the meaning of the conjunction, so that they receive the status of sub-conJunction specifiers, and the pairs "conjunction plus sub-conjunctive" become in fact regular conjunctive-coordinative com­binations. Here belong such combinations as and then, and perhaps, and probably, and presently, and so, and consequently, etc.; but merely, but only, but instead, but nevertheless, etc.; or else, or even, or rather, etc. The specifications given by the sub-conjunctives are those of change of events, probability evaluation, consequence in reasoning, concessive contrast, limiting condition, intensity gradation, and many others, more specific ones. E.g.:

He waited for some moments longer and then walked down to the garden to where, on the terrace, the jeep was parked (H.E. Bates). She lived entirely apart from the contemporary literary world and probably was never in the company of anyone more talented than herself (J. Austen). To his relief, she was not giving off the shifting damp heat of her anger, but instead was cool, decisive, ma­terial (J. Updike). For several hours I discussed this with you, orrather vented exhaustive rewordings upon your silent phantom (J. Updike).

§ 3. Of all the diversified means of connecting base sentences into a semi-compound construction the most important and by far the most broadly used is the conjunction und. Effecting the un­marked semi-compounding connection of sentences, it renders the widest possible range of syntactic relational meanings; as for its fre­quency of occurrence, it substantially exceeds that of all the reft of the conjunctives used for semi-compounding taken together

The functional meanings expressed by the and-semi-compound patterns can be exposed by means of both coordinative and subordinative correlations. Here are some basic ones:

The officer parked the car at the end of the terrace and went into the Mission. The officer parked the car .., then went into the Mission (Succession of events, inviting a coordinative exposition). Suddenly the door burst open and Tommy rushed in panting for breath. As the door burst open, Tommy rushed in ... ("Suc­cessive simultaneity" of actions, inviting a subordinative exposition). Patterton gavelled for attention and speedily disposed of several rou­tine matters. Patterton gavelled for attention sothat he could dispose and did dispose of several routine matters (Purpose in suc­cessive actions, inviting a subordinative exposition). Her anger and emotion grew, and finally exploded. Her anger and emotion grew to the degree that they finally exploded (Successive actions in grada­tion, inviting a subordinative exposition). He just miscalculated and won't admit it. Though he miscalculated, he won't admit it (Concession in opposition, inviting a subordinative exposition). Mary promised to come and he was determined to wait. He was de­termined to wait because Mary had promised to come (Cause and consequence, inviting a subordinative exposition).

Among the various connective meanings expressed by the con­junction and in combination with the corresponding lexemic con­stituents of the sentence there are two standing very prominent, due to the regular correlations existing between such constructions and semi-complex patterns with verbid phrases - infinitival and participial.

The first construction expresses a subsequent action of incidental or unexpected character:

He leaped up in time to see the Colonel rushing out of the door (Н.E. Bates). He leaped up in time and saw the Colonel rushing out of the door. Walker woke in his bed at the bourbon house to hear a strange hum and buzz in the air (M. Bradbury). Walker woke in his bed at the bourbon house and heard a strange hum and buzz in the air.

In these constructions the leading clause, as a rule, includes verbs of positional or psychological change, while the expansion, cor­respondingly, features verbs of perceptions. As is seen from the ex­amples, it is the semi-compound pattern that diagnoses the meaning of the pattern with the infinitive, not the reverse. The infinitive pat­tern for its part makes up an expressive stylistic device by virtue of its outward coincidence with an infinitive pattern of purpose: the un­expectedness of the referent action goes together with the contextual unexpectedness of the construction.

The participial construction expresses a parallel attendant event that serves as a characteristic to the event rendered by the leading clause:

He sat staring down the gardens, trying to remember whether this was the seventh or eighth day since the attack had begun (H.E. Bates). He was sitting and staring down the gardens, and was trying to remember... Rage flamed up in him, contorting his own face (M. Puzo). Rage flamed up in him and contorted his own face.

With the participial pattern, the same as with the infinitival one, the diagnostic construction is the semi-compound sentence, not vice versa.

The nature of the shown correlations might be interpreted as a reason for considering the relations between the head-verb and the verbid in the tested patterns as coordinative, not subordinative. How­ever, on closer analysis we must admit that diagnosis of this kind is called upon to expose the hidden meanings, but not to level up the differences between units of opposed categorial standings. The verbid patterns remain part of the system of semi-complex sentences be­cause of the hierarchical ranking of their notional positions, while the correlation with semi-compound sentences simply explains their re­spective semantic properties.

§ 4. The asyndetic formation of the semi-compound sentence stands by its functional features close to the syndetic and-formation in so far as it does not give a rigorous characterization (semantic mark) to the introduced expansion. At the same time its functional range is incomparably narrower than that of the and-formation.

The central connective meaning distinguishing the asyndetic con­nection of predicative parts in semi-compound sentences is enumera­tion of events, either parallel or consecutive. In accord with the enumerative function, asyndetic semi-compounding more often than not is applied to a larger set of base sentences than the minimal two. E.g.:

He closed the door behind him with a shaking hand, found the old car in its parking place, drove along with the drifting lights. They talked, laughed, were perfectly happy late into the night.

Asyndetic semi-compound sentences are often used to express gradation of intensity going together with a general emphasis. E.g.:

He would in truth give up the shop, follow her to Paris, follow her also to the chateau in the country (D. du Maurier). He never took the schoolbag again, had refused to touch it (J. Updike).

Characteristic of enumerative and gradational semi-compound sen­tences is the construction where the first two parts are joined asyn-detically, and die third part syndetically, by means of the conjunction and. In such three-base constructions the syndetic expansion finalizes the sentence both structurally and semantically, making it into an intensely complete utterance. E.g.:

He knows his influence, struts about and considers himself a great duellist. They can do it, have the will to do it, and are actu­ally doing it.

Of the meanings other than enumerative rendered by the con­struction in question, the most prominent is elucidation combined with various connotations, such as consequence, purpose, additional characteristics of the basic event Cf:.

The sight of him made me feel young again: took me back to the beaches, the Ardennes, the Reichswald, and the Rhine. I put an arm round her, tried to tease her into resting.

§ 5. The number of predicative parts in a semi-compound sen­tence is balanced against the context in which it is used, and, natu­rally, is an essential feature of its structure. This number may be as great as seven, eight, or even more.

The connection-types of multi-base semi-compound sentences are syndetic, asyndetic, and mixed.

The syndetic semi-compound sentences may be homosyndetic (i.e. formed by so many entries of one and the same conjunctive) and heterosyndetic (i.e. formed by different conjunctives). The most im­portant type of homosyndetic semi-compounding is the and-type. Its functional meaning is enumeration combined with copulation. E.g.:

A harmless young man going nowhere in particular was knocked down and trodden on and rose to fight back and was punched in the head by a policeman in mistake for someone else and hit the policeman back and ended in more trouble than if he had been on the party himself (M. Dickens).

A series of successive events is intensely rendered by a ho­mosyndetic construction formed with the help of the conjunctive then. E.g.:

You saw the flash, then heard the crack, then saw the smoke ball distort and thin in the wind (E. Hemingway).

Another conjunctive pattern used in homosyndetic semi-com­pounding is the or-type in its different variants. E.g.:

After dinner we sat in the yard of the inn on hard chairs, or paced about the platform or stumbled between the steel sleepers of the permanent way (E. Waugh). Babies never cried or gotthe wind or were sick when Nurse Morrison fed them (M. Dickens).

By heterosyndetik semi-compounding the parts of the sentence are divided into groups according to the meanings of the conjunc­tives. Cf.:

A native woman in a sarong came and looked at them, but vanished when the doctor addressed her (S. Maugham). Ugly sat in the bow and barked arrogantly at passing boats, or stood rockily peering in the river (M. Dickens).

The asyndetic connections in semi-compound sentences, within their range of functions, are very expressive, especially when making up long enumerations-gradations. E.g.:

He had enjoyed a sharp little practice in Split, had meddled before the war in anti-Serbian politics, had found himself in an Italian prison, had been let out when the partisans briefly "liberated" the coast, had been swept up with them in the retreat (E. Waugh).

In the mixed syndetic-asyndetic semi-compound sentence various groupings of coordinated parts are effected. E.g.:

He spun completely round, then fell forward on his knees, rose again and limped slowly on (E. Waugh).

In cases where multi-base semi-compound sentences are formed around one and the same subject-predicate combination, they are very often primitivized into a one-predicate sentence with coordinated secondary parts. Of these sentences, a very characteristic type is pre­sented by a construction with a string of adverbial groups. This type of sentence expresses an action (usually, though not necessarily, a movement) or a series of actions continued through a sequence of consecutive place and time situations. E.g.:

Then she took my hand, and we went down the steps of the tower together, and through the court and to the walls of the rock-place (D. du Maurier).